No practice PCs and WCA won't help us with anything. Luckily we brought our own translator so we found a small cafe to goto. It's so fucking cold though, we are all feeling sick. Doesn't help that Yinchuan is basically a ghost town.What are you guys doing today? Are practice areas available?
No wonder omniknight is top winrate in pubs
No practice PCs and WCA won't help us with anything. Luckily we brought our own translator so we found a small cafe to goto. It's so fucking cold though, we are all feeling sick. Doesn't help that Yinchuan is basically a ghost town.
Hilarious to see Void's winrate decreasing because his new, obviously more useful skill, is now an active that requires mechanical skill. Pub winrates of heroes correlate highly with difficulty or rather ease of execution.
But Lone Druid's WR has increased and the same thing happened to him getting a new active.
I'm just really confused all the time while in the jungledunno what I think of the radiant jungle now
Yup. The new Terrorblade is pretty shit. Doubt we will see him much unless someone finds a way to make him work.see? terrorblade is pure trash.
yeah tusk need to be thrown in with techies in shitholeville
Played Sand King today with the Aether and new Scepter. So much fun.
Yup. The new Terrorblade is pretty shit. Doubt we will see him much unless someone finds a way to make him work.
wow, arc warden is quite hard to play.
Slower snowball, that's all I need.
There's only 2 units at best(I'm not counting manta) and there's zero punishment for losing your clone. The hard part is that you have to keep track of the spells and items of two different heroes and if that's too much to handle then you're better off playing a different hero, I'm sure he's trash tier without his ult(if not, he's broken).Hes on the same level as meepo/chen
If you cant micro 4+ units you're not going to do much with him
The Desert Terrain is so god damn good.
The visibility is awesome!
Hilarious to see Void's winrate decreasing because his new, obviously more useful skill, is now an active that requires mechanical skill. Pub winrates of heroes correlate highly with difficulty or rather ease of execution.
I had no idea that cactus was as delicious and refreshing as tree!
nerfing stacking doesn't nerf jungling. Junglers like enigma, chen and ench rarely do stacks by themselves. It hurts heroes with aoe clears like qop, ta, storm, sf, who use those stacks to catch back up. They might make it that mud golems generate a magic resist aura to make it harder to clear larger stacks similar to when they added that passive to one of the ancient that gave aoe creeps more hp.
wildwing tornado and satyr shockwave are both magic; adding magic resist immediately and dramatically affects the two most useful spells for chench to clear camps
they could just increase the dmg of the two abilities to make up for it.
alternatively change their damage types. That said, I don't think magic resist is the answer. Lots of heroes utilize magic damage spells to farm that aren't abusing the jungle like storm or SF or TA do. Slark, for instance.
they wouldn't add magic resist anyway; so many non-carries would be nerfed in the process (centaur, junkiro, ogre, etc. etc. etc.)
Think the best way to nerf jungle abuse is to nerf the specific heroes. No need for changes to the jungle itself. Though perhaps some jungle geography changes would be appropriate. make stacking/farming from mid less trivial.
You can actually eat cacti.
inkls was right, moblin and normalfish were left
You got that from me you posinkls was right, moblin and normalfish were left
No wonder omniknight is top winrate in pubs
DC lost second game guaranteed
I mean if Jacky Mao can't make TB work I think there's no hope for that hero.tagged , if puppan pick tb for EE![]()