I forgot why I had quit playing dota for almost 3 months.
People still underestimate high ground, and throw every fucking time.
Did Alliance win?
Man, so happy for Alliance. They are probably my favorite team right now.
Yes, 3x2.
I almost never bother stacking with enigma, don't see a point to it tbh
You all need to watch one punch man right now!
Our TA went boots of travel first
Maybe she thought she was ember?
yeah right
BoTs yasha dragon lance talisman of evasion. What a buildup.
That was fast, but none of the changes are aimed at competitive. I guess those reworked heroes only got removed from CM to ensure that there weren't any gamebreaking bugs.
3/4/5 second channelHow long does Riki's new ult last? Doesn't seem to say in the tooltip.
I pretty much watched the whole Alliance v LGD set but then realized it was 4 in the morning and called it a night. Good on Alliance for winning though
any good games that are worth watching on the A vs LGD series?
aaaand another garbage 4 stack![]()
OD still garbage with these changes
NS : "hey I got an armlet which is good for a position 4"
yeah don't bother with aghs bro who needs vision vs brood AM
wtF why did riki get fUKN NERFED, hero is so dogshit--not to mention full dmg against creeps is what separated him from ember
legit tho give him back his goddam base stats so he can be a roamer/ganker again and not forced into afk farming for 30 minutes so he can be minutely useful once every 70s, i dont understand why his stats were gutted so hard (TWICE) and then his big utility that enabled support riki (turn rate slow on cloud) was gutted smh
i think OD shoulda just stayed exactly the same as 6.85 and then just like 50/100/150/200 damage added to prison, his rework is a bit awkward. i liked the damage idea on prison but that's all he needed without moving everything around imo (and reduced a tad to make up for that). cuz before OD would just steal chunks of int in a small amount of time and go on his merry way last hitting, and also just get 1 or 2 prisons off before a fight to steal a boatload of int and drop his ulti hammer--now he's gotta stand there and get like at least 6-7 auto attacks off (and he doesn't attack fast) before he wants to ult and it just seems meh
I wonder if the Lycan Aghs upgrade was true at some point. We ended up getting a DP rework (kinda)
I like the new OD, I think people just don't get how to play him.but then again i aint an od picker so i dont kno shit about that hero maybe hes op