lycan aghs, ult is permanent during night
make it happen
make it happen
lycan aghs, ult is permanent during night
make it happen
I'm reasonably good with OD and I don't like him at the moment. Could turn out being wrong in the long run because I haven't adapted to his new style but I really have no idea what to do with with his Orb. Too expensive to use in lane and not enough attack speed to make the int steal relevant later on.
moonshard sheepstick
wtF why did riki get fUKN NERFED, hero is so dogshit--not to mention full dmg against creeps is what separated him from ember
legit tho give him back his goddam base stats so he can be a roamer/ganker again and not forced into afk farming for 30 minutes so he can be minutely useful once every 70s, i dont understand why his stats were gutted so hard (TWICE) and then his big utility that enabled support riki (turn rate slow on cloud) was gutted smh
i think OD shoulda just stayed exactly the same as 6.85 and then just like 50/100/150/200 damage added to prison, his rework is a bit awkward. i liked the damage idea on prison but that's all he needed without moving everything around imo (and reduced a tad to make up for that). cuz before OD would just steal chunks of int in a small amount of time and go on his merry way last hitting, and also just get 1 or 2 prisons off before a fight to steal a boatload of int and drop his ulti hammer--now he's gotta stand there and get like at least 6-7 auto attacks off (and he doesn't attack fast) before he wants to ult and it just seems meh
Because?I'm also not fond of Agh's altering skill that aren't ultis.
what about aether lens on spirit breaker
nah everyone under 4k could gain at least 1k by using their brain when buying items or deciding to take fights
Should I steal CS on a support if my carry isn't getting it?
Terrible, game losing advice. Do not compete with your carry player for last hits, even if they suck at it. There's nothing more obnoxious than having to compete with your own team.Sure
Should I steal CS on a support if my carry isn't getting it?
is arc warden wasted as a support?
I want to give him a try but not in the carry role
Enough gold to buy a Midas, I'd say.I think he's wasted on a starving 5, but throw a little gold at him and I think he can do whatever the fook he wants.
Did Respecther get an inadvertent buff, looks like she's going to pass Omurice for the first time in a year for top winrate
edit: she kills rapier tping arcwardens
for all you aspiring dota 2 players
Interesting event I had tonight. Played a game with ta mid and lc jungle the enemy team had a furion who was feeding all the time. We asked the enemy team why he feeds, they had no clue. Later on he said he is doing it so he reaches 1 MMR and then sell his account. He was such a dick, he was trapping his teamates when we were chasing them so they die and ended up with 0-28.
Obviously we won the game. So I took a break for 10min and was ready for another game, I click play next game and I was thinking imagine if that furion is on my team this time would be funny. Problem is I didn't remembered his name. Before I have time to check recent games to see his name the game is ready already. I click ready hoping someone declines so we go back to main screen so I check that idiot's name but unfortunately the game started. I wait on loading screen and when the game loads I check the names fast and my eyes go right away to that guy and suddenly his name comes to my mind, I look down and I see my name written, we were on the same team. Fast as fuck before the game loads I type Ctrl+Alt+Del and terminate dota as fast as possible. I know I could just disconnect from the arrow on the upper left but at that moment I couldn't think anything else. I dodged a bullet right in the last seconds.
Tired midas, necro 3, travels arc warden, seems really unfair. What are you actually supposed to against that. It's like you have a free lycan.
Tired midas, necro 3, travels arc warden, seems really unfair. What are you actually supposed to against that. It's like you have a free lycan.