play unranked AR
then rage at clueless fucks who pick AR when they don't even know how heroes work
mmh that's kinda fucking insane ain't it
add magnus aghs on top of it for good measure
play unranked AR
then rage at clueless fucks who pick AR when they don't even know how heroes work
People playing all random or SD and then abandoning because they don't want to play what they got is most baffling to me, why the hell did you queue for something you clearly don't want to play?
All the ones I played witH were top notch moronswhat the fuck tide is a fucking bro, such a good hero in pubs
maybe try shadow blade (silver edge later) rather than blink, gives some damage and attack speed, can't hurt
All the ones I played witH were top notch morons
The Aghs doesn't work with your Manta illusions right? I think that would be a good change to make her even better as a split pusher but maybe too good.
And I agree with your point about Mjollnir, it doesn't really compliment Drow's skillset, it gives her nothing she needs.
Maelstrom to mjollnir only gives 30 damage to the proc damage, on top of 60 AS
If you don't absolutely need AS or the static charge I'd say don't upgrade it, it's rather costly for an item you're likely to ditch come super late game (unless you're dealing with heavy creeps spam ala furion or necrobooks, or megacreeps)
Mjollnir Aghs is like...bruh, try it. You 1 or 2-shot full waves of creeps because the split arrows can all proc maelstrom charges of their own. Mjollnir + Aghs Drow is only eclipsed by a Daedalus proc'ing, Bfury carrying Kunkka as far as wave clearing goes. But it didn't feel nearly as effective in team fights. Probably because I didn't have any big damage items and enemies don't usually group enough to cause the the kind of maelstrom proc'ing we'd want to see (split arrows only have a 375 radius). Which again makes it a farm accelerator rather than a team fight item. That said, Mjollnir + Aghs Drow can easily defend against megas by herself. That's how ridiculous it is.
I don't know, there might be mana problems.
I imagine that extra 30 damage, on all the procs on all the bounces more than makes it worth it. Plus, the as is always great to get even more procs and the charge is always good, even if not on yourself.
If you're offlane Void and have a team that can do the damage for you, then yes he can deal with it. If he's your main damage source you'll need damage first, aghs is pretty good though, resolves his mana issues.Yeah, but can Void really tolerate having one no-stats item (Blink) and one low-stats item (Aghs)?
people queueing all random, re-rolling their hero and then begging to swap because they didn't get what they wanted
Guys guys remember how the ti5 all star match was totally supposed to reveal pitlord according to trusty sources
I mean if they got Chen and then re-rolled Meepo or something, I wouldn't blame them. Otherwise I agree.
I think in that last Vive post on the main boards(or well, the one before the last, not the one that's about them having a new tech discovery), they demoed Summer Lesson in it or something, so it seems it isn't exclusive.
As for the room, guess it depends on the type of experience you'd trying for, don't think you need a full room for it for most of the stuff though. There was a video of some dev guy showing what kind of space you could get use for VR and it was fairly small. Like as long as you can move a table out of the way or whatever, that's enough space if you're going with systems where you don't actually walk yourself and what not. Seems a lot of it have to do with software solutions to movement.
Looks like a no on Summer Lesson for Vive.
i just want to help a young woman with her Japanese homework in VR
there is nothing weird going on here
Definitely itching to try Aghs Drow. Wonder how I'd incorporate my usual Blink/Force (if at all)After careful consideration and a few matches under the belt
Aghs is Drow's battlefury. No more, no less, really. Buying it with the hope of getting a lot of team fight mileage out of it is a fool's game. It doesn't turn Drow into Medusa or Luna. What it does do is let her clear faster than anyone in the game, period. Aghs + maelstrom is broken farming speeds.
Pick up a Dragon Lance to knock down towers if you're in a match where you can/want to play a pushing/split pushing style. With Dragon Lance, Drow basically becomes higher damage Sniper as far as towers are concerned, as she outranges max tower aggro range with that item (!) and hits for maybe 75% more damage at most phases of the game than Sniper does. Dragon Lance is also good for chasing down/kiting for kills. The build works well if you want to just find pickoffs. Break down Dragon Lance into Bfly and maybe BKB after the outter towers have all been claimed.
After you decide how you want to play the game and buy items to compliment it, fill in the rest of the items as needed (BKB, Daed, MKB, Satanic, whatever) as usual.
- Aghs is nothing just the equivalent of a Battlefury on AM. Primarily good for farming, but not a great item for team fighting. You significantly increase your farm potential but not so much your team fight damage unless you have like...idunno, maybe a Magnus or Enigma on the squad.
- Max farming build will include an early Aghs, Morbid and Maelstrom. You're the ranged anti-mage. Maybe include a blink dagger or phase boots or something for maximum farming efficiency.
- Max pushing build will include a Dragon Lance. Include Shadowblade for split pushing and aggro play. Shadowblade into Silver Edge if against an appropriate amount of passives worth disabling.
Note: One of the games I only had the Mjollnir as my best damage item and it felt like shit. Don't do that. Drow still needs a Daed or MKB to augment her damage later. I think stopping at maelstrom is really enough, then using that high income to build into "Drow-appropriate" items (bfly, daed, satanic, manta, etc). Maybe finish Mjollnir as the 6th item. Daed/MKB, Travels and Satanic before Mjollnir completion for sure. After fully 6-slotted, sell Aghs for something else, IMO.
More side lane carrys taking your runesjust discovered that you can buy a 1 charge bottle from the side shop
I either have Ebola or this is the worst fever ever. Thanks WCA.
I either have Ebola or this is the worst fever ever. Thanks WCA. <- I played against an Arc Warden who did this too. Not dropping rapiers for the clone on death and BKB always being 10s on the clone feels super game breaking.
i just want to help a young woman with her Japanese homework in VR
there is nothing weird going on here
What's the counter to this other than Spectre/NP? Split push them back, since they are 4v5 most of the game?