Gentle Rodriguez
I think/hope they've thought up several new heroes and are even mostly done with their design but don't want to reveal anything before we have full parity.
I hope
I hope
I have an idea. It will be melee hero. Maybe cute girl. Yeah, cute girl with a bow who can dash, deal area of effects damage, and slow, and also have attack speed boost, and skill shot.
Thats literally Windrunner
that feel when youre drunk and kost lost in the city
how the fuck do i get home
They should make more skillshots and mobility spells.
Also waifus like Kindred.
that feel when youre drunk and kost lost in the city
how the fuck do i get home
I've missed some blackholes and cancelled them early before, but I've never done this
Star Wars was pretty fucking dull. Damn, I'm disappointed.
Gifcam duuude. It could not be easier.
yeah I wasnt hyped for it or anything but its just ok
Hateful Eight and the Revenant still coming out this week tho
a friend just watched the h8ful 8 screener that leaked and said it was utterly boring
nothing but bad tarantino dialogue for hours and only two sets
a friend just watched the h8ful 8 screener that leaked and said it was utterly boring
nothing but bad tarantino dialogue for hours and only two sets
a friend just watched the h8ful 8 screener that leaked and said it was utterly boring
nothing but bad tarantino dialogue for hours and only two sets
I remember the Inglourious Basterds script leaking and people calling it shit. Turned out of my favourite movies ever.
h8 is 3 hours with an intermission. You either love that shit or you don't
a friend just watched the h8ful 8 screener that leaked and said it was utterly boring
nothing but bad tarantino dialogue for hours and only two sets
James Gunn does this without it being awful, he keeps reusing actors without it being super obnoxious.I really don't like it when directors use the same actors over and over.
Actors get lazy and it's too samey.
even though it included a 5 minute closeup of Uma Thurman's feet.
honestly my last lina game i TURNED ON
aether lens lina makes the hero imba again
Mute teammates beforehand.I want to do Aghs Luna but I don't want to be that guy who builds Aghs on Luna.
What do???
it's here. what if phoenix wright was actually a bird
After careful consideration and a few matches under the belt
Aghs is Drow's battlefury. No more, no less, really. Buying it with the hope of getting a lot of team fight mileage out of it is a fool's game. It doesn't turn Drow into Medusa or Luna. What it does do is let her clear faster than anyone in the game, period. Aghs + maelstrom is broken farming speeds.
Pick up a Dragon Lance to knock down towers if you're in a match where you can/want to play a pushing/split pushing style. With Dragon Lance, Drow basically becomes higher damage Sniper as far as towers are concerned, as she outranges max tower aggro range with that item (!) and hits for maybe 75% more damage at most phases of the game than Sniper does. Dragon Lance is also good for chasing down/kiting for kills. The build works well if you want to just find pickoffs. Break down Dragon Lance into Bfly and maybe BKB after the outter towers have all been claimed.
After you decide how you want to play the game and buy items to compliment it, fill in the rest of the items as needed (BKB, Daed, MKB, Satanic, whatever) as usual.
- Aghs is nothing just the equivalent of a Battlefury on AM. Primarily good for farming, but not a great item for team fighting. You significantly increase your farm potential but not so much your team fight damage unless you have like...idunno, maybe a Magnus or Enigma on the squad.
- Max farming build will include an early Aghs, Morbid and Maelstrom. You're the ranged anti-mage. Maybe include a blink dagger or phase boots or something for maximum farming efficiency.
- Max pushing build will include a Dragon Lance. Include Shadowblade for split pushing and aggro play. Shadowblade into Silver Edge if against an appropriate amount of passives worth disabling.
Note: One of the games I only had the Mjollnir as my best damage item and it felt like shit. Don't do that. Drow still needs a Daed or MKB to augment her damage later. I think stopping at maelstrom is really enough, then using that high income to build into "Drow-appropriate" items (bfly, daed, satanic, manta, etc). Maybe finish Mjollnir as the 6th item. Daed/MKB, Travels and Satanic before Mjollnir completion for sure. After fully 6-slotted, sell Aghs for something else, IMO.
What is the order of dragon lance, maelstrom, morbid mask and aghs? Do you disassemble the dragon lance when you build the aghs or bkb?
Ask me again on Saturday. I should have played enough Drow between now and then to have a meaningful opinion on which first and when.
Hey! You guys wanna see a Something Awful user get really fucking mad (and loud) at Dota?
grant untouchable to allies that are being healed by her E
They need to buff enchant's scepter. You get 60 less atk range from dragon lance for like 2400 less gold, and I don't recommend getting both.
I do it's HILARIOUS.