the 90s was like the early days of political correctness, the first fumbling steps
the 90s was like the early days of political correctness, the first fumbling steps
if you want to be my LOVER
you gotta get with my f r i e n d s
goddamnit, now spice girls is stuck in my head for the day
Come now that's no way to refer to inkls' mom.
kvk has been spending too much time with inkls in cat girl simulator 14 and stooped to his level
your boy inkls took down the ultima weapon yesterday
i was so proud
says the guy who wants to buy "teaching a girl stuff in vr so I can get in her pants" simulator
yo my blonde waifu needs to learn some nihongo
3 more weeks!i see the doto thread is in full patch shit mode; now we just need to transfer this shit posting to reddit in order to light the icefrog signal, works everytime
good... goood... it has already begun. MORE, WE NEED MORE DAMMIT.
Yeah and you saw what happened to people who speak that language in mgs5
i see the doto thread is in full patch shit mode; now we just need to transfer this shit posting to reddit in order to light the icefrog signal, works everytime
good... goood... it has already begun. BUT MORE, WE NEED MORE DAMMIT.
Does anyone remember the plot of mgsv?
good... goood... it has already begun. BUT MORE, WE NEED MORE DAMMIT.
Does anyone remember the plot of mgsv?
Does anyone remember the plot of mgsv?
"My face is a skull, i cant speak bulgarian"
"I lahv tha booss"
"Grr you are british and i hate you, i shall wipe out all languages except english"
"REVENGE!!!!!!" -everyone
tbh i think theinternetworld could do with significantly fewer manchildren whining about losing one instance of objectification of women
not sure why you'd want more
bye feliciaDo I post on KiA? Yes,
6.86 is imo the best patch since i started playing
Invoker exists, so that's false.
git gud tbh
meh, 6.86 techies suck so I'd say patch 6.84 was the best
6.86 is imo the best patch since i started playing
6.86 is imo the best patch since i started playing
Invoker exists, so that's false.
Twobear even says "imo", how can you say his opinion is false? <_<
Request for whoever's making the new OT: can you make sure there's a section on how to enable Dota 2 emoticons, whether through Matt's Chrome extension or the greasemonkey script (I can't remember who did those and my search skills are failing me, my apologies! )
Twobear even says "imo", how can you say his opinion is false? <_<
Request for whoever's making the new OT: can you make sure there's a section on how to enable Dota 2 emoticons, whether through Matt's Chrome extension or the greasemonkey script (I can't remember who did those and my search skills are failing me, my apologies! )
Worse mid patch since i started playing. We're down from 3 mids to 2 mids and one of them is pure cancer to play against.
there's barely even t2 mids and melee mids? Lol forget them if people only pick OD![]()
Like, this is legit the first patch where I don't even want to play mid, because its not fun. Its the same obnoxious feeling of laning vs a viper, but everygame with a better scaling viper.
Its not fun.
yeah but from the point of view of the other eight people in the ten player multiplayer game, mid not being the only relevant lane in the game is actually an improvement
make sf great again
Mid is still relevant lmao, but the pool is even smaller than before. Its just horrible to play in that lane, because of the heroes. OD was and is still a lane bully and honestly he makes the laning completely obnoxious and it doesn't stop there, he still keeps up at it past the laning stage and spreads to the other lanes.
Its the first time since i started playing that a mid hero pool has given me the feeling of limiting not only the heroes you play mid but that heroes I play in other lanes. He's like techies basically.
And I derive no enjoyment playing against him even when i beat him. I only have fun picking Nyx that much
Even during the sniper patch at least i'd pick storm vs him and have some fun. But nope, none here