i saw rtz with mid game veil on sf a few days ago
is he doing it right?
didn't he get shitslammed
honestly i think milkman's no raze SF is better than actual SF this patch which speaks volumes about the hero rOFL
i saw rtz with mid game veil on sf a few days ago
is he doing it right?
i said it being the ONLY relevant lane...those patches were aids for anybody else. it's more fun for non-mid players.
stinkls if mid ogre gets buffed will you play him y/n
ogre is seen as a support hero
so inkls will never play him
I play necro and he's a support, so yeah
> plays necro
> calls necro support
I got reported for Mid Necro one game, true story.
I got reported for Mid Necro one game, true story.
Thats weird how is mid even less relevant now? Supports still gank mid as much as they used to, carries still carry the game, offlaners still die in the offlane, how are the other lanes somewhat more relevant? Esp with the current mid pool.
excuse me but OD is less picked now than, say, storm spirit was at the height of 6.84 (17% vs 20% as per this analysis), and storm spirit was not iirc even the most picked mid hero in that meta, that award goes to leshrac.
didn't he get shitslammed
honestly i think milkman's no raze SF is better than actual SF this patch which speaks volumes about the hero rOFL
I'd report you for thatI got reported for buying mek on nerco once true story
not that i have a horse in this race or care either way, but the irony was too delicious to let fly... manchildren topkek
i truly feel offended that ur using this insensitive gender-specific slur and nonchalantly blanketing many internet denizens with it, truly inappropriate russ T i am very disapoint my friend i thot u were above this u kno, one of the non-humanchildren (just children i guess, we've come full circle???) crowd
yes and when its not OD its invoker. Still haven't answered my other question
the worst is when I just finish greaves on esatchma and the dark queer who's been silent all damn game pings "486 gold to finish mekansm" or w/e
the worst is when I just finish greaves on esatchma and the dark queer who's been silent all damn game pings "486 gold to finish mekansm" or w/e
i was rihplying to your accusatioN that this mid meta is somehow unbearable because OD is everywhere when he's less everywhere than other broken mid heroes were in previous patches.
to answer your other question, although on close material analysis it appears to be composed of roughly 90% fumes, the demise of ubermids has imo shifted the focus to safelaners and given a role to junglers, that portion of the hero pool that was rendered burdensome in the meta where winning mid wasn't even important when it was expected that you would just catch up in the jungle.
but then again i don't play mid...so maybe this patch is worse for mid players, but for the other positions that i do play i am enjoying it more.
huh? Mid isn't unbearable because OD is everywhere, its unbearable because OD is a viable mid.
How are safelaners more focused now? Because we have more strenght carries?
the worst is when I just finish greaves on esatchma and the dark queer who's been silent all damn game pings "486 gold to finish mekansm" or w/e
Roflbye felicia
God nomake sf great again
afsfdkjsjxkbye felicia
make troll great again
Yes. Naix buffs might bring me back for a few games.Yes pls
Also Naix.
You all only like cancer heroes...
says the slark lover![]()
I'm sorry, can't hear blue pikachu all the way down there in dumpster town...
true, i like veno and necro
viper sometimes he just 2ez and falls off like a rock
so you're not refuting it huh![]()
inkls is just in the rage phase of coping with his fave being nerfed, lashing out at everything and accusing it of being cancer. soon he'll pen a homerian epic about how tremendously op bradwarden is and get it all out of his system and then he can move on to the next phase which is begging for buffs in every patch.
Hmm but are you referring to me? I gave you quite a detailed explanation of why I don't like storm spirit and what I would like to see changed about him if he gets buffed? Or does any suggestion besides 'leave him exactly the same but make him better' count as unintelligent?nah, just in the phase where I give up on any form of intelligent balance discussion since clearly people didn't care about those and instead patiently wait for heroes to be gutted so I can simply say I don't care![]()
goodbye POE, go fuck yourself
selling a bunch of CoC discharge items cheaper than poe trade if anyone plays that shit game
Y u so mad brogoodbye POE, go fuck yourself
selling a bunch of CoC discharge items cheaper than poe trade if anyone plays that shit game