STop saying Jugg need nerf the hero fucking sucks and got high win rate in pubs because no one below 4k actually buy items that make the hero useless like eul or ghost, nor they understand that the hero's a fucking melee glass cannon.
You see darling, there are probably more 2-3k MMRs than good ones by a long shot,
Nerfing Jugg is fair since the large majority of gamers will benefit from it.
I wonder if the "find a home for the ice rack pups" was a reference to the Lycan cosmetic.
Sarah Chalke
I can't get past this panel because she reminds of me someone
mary louise parker? no....
Sarah Chalke
STop saying Jugg need nerf the hero fucking sucks and got high win rate in pubs because no one below 4k actually buy items that make the hero useless like eul or ghost, nor they understand that the hero's a fucking melee glass cannon.
or they could do like what people did with the PA event by learning to buy mbk's and start learning how to buy ghost scepters...
Its not rocket surgery
The problem with these items is they are expensive and generally won't be available to you in 10 minutes, especially as a support. Both of these heroes are a pain in the ass to gank early on.
Jugg does still need some kind of nerf, PA, probably not so much, but Jugg is stupid good right now.
People saying "LOL JUST BUY A GHOST SCEPTER OR EULS" feels like what people would say to newer players having trouble with Bloodseeker: "LOL JUST TP OUT ON HIM". The major difference here is one of those solutions is 100g while the others are much more than that, and if we're talking pre-10 minutes, if things aren't going well in general that could be bad.
I wonder if the "find a home for the ice rack pups" was a reference to the Lycan cosmetic.
euls and ghost are cheaper than mkb, and yet people bought mkb on literally every hero during the event.
if you're a support against a jugg, you have to play around the pre-ghost/euls part of the game just like you would play around heroes like spirit breaker or nyx; stick by your cores, don't get caught out alone, ward like crazy (smoke is an OP item), and just deal until your team wins some teamfights or takes some towers and you can afford stuff
it definitely sucks to support against those kinds of heroes (also: good rikis) but it just takes some more work
of course it's also always helpful when your team understands the situation and doesn't go nuts if you happen to get caught out once or twice
The problem with these items is they are expensive and generally won't be available to you in 10 minutes, especially as a support. Both of these heroes are a pain in the ass to gank early on.
Jugg does still need some kind of nerf, PA, probably not so much, but Jugg is stupid good right now.
People saying "LOL JUST BUY A GHOST SCEPTER OR EULS" feels like what people would say to newer players having trouble with Bloodseeker: "LOL JUST TP OUT ON HIM". The major difference here is one of those solutions is 100g while the others are much more than that, and if we're talking pre-10 minutes, if things aren't going well in general that could be bad.
I can't get past this panel because she reminds of me someone
mary louise parker? no....
She looks like most of these, but I immediately thought of someone who looked like her the second I saw the image, forgot about it, and now I can't recall who it was. This is upsetting.
Elizabeth banks? Fuck. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the eyes and the way the smile's a little bent. Why can't I let this go
I can't get past this panel because she reminds of me someone
mary louise parker? no....
A couple of pages back there was some discussion on if valve should throw more resources towards DOTA 2. I've been in software development for a while, and based on what I've observed it isn't only about throwing more resources towards a project. It is about applying the correct resources. If not a project can be "completed", but maybe lacking in the normal quality standards. This can cause several ugly situations.
test patch confirmed coming today
Items that drop are not marketable, but can each be gifted one time to a friend.
If there's a balance patch I'll do an analysis stream of it.
- Pausing is no longer allowed in Unranked All Pick if your team is connected and hasn't picked their heroes
- Pausing In matchmaking games now has a countdown timer before initiating a pause