I think it's safe to assume that we will be able to get the Year Beast as a companion.
2400 Ability Points for the Year Beast Brawl event
Allows you and your team to earn Ability Points for each victory in a regular match during the Year Beast Brawl event
- Juggernaut's agility growth reduced from 2.85 to 2.4
- Juggernaut's Healing Ward manacost rescaled from 80/100/120/140 to 120/125/130/135
- Juggernaut's Bladefury manacost rescaled from 110 to 120/110/100/90
- Axe's Berserker's Call no longer affects invulnerable units (like Cycloned units)
- Axe's Berserker's Call no longer keeps the targets disabled if Axe dies while the targets still have the debuff
- Axe's Culling Blade kill threshold reduced from 250/350/450 to 250/325/400 (Scepter from 300/450/625 to 300/425/550)
- Fixed the Hill Troll Priest in the small camp sometimes not moving when the rest of the camp was pulled by taking damage
- Fixed the Hill Troll Priest in the small camp sometimes not moving when the rest of the camp was pulled by taking damage
- Fixed the Hill Troll Priest in the small camp sometimes not moving when the rest of the camp was pulled by taking damage
- Fixed the Hill Troll Priest in the small camp sometimes not moving when the rest of the camp was pulled by taking damage
- Fixed the Hill Troll Priest in the small camp sometimes not moving when the rest of the camp was pulled by taking damage
- Buyback readiness UI now takes into account how much gold you will lose when dying
- Pausing is no longer allowed in Unranked All Pick if your team is connected and hasn't picked their heroes
- Enabled Phantom Lancer in Captain's Mode [?]
- Juggernaut's agility growth reduced from 2.85 to 2.4
- Juggernaut's Healing Ward manacost rescaled from 80/100/120/140 to 120/125/130/135
- Juggernaut's Bladefury manacost rescaled from 110 to 120/110/100/90
- Axe's Berserker's Call no longer affects invulnerable units (like Cycloned units)
- Axe's Berserker's Call no longer keeps the targets disabled if Axe dies while the targets still have the debuff
- Axe's Culling Blade kill threshold reduced from 250/350/450 to 250/325/400 (Scepter from 300/450/625 to 300/425/550)
- Vengeful Spirit's Wave of Terror duration reduced from 20 to 15 seconds
- Lion's Hex unit movement speed reduced from 100 to 140 (same as Scythe of Vyse)
- Dire Ancients spawn box restriction area is now a bit smaller
- Various Pathing Improvements
- Fixed being unable to play bot games when you are offline
- Buyback readiness UI now takes into account how much gold you will lose when dying
- Pausing is no longer allowed in Unranked All Pick if your team is connected and hasn't picked their heroes
- Pausing In matchmaking games now has a countdown timer before initiating a pause
- Fixed various projectile particle effects being visible in Fog of War
- Moved the kill text lower so it does not get blocked by the "Killed By" screen
- Fixed the courier sometimes failing to deliver items if the deliver key was pressed soon after an item was purchased
- Networth Graph now updates automatically after hero kills instead of with a delay
- Alt clicking now works on enemy buffs
- Replays now start recording only after players have finished loading
- Left clicking actions on the minimap no longer ignores input for the first 0.2 seconds
- Added a new command to help debugging/analysis (dota_show_spectated_unit_orders) by showing player inputs when watching a replay or spectating.
- Fixed the Hill Troll Priest in the small camp sometimes not moving when the rest of the camp was pulled by taking damage
- Fixed an issue with neutral creeps and Roshan becoming idle when silenced.
- Fixed Lone Druid's Bear's Necronomicon Warriors not giving kill credit to Lone Druid
- Added all sound directories to the whitelist for -enable_addons
- Several ability description adjustments and fixes
- Juggernaut's Bladefury manacost rescaled from 110 to 120/110/100/90
They buffed pub Juggernaut!
is that claudia black as winter wyvern's voice or
Fucking dawwwww
Any reports on how the Spectre voice sounds? I can't try this stuff til I get home from work. Test client will take too long to download during lunch.
Here is one of the lines, I'm sure the full set will be on the wiki soon:
Here is one of the lines, I'm sure the full set will be on the wiki soon:
Should only be available to people who've played CM 75 times or more. Mothafuckas are about to be buying this as if they actually play CM. In reality it's just me, Haly and Anuxi.![]()
Like many great poets, Auroth just wants time to write, but the Winter Wyvern's life is full of interruptions. The epics of the Eldwurms have a long and colorful history, but some fear that the remaining dragon scholars are not as prolific as they once were, with few lines added to the Eldwurm Eddas since the last age of greatness. Auroth laments: \"We forget that there is more to life than triumph and dominion over enemies. We must also live our lives in the pursuit of creative expression.\" She embarks on research expeditions, collecting books for inspiration. But all this research can be terribly distracting, and she spends less time writing than she should. Although she knows she should be lurking in her lair, adding to the Eddas, she finds herself engaged in epic battles against powerful enemies. She loots castles, raids ancient libraries ... and if she happens to heap glory on herself in the process, she tells herself that it's merely a side effect of her research. The fact is, while her skill and power on the battlefield are legendary, her scholarly travails have thus far hardly been the stuff of literary acclaim. But she is not content to stand as a protagonist of heroic lore. She wishes also to create it.
Valve are fucking diabolical geniuses, charging 30 bucks for cute puppies