I like this explanation.Ur not a whale if you don't have all the shit that is way too expensive for no reason.
Whales are blind to superficial shit like looks or price. They jus open there mouth aND consume everything: plankton, fish, garbage.
Ur like a dolphin - makin a lotta noise, choosing ur prey, but you cast no shadow
Secret.Attacker! u heard it here first
Also red ale is disgusting
Dude I warned you. Why'd you guys all order what I had.
Fucking awful dude god bless the cute server with black hair who gave me multiple coca colas
I cant buy more levels? I battled with myself about getting more levels because I wanted more immortals... ugh they are gonna be so expensive and I got such garbage ones too![]()
I cant buy more levels? I battled with myself about getting more levels because I wanted more immortals... ugh they are gonna be so expensive and I got such garbage ones too![]()
I cant buy more levels? I battled with myself about getting more levels because I wanted more immortals... ugh they are gonna be so expensive and I got such garbage ones too![]()
Also red ale is disgusting
I don't play league but wtf. Is LCS so complex and nuanced my dota brain cannot compute.I'm not sure if the champions or the players are the problem. From what I saw everyone plays super sloppy in Dota. Like they don't play risk averse like League players do and that translates to how they draft. I watched the finals last night and it seemed like people just randomly die way more often in Dota for virtually no reason.
I don't play league but wtf. Is LCS so complex and nuanced my dota brain cannot compute.
During that game, I was like either IceFrog buffed Faceless Void and I missed that, or Shadow is using an item build (if not a 100% bash chance cheat) to have a huge damage output. I thought the chance was pseudo-random, so how does he perma-bash during the whole game?
I don't play league but wtf. Is LCS so complex and nuanced my dota brain cannot compute.
"Randomly die for virtually no reason" League players are so cute, not knowing what it's like for heroes to actually be lethal.
We seriously doing mobawars smhI don't play league but wtf. Is LCS so complex and nuanced my dota brain cannot compute.
League is all about efficiency. In a way DOTA can't even be due to have so many more factors. In league, if players got picked off or died to the random stuff that happens in DOTA, it would be very poor play.
I'm sure it will be a constructive thread full of informed opinions.someone should make a gaming side thread about this issue![]()
I think the "meme" (I really hate calling strats memes) is just that the SD illusions strat was a major factor in winning a handful of TI games.i'm not sure 6.88 can be qualified as illusion meta
i agree with winter saying no meta boiz at the end
i'm not sure 6.88 can be qualified as illusion meta
i agree with winter saying no meta boiz at the end
PLD is one of the best supports in DOTA. If he played like that in league, he'd be shit. That's where the variance's considered poor play in DotA as well. Since when is "so and so got caught out" not an indicator of a misplay? The issue as I see it is that in DotA there's a lot more movement and risk-taking because the game incentivizes risky plays. The meta in DotA is also substantially more open-ended allowing more roaming from supports and junglers throughout the game, and certain heroes have designs that exacerbate that (Chen and Ench for example).
the immortals are cheap af right now
immortals are dirt cheap dude, go get them
Not buying compendium FTWthe immortals are cheap af right now
Pudge 0% winrate please buff
Alch 0% win rate please buff.
His winrate can somehow go negative and he would still get picked.
His winrate can somehow go negative and he would still get picked.
(A common theme of Kuro's. aka making me buy movie tickets and taxi rides / paying for food for both of us)
That's LC.
If only Icefrog could give the Mirana Aghs treatment to every other worthless Aghs (hint hint Luna, the original blue laser nuker)
Still not that goodSF Aghs now does full damage when the souls come back @miranaupanaghs