Lol don't even start. I'll crush u Ez. Always dodging n shit cuhlol you cant compete with me kid why bother
Lol don't even start. I'll crush u Ez. Always dodging n shit cuhlol you cant compete with me kid why bother
LOL u actually bet on Ash bro. Never bet on Ash. he cant even win a damn league with his pikachu taking out two Pokemon in the finalsIIRC the third was shorter
15$ PayPal for the person that organizes IHL 4
Edit: do it for the fun we all would have... And 15$...
Edit2: have it set up before the next update and I'll make it 20$
legit someone should do it don't make me do it again boys pLS need some good ol captain's mode gaf doto
You're the man for the yob hylian. We need you to deliver with this shit. I belieb.I've been considering doing it. I know TUSR and Anbokr had mostly everything for it ready to go.
If I were to do it, I'd like to hear more feedback on what should change from the IHL2 and 3.
Lol wtfIHL4 should be more like Fantasy League.
You choose a team of 5 GAFers and then in their weekly pubs you get points for their achievements.
IHL4 should be more like Fantasy League.
You choose a team of 5 GAFers and then in their weekly pubs you get points for their achievements.
LOL u actually bet on Ash bro. Never bet on Ash. he cant even win a damn league with his pikachu taking out two Pokemon in the finals
He fuckin choked man. Charizard too strongDude he ahd it in the fucking bag. But then Goodra jobs harder that Mankind, and a goddamn rain boosted untouched shounen powered up Greninja can't take down a Mega Charizard X and took a thunderbolt form a level 10000 pikachu when he was a regular zard.
I'm so salty about this.
IHL4 should be more like Fantasy League.
You choose a team of 5 GAFers and then in their weekly pubs you get points for their achievements.
Secret boss most likely?
i think ihl3 was pretty smooth in terms of team size, length, etc... showing up on time and committing to your team unfortunately just comes down to captains and players (ihl2 people were much more diligent, lotta no-shows in ihl3 tho). whatever you wanna change is up to you but you can copy pasta the entire rules/setup and adapt it how you see fit
the only big change imo that you might want to consider is an individual elo league (more work here cause you gotta revamp some stuff) where you either have a bot draft random players everygame (autobalanced based on your individual ihl mmr) or new captains for every pick up inhouse and your league mmr or elo goes up and down per win and loss
the individual type of league is going to be more work though (bot potentially, new spreadsheet, etc...), and in the past whenever we did an individual league (in hon) people complained that they like teams better and then when we did teams people were like hey maybe we should do individual lol (so moral of the story is you can't please everyone just gotta yolo)
Evey patch ending with "9" had a boss hero in it which was the next hero. The timing of this seems too perfect
Didn't Notail mention there'd be quite a bit of new blood in the scene? Pretty sure Attacker and Cancel haven't played competitively before.Attacker, cancel, svg, ccc, Puppey
Didn't Notail mention there'd be quite a bit of new blood in the scene? Pretty sure Attacker and Cancel haven't played competitively before.
I haven't played DOTA in a month
Kirby, pls don't flame me on reddit.
ShqdowbantKirby, pls don't flame me on reddit.
game is shit
why the fuck is twig banned again U FUCK
best not be perma
anyone in this thread got this set willing to do a gift trade?
So i moved house recently and for some reason DOTA 2 is really jerky for me. I think it is really bad packet loss? But my Ping is absolute fine (sub 40ms most of the time).
Any ideas?
Oh and Rainbow Six Siege, the only other online game I play, is absoluty fine.
3 games in a row full of swearing, racial slurs and hate, even after winning. Trying to come back to dota after 2 months away, and I remember why I left. Guess I'm too old to play this.
Dont you dare mock my saltiness, mister.
careful, don't go all toxic on us
How many of you guys are familiar with Texas-style barbecue? There's a place near me that I want to try but I'm not sure what rubs or sauces or etc they use.
I have also, somehow, never had brisket in my life. It is not that popular here.
3 games in a row full of swearing, racial slurs and hate, even after winning. Trying to come back to dota after 2 months away, and I remember why I left. Guess I'm too old to play this.
Really? That is odd. I will have to go find it and make sure it's off then!Are you on windows 10? Apparently the last update turned on recording during games.