Datamined from the Dark Rift patch, new champion??
There's a string that says "Nekros Prime".

Datamined from the Dark Rift patch, new champion??
There's a string that says "Nekros Prime".
Datamined from the Dark Rift patch, new champion??[IMG]
There's a string that says "Nekros Prime".[/QUOTE]
Is that patch out haly?
This post game summary shite is great. Haven't dived too deeply into it yet but I think it might make dotabuff/yasp etc irrelevant for me now.
Is that patch out haly?
Tresdin, literally the first responder to the Underlord incursion, has NO BUFFS and NO COMIC CONCULSIOMN. Truly the most hated of all Icefrog's creatures
They just made it into a full page splash ad for cosmetics.
Not surprised there isn't a "wear this outfit" button yet
Compendium prediction points finally handed out but they're stiffing ppl on some bracket predictions from what I can tell for whatever reason.
ULs stun seems very OP
Huge AOE and instant
Makes chasing him impossible without mobility
its not a stun it's a root isnt it?
Honestly one of the worst heroes I have played in Dota. Just no fun at all. Not sure about his balance but I feel like abandoning due to how unfun he is.
giff 6.89
Datamined from the Dark Rift patch, new champion??
There's a string that says "Nekros Prime".
its time to take off the mask.Apparently Miranda's face got a stealth update today
echo sabre seems good on pitlord that and shivas/ac
I caught up
TUSR had nothing to do with this and didn't even show what I gave him, he has no pride.This is what comes of meeting TUSR irl.
Whos between luna and om?
Whos between luna and om?
Pudge in the Dendi set.
So, uh, where do you lane Underlord exactly? Is he a position 4 support? Offlaner?
Also when will Dota 2 get Stickers? I wanna put stickers onto my Effigies.
Does his aura work with zombies from Undying's Tombstone? Seems like they'd make a good pair to terrorize the offlane if true
Aura works with enemy units, not friendly
I haven't tested it yet, does it work the other way around with undying zombies?
Aka kill them and get damage.
I wish Overwatch's gg ez filter made its way to other games/real life.