A brand-new chapter in the Dragon Ball Z saga has arrived!
Now you can experience all the nonstop action in the palm of your hand!
◎Explore the World of Dragon Ball!◎
Face off against formidable adversaries from the anime series! Explore your favorite areas in a whole new way with unique board-game-style gameplay! Utilize various items and power-ups to strengthen your team and steel yourself for the battles ahead!
◎Intense Over-the-Top Action!◎
Simply tap the Ki Spheres on the screen to engage in supersonic combat! The fighting is so extreme your screen won't be able to handle it! Awaken the true potential of your favorite Dragon Ball characters and make them stronger than ever before! You’ve never experienced Dragon Ball like this!
◎Assemble Your Very Own Dream Team!◎
Create your own team from a wide variety of Dragon Ball characters! You can even group together certain characters to activate powerful Link Skills! Only Dokkan Battle gives you the freedom to build virtually any team you want! Take your trusty fighters to the battlefield and rise to the top!
◎Time is of the Essence!◎
The story begins when Trunks’ Time Machine crash-lands on a planet where the Dragon Ball timeline has been thrown into chaos! Who could be behind this sinister turn of events? Work together with Trunks to get to the bottom of this mystery, battling legions of familiar foes along the way. The very fate of the Dragon Ball universe rests on your shoulders!
Get pumped--the world of "Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle" awaits you!
Android: Download Here
IOS: Download here
Offical Site: http://dbz-dokkan.bngames.net/en/

Q & A:
How does the battle system work?
I advice you to check out the official website and press the "How To" button, it'll show you ingame screenshots with text explaining how it all works. These screens are also shown during the install phase on the phone.
How do I earn Dragon Stones?
So far it seems that most stages give you 1 soul for clearing it, clearing it on a higher difficulty also awards you a soul, so you can gain a total of 3 souls per stage.
Mucho importanto, can I gather the dragonballs?
Yes you can, in fact it's fairly easy. You can click on the Shenlong button, and when you press the balls you don't have yet it'll give you it's location. Once all seven are gathered you an ask for the following:
- Increase character inventory space and get dragon stones
- Get many items
- Increase team cost and get rare awakening medals
- Expand quest inventory and item limit
Any option you've selected before will be grayed out.
What should I spent my Dragon Stones on?
Well, you'd do well to spend the first five on a Summoning, and keep the remaining that you'll earn. You can invest them in more character slots, or use them to get new characters. However if it's more characters you want, it might be best to wait until events that increase the chance of SR+ to show up.
What's the character ranking?
The game features the following ranks:
N ( Common ) - Your cannon fodder so to speak, you use these in you team if u have no R or higher to fill in a position. Also used to train other characters. Can be obtained through clearing stages. Level cap is 20.
R ( Rare ) - So far seem to be gained from Events and Summoning them with Dragon Stones. Level cap is 40.
SR ( Super Rare ) - Gained from Events and summoning them with Dragon Stones. Level cap is 60.
SSR ( Super Super Rare ) - Gained from summoning them with Dragon Stones. Level cap is 80.
UR ( Ultra Rare ) - Currently not available, will be obtainable through Summoning them with Dragon Stones. Level cap is 100.
Any specific character I should go for?
Well, first off all, there's one important thing to know. During your first pull you're limited to a handfull of SR cards:
Android 16, 17, 18, Burter, Captain Ginyu, Imperfect Cell, Chi Chi, Dr Gero, Gohan, Goku, Guldo, Frieza, Krillin, Master Roshi, Mercenary Tao, Nappa, Zarbon
These are more or less the ones you can obtain with the first pull. Preferably you want someone like Goku or Frieza on your first pull, as they have some of the highest stats available from these characters. Now after the tutorial you'll be rewarded five Dragon Stones that you can use on Summoning a new character. If u do have the patience of a monk who has taken up a vow of silence, you would do well to reroll until you get one of the four SSR cards, them being SSJ Goku and SSJ Vegeta. Both have two different versions. However the droprate is incredibly low, so if you don't want to reroll to often, just make sure you get a decent SR character on both your first and second pull.
Also, it seems that based on the form you see Goku in when summoning, you have a higher chance of obtaining a better card. However, this is not yet proven.
One last thing, you are unable to use characters with the same name on your team. This means that if your first pull happens to be SR Goku, and your second pull is the SSJ Goku version, which is SSR, you can only use one of them on your team.
Can I reroll?
Yes, on Android all you have to do is delete the data and start all over again. No idea how it works on IOS.
What does Awakening do?
Awakening is basically a power up. It's recommended you do this once you've maxed out a character. Once you've applied all awakening items, you'll be able to perform a Z-Awakening, which increases the rarity of a card. KEEP IN MIND Your character stays the same, he only gets a power boost and a shiny background.
There are daily events from Monday to Friday that drop Stat specific items:
Monday: AGL
Tuesday: TEQ
Wednesday: INT
Thursday: STR
Friday: PHY
Does this game have events?
Yes, in fact there are currently a couple of events going on, for example you're able to obtain a R Goku, SR Vegeta and R Gohan. Some of these have a 100% drop rate, others have a specific drop rate which which increases when playing on a harder difficulty. There are also daily events which reward you more money, or reward the player with specific training items.
Any beginner tips?
As soon as you've done a few stages I advice you to go for both the R Gohan and R Goku event ( depends on whether or not you have Goku already ). These cards are pretty strong and relatively easy to get. Also the very first mission "After the tournament..." is pretty easy to beat on Hard, and nets you roughly 1100 EXP, so it's an easy way to level up early on.
Further info:
Both sites are JP, but can give you some hilarious translations and also show you the characters that we can expect as well as possible events.
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