Then again, what good is all your awesome level 3 gear if you've all but finished the game? Carry over everything to a new game + on Hard?
Thanks for the intel, mate. I was worried you were gonna say that.I tried second form Daimon a couple of times but didn't really make much headway. First form is no problem but the second form I could do hardly any damage on and his annoying spectral smacks just kill me.
I've played pure Sorceror build all the way through and still pretty happy with it. It destroys everything I have encountered so far except the second form of our friend. Not sure how feasible it is to switch to ranger now with f**k all stamina and no idea how the class even works. Hmm... gonna try Diamon again soon and see if a few extra levels have made any difference.
Just got this game from PS+. Simply adore it. Just did the Witch Hunt quest. I'm going for the warrior class but right now I'm a fighter.
Have a couple of questions:
1) Why is Hard mode so cheap? Seriously everything would one hit me (even a goblin) or stagger me which would then result in me getting killed. Dropped it for normal mode.
2) How do you know when you going to get staggered by a hit? I have the starting off shield and I'm not getting staggered by great swords lol. On hard I would get staggered by normal swords.
3) Are the contents of a chest random or are their rare chests that are more likely to give rare stuff?
4) I see gifts when talking to some NPC's? Romance? Does it matter, can't be bothered with it right now, but do I loose romancing options if I don't start early?
Game is a real beauty too.
Hmm, I hardly ever played as a Sorcerer (only to Dragonforge specific weapons/gear) but since you have a high magic attack, you could probably make that strategy work by switching to Magick Archer.
For skills, use Sixfold, Explosive Bolts, and Hunter Bolt -- then, just use the magic boosting periapts (Demon?) and you should be good to go. If you fire off Hunter Bolt when standing at his feet and looking up, you can get all the bolts to hit him right in the chest and you can stunlock him like that. If you have a ring/band that boosts Sixfold to Ninefold, that will definitely do damage.
You probably don't have the magic bow you get from Grigori, and Dragon's Tempest (with lightning enchantment) is the best one you can find on BBI, except for the one you get from Daimon. There's a merchant in the Everfall that sells a good one, I believe he's in the Chamber of Remorse (5th one down), or maybe the Chamber of Estrangement (10th one down). It'd be best to have whatever bow you use rarified to silver, at least.
Even though you can use a mage's staff and the bow, I'd recommend using daggers for the roll ability so you can dodge all his spectral attacks and hit him with Hundred Kisses when he's on the floor.
Yeah I have gone mage -> sorceror and haven't switched on that even once. So my magic is incredibly potent but everything else is weak, especially stamina.
I wonder if a class switch now might be a great thing. Because I am on a rinse-and-repeat cycle right now with everything so maybe this will freshen things up. I did plan to try a new class but I was digging Sorceror too much. Level 115 is a bit late to be switching but what the hey. I've got loads of weapons stashed so probably something I could use.
Problem is though, if I manage to do this and I get a bunch of level 3 gear for archer how does that really help me? Ideally I need sorc gear unless I switch to magic archer permanently. Is the gear totally random?
Is this currently on EU PS+ IGC?
edit: I have a free month, so I was thinking about using it to play the DA expansion. If so, what's the file size? Thanks.
About 12 gigs to download and about 22 gigs (total) free to install.
So I found the 20 wakestones in Everfall and opened the portal at the bottom. Do I jump through it now and wrap things up? Should I go to that new BBI place that came with the DLC first?
[..] Eternal Ferrystone. So useful. I'd been stocking up on Ferrystones every time I was in Grand Soren. Was there a prompt at the start telling me about it? Kinda annoying to miss it so easily.
Also, are server problems common with anyone else? Had no problems last year, but keep timing out on this version. I've only had my Pawn enlisted once, and I'm lvl 45ish.
Hmm... OK so just wrap things up for now?You can go to BrittleBack Isle on a NewGame+: you'll have to complete the first quests though (that means you have to kill the Hydra and get access to Grand Soren then you can use ferrystones or use the lady at night in Cassardis). The story on BrittleBack is completely separated from the main and has new enemies, music, equipment, etc.
How can I get one? I've already completed the game once but I never got it.
Cursed items aren't decided what they are until you purify them, and what they are is dependent on you and your pawn's vocation when purifying.
If you have a lvl3 armor piece to purify, you can get 3 different results. There's a color-coded system in place for the vocations:
Fighter/Warrior = Red
Mage, Sorcerer = Blue
Strider, Ranger = Yellow
Mystic Knight = Red/Blue
Assassin = Yellow/Red
Magick Archer = Yellow/Blue
So if you are a Sorcerer and your pawn is a Fighter when you purify a lvl3 armor piece, it will pull from the Red/Blue pool, giving you either armor for Red or Blue; but if you were both Sorcerers when purifying, it would only pull from the Blue stuff. It works the same way for weapons and gear, as well.
This way, you can play and collect all the items as one vocation and switch to another right before purification. You don't always get what you want though; you could both be Sorcerers when purifying but the game can still give you a Mage's staff instead of a Sorcerer's.
Don't know if you can get one just from the main game, but if you had a save file from the disc version then it gives you one automatically, even if you start a new save file.
Hmm... OK so just wrap things up for now?
Do I get to keep all my items, equipment, skills, etc. for New Game+ ? Do I still get to keep my pawn?
Wow that's really great intel. Thanks! That would explain why all my level 3 gear has been stuff for my pawn or mage stuff :-(.
So the solution is to farm a boss I haven't even been able to put a scratch on, using a class I've never touched before with gear I don't even have. Sounds great!
I was checking out magic archer on the wikki and it seems like it could be good fun to play for a while. So I will definitely give this a spin. And of course it will be great to kill Diamon's second form for completeness.
And, does the game get better? I mean, I'm having some fun, but for now it's not really great. Maybe I'm missing something that will make me enjoy the game more...
I'm an Assassin (from a Strider).
For now it's just... pretty bland. The story hasn't really kicked off(I hope it will), the gameplay it's ok.
Can someone here clarify how Post Game, NG+ and Bitterblack Isle work together?
There's something you need to do at the encampment first. Make sure you've spoken to everybody there.I've finished all the missions in the hometown city and now I really don't know what to do. I trying to head to Gran Soren but some soldiers won't let me through a Waycastle blocking the way. Can someone help me out ?
When you put it like that, lol.
There are chests scattered around in all 3 stratums (only on your 2nd run) that give lvl3 armor, gear and novelties; two in the area where you find the first prisoner GoreCyclops chained up (at the very top of the room, and at the bottom in the bone cave, across the bridge). It's just that once you're able to kill Daimon in less than 10min, that becomes the fastest way to get stuff.
For Magick Archer, Ricochet Hunter destroys everything in tight spaces -- Living Armors, Eliminators, Elder Ogres -- all get wrecked.
There's something you need to do at the encampment first. Make sure you've spoken to everybody there.
So I have been playing Demons Souls lately, is this game anything like that? Looks really great imo.
I'm playing both these days, and I wouldn't say they have too much in common, but I love them both for their own reasons.
Combat in this game isn't usually as high-risk and doesn't reward patient study and footsies as much as Demon's Souls. It's more about flash/intensity/sick animations, and gets decided more by your reaction-time, character level, item management and AI helpers. When it gets hard, it usually means that you're trying to tackle a new area improperly-equipped or at too low a level, versus DeS, where it's usually more on your knowledge of the level and enemies' patterns.
That said, the combat has a lot of nice touches and is a great escape, feeling fast and responsive like Devil May Cry, with fun archery and the option of Shadow-of-the-Colossus-style monster-climbing. Most of all, this game is awesome for throwing you in against different boss-level monsters over and over again, especially once you get through the slightly-sluggish main story, which is a pretty great feeling to experience.
The character-creator is a lot of fun, and the AI-controlled pawn you create in addition to your character gets put out there for others to see, adventure with and rate, which I particularly enjoy. Be warned, that's the only multiplayer element, so it can't really compare to Souls games in that respect.
Thanks! Doesnt sound quite like I ha hoped, but still good, so will definitely pick it up and play it when I have finished Demons Souls (have two levels left). Is there a particular version that is preferable? 360 or PS3?
If want the full digital-download, PS3 is your only option. For 360 Dark Arisen is only available in disk form. I'm assuming PS3 is getting an influx of new players right now because this game is currently featured on PS+. Not really sure which is the more active version though. It looks like the 360 DD board on GameFAQs moves faster, if that's a sign of anything.
And if you get it on 360, I'll let you rent my pawn.![]()
Ok, im post-game dungeon crawling through everfall right now for the first time and im a little bit confused.
how many stages are there? unlimited and randomised? what about the locked gates, can i open them? in what order should i progress through the stages? why do i have to keep smashing on a hydra for 10 minutes until its dead? why is the ur-dragon suddenly there? why is everything so goddamn strong (lvl 50)? what is the purpose? are the chest randomised? why is the loot so shitty?
im having tons of questionsmarks over my head right now. i heard BBI should be even harder, so im staying away from that right now.
Im always going retail anyways (and my PS3 harddrive is really small as well), so 360 it is then I guess. Time to look for some sweet deals I guessOh, and thanks for the Pawn offer - but isnt it part of the experience to make it yourself?
anyone? :*(Ok, im post-game dungeon crawling through everfall right now for the first time and im a little bit confused.
how many stages are there? unlimited and randomised? what about the locked gates, can i open them? in what order should i progress through the stages? why do i have to keep smashing on a hydra for 10 minutes until its dead? why is the ur-dragon suddenly there? why is everything so goddamn strong (lvl 50)? what is the purpose? are the chest randomised? why is the loot so shitty?
im having tons of questionsmarks over my head right now. i heard BBI should be even harder, so im staying away from that right now.
- There are 15 chambers in the Everfall, they are not random.
- Locked gates cannot be opened.
- You can progress through the Everfall in any order, some chambers are easy, some much harder.
- The Archydra is a great fight, you fight it because boss monsters drop wakestones and rare materials.
- The Ur-Dragon is the ultimate enemy outside of anything on BBI; defeating it (online) gives you 20 wakestones and some the best gear outside of BBI. Defeating it offline is much easier but you lose out on the Abyssnal Armor (but you'll find better stuff in BBI).
- Everything is strong to provide you with a challenge, I guess.
- The purpose is gameplay (challenge) and story related.
- Chests are not randomized.
- Loot is shitty because all of the good loot has a really low drop rate (2-5%). You can save before opening one, then use the Godbane blade if it gives you crap, but you'll find those same items (and better ones) in BBI.
Keep running the Everfall until you can kill the Ur-Dragon (offline) without too much trouble, then head over to BBI.
BBI can be kind of easy, or frustratingly hard depending on your vocation; I feel Magick Archers have the easiest time with 95% of the enemies you'll find there.