So I played the vanilla game last year, and stopped just at the beginning of NG+, at the camp right before the hydra. I started Dark Arisen from PS+ and imported my save, got my unlimited ferrystone (yessss, I suppose I can sell my old Ferrystones now? though they seem to sell for a pittance now, ouch)) etc. and I thought I'd have to reach Gran Soren to access the DLC content so I stupidly did the hydra escort quest again... only to open the map later and realize there was a blue circle telling me where to reach the DLC area. lol
So as someone who beat the vanilla game and is just starting the DLC, anything I should know?
Anyway, I'm liking the level design a lot more so far. The dungeons in the vanilla game were all boring linear room->corridor-room, but so far the castle I'm exploring seems to have more thought put into it. Nice. You can tell they really took a page from the Souls game, that castle even has a swampy poison area with leeches attacking you, haha.
I tried to kill the
but I kinda got my ass handed down to me (currently using a Strider, and my main pawn has always been fighter/warrior but he kinda maxed out all of those so I turned him into a mage just because, I realize that's probably not a great idea). Didn't even put it on Hard, which is nice. I'm level 75 I think. I had a weird mismatched party for some reason, my main pawn at same level, a level 140 pawn from a friend, and a level 17 (lol) pawn from another friend. I probably grabbed the low level one in NG+ to help make her better and grabbed an overlevelled one to counter-balance. It works fine against normal enemies, but she gets OHKOed by the boss, so she was effectively useless. I got that
Key and I'm debating whether to attack the
again with a better party, or to explore further and come back later. I met that dude who sells amazing gear but it's ridiculously expensive, I only have about 160k. Ouch.
How does level scaling work for the DLC? Are the enemies and bosses adjusted to your Arisen's level when s/he enters the Black Isle place the first time? So far the loot I found has been crappy starting gear (feather capes and throatcutter daggers and stuff) but I assume I'll find better loot at some point.
Also, I never found a way to reduce pawn chatter. I went in the chair and he told me he'd be "more reticent in the future" but he still babbles too much.

I'm a bit appalled they didn't fix that. Wolves hunt in pack and that hit actually hurt and I need to attack the weapon arm, no shit, STFU already, gah...