Keep asking! I'm going to answer page 2 tonight.
And thanks Nathan
I'm also doing dyad-ish trivia on twitter in 3 mins for 2 free codes. @dyadgame
Adding to the following list. lol
Keep asking! I'm going to answer page 2 tonight.
And thanks Nathan
I'm also doing dyad-ish trivia on twitter in 3 mins for 2 free codes. @dyadgame
I just finished the game and... man... Eye of The Duck... Anybody care to come over and help me scrape the chunks of brain matter off my ceiling?
Taking a break from sending press emails... lets do page 1 questions
8 more trophies to go..just knocked out 2 trophies in the past 4-5 minutes. Progress!
Please don't spoil it for others =)
Sorry 'bout that! I thought Jeff Cannata was essentially saying the same thing with his impressions.
I shant reveal any more!![]()
In all seriousness, your honesty there just sold me on this game. Tipped me off the fence where I was teetering. I was planning on holding out for a Vita version but I won't do it. Maybe it is just me, but I greatly appreciate the honesty in your answers! And... the realness of them?
So excited to play this sir, and while I would hope that all game designers have this kind of pride in their work, it is super exciting to hear just how much this means to you and how much you have put into it. Cannot wait. It feels like I am waiting for a gallery exhibit to open, where the photographer will be showing his/her deepest most sincere work.
So yeah, this is all coming from reading your page one answers. =P Thank you!
Haha. That's gotta hurt...Ughhhhh
Writing answers and drinking whiskey... if the typo density increases towards the end you know why...
I honestly don't know. I can't empathize with that situation, so I can't honestly answer. I will say that at events I've shown it at kids LOVED it, (more than adults), but there was often a giantic motorized arcade machine with it: this be the perfect game to start my two year old sons journey into the world of video games like Super Mario was for me as a kid?
How big of a seizure warning are you going to slap on this game?
Also, any plans to bring this to any other platforms in the future?
I took a lot of care to make sure I didn't waste any players' time... every minute should feel fresh and exciting. I worked hard to make the game as short possible while still presenting every idea I wanted it to... that said, I think it's easily a 20 hour game just to beat all the levels, (the trophy levels are levels too).Why didn't you include 4.5 hours of cutscenes with this game? Now I'm not so sure I wanna play it
NabokovQuestion: Who would win in a fight over colours: Sibelius or Nabokov?
It's *COMPLETELY* different... it doesn't play anything like Rez... I actually don't know any game that's mechanically similar to Dyad tbh. Visually there's a lot more variety in Dyad on account of having more levels, but Rez uses 3D shapes and animations better than Dyad... Dyad uses a lot more abstract colour effects than Rez.Question: Many people will see this game and immediatly think of Rez how will this game differ from Rez and what will make this game special.
I'm not a huge wine drinker, so iono, Pinot Noir is good, or a deep red. I do recommend Lagavulin or Talisker scotch though.Shawn, what's a good wine you recommend to drink while playing this game.
That isn't a question, just an (incorrect) statementThe video on their site doesn't sell me on this. Looks like Child of Eden but without the cool environments.
I rarely finish modern games. I think the only games I've finished this generation are Dark Souls (over 10 times), Demon's Souls and Modern Warfare 1... yeah that's it I think. I do enjoy a lot of games tho, Far Cry 2 is really good game.What motivated you to introduce new mechanics/sets of rules in each stage and how do you feel these introductions build on each other?
Nope!Is it PS Move compatible?
Eye of the Duck -- just ask those who've already played it =)So, at what point in the game do you leave your earthly body and ascend to a higher plain? And does it matter if I play it in my underpants ? Of course, not that I'll need them where I'm going.
My best advice to you is just go and make a game. It will suck, but make it. Then delete it. And make another one. It will suck too so delete it. Then make another one... keep doing this until you have a good game - it could take 10 years.I was wondering if you could point to anything specifically that drove the design of DYAD. Movies/music/books/etc. I ask because I am inspired to make a game but don't know really know where in my experiences to draw from. What are some of your favorite games?
What are the the major gameplay challenges (regarding the perspective of a player) to hook up to a game like Dyad? So what keeps the player hooked to finishing the game, also regarding trophies; did you implemented any special means to ensure a nice "flow" of the game?
And have you thought about an import functionality for the player's own music à la Audiosurf? Perhaps as an expansion in the fufure? Would be pretty cool to play to one's own music. Of course it's difficult to make such a functionality too generic, but even if it's not that of a good experience as your own songs, it would bring some huge lasting appeal to the game.![]()
It fucking better!Is this even coming out in Japan?
The game is very confusing to watch, read about it, parse screenshots of, etc. It's very easy to play and understand. This is something I'm actually very proud of, (despite its obvious negative effects on sales). I wanted to make something that could only be represented in the videogame medium. Transfering it to any other medium has such a large information loss that it just seems like an incomprehensible mess. I don't know what else to say other than trust me, and everyone else who's played it, it's not difficult to understand what's happening when you're actually playing.Watched videos, questioned life after. Wtf did I just watch? Will look forward to trying it to see what its really about since I'm still confused.
1. There aren't any that I know of.Whoah. How did this game through the epilepsy tests?
This game would look bloody amazing on a OLED screen.\
Any DLC planned? Or maybe song packs?
-- argh, this was a long answer too, I'll try again, and I'll give you a code because I'm probably not answering it as well as I already did, and it's a good question anyway --
1. I tried to challenge players in every way native to video games. There's reflex stuff, tactical stuff, information processing stuff, quick decision stuff, risk/reward balance stuff, etc... I tried to explore everything as deeply as I knew how. The game constantly changes the rules, you don't do anything twice, it's as short and dense as possible. There's nothing special to keep you hooked. I just tried to make it as good as possible, not trick people into playing for a long time... I think almost everyone will finish the last level... there's a ton of other stuff to do after you beat the last level to keep people who want a challenge playing, (beating everything is very hard), but beating the last level isn't that hard.
2. no. I answered why in the page 1 answers. The short answer is it's impossible.
I just finished the game and... man... Eye of The Duck... Anybody care to come over and help me scrape the chunks of brain matter off my ceiling?
Shawn's busy rocking ComicCon, so I'll jump in: DYAD is a Sony Pub Fund title, but it was also funded by a grant from the Ontario Provincial government.
No spoilers, but it's crazy. Crazy hard.
Weve known about Dyad for a long time its been in development for several years -- but it still somehow flew under my radar as far as something that really compelled me to play it. But when I started playing Dyad, everything changed. This PSN exclusive offers something unique and fun to the PlayStation audience, and its a game I truly think that a wide variety of gamers with an even wider variety of genre preferences can enjoy. Dont be intimidated by what appears to be a high level of entry. Give Dyad a try and get sucked into it just like I did.
Every. Time. Like a force field.
Nice! Was hoping there'd be more reviews out before release though. Pretty sure Shawn sent review codes out a couple of days ago.
Trophy 24 is making me depressed, I'm gonna resort to mashing X and hoping for the best
The level feels so damn random