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E3 2009 Sony Conference Thread


Kolgar said:
Wow, lot of "Sony wins!" chants.

Funny the other two platforms' fans didn't feel the need to bray like this during their conferences.

Oh yeah - no price drop.

May I introduce you to..

Garry Whitta said:
Molyneux just called it a landmark in computer entertainment... and he's not exaggerating.

This is some serious game-changing shit... I don't know how Sony or Nintendo can follow this. Microsoft didn't just win E3, they just won this generation.
both press conf's were great but i have to give the edge to Sony, they just showed a shit ton of games with the best of them all, GOW


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
+Peace Walker, holy shit MGS3 sequel!
+Trico looks wonderful.
+Sony's waggle actually looks like the best tech of the three, though early.
+Gran Turismo 5 with WRC and NASCAR licenses, wow!
+Ass Creed 2 looks fully realized, really impressed, will buy PC version.
+GT Mobile finally, took long enough. ~GT4 graphics, looks good.

-Uncharted 2 has nice visuals, but the shooting did not impress. Reminds me of Kane and Lynch with the solid line gunfire, and it's absolutely absurd that a gunship cannon isn't penetrating an office table.
-Kart racer game looks to have horrid gameplay.
-God of War 3 is GoW2 HD, not impressed.
-I read GAF during the Home garbage.
PSP content was great. Glad I have a PSP 2000....not interested in the Go especially at that price. Not interested in the disco ball for the PS3 at all. Uncharted looked good. Excited for TRICO.

Microsoft: A

Sony: B

Nintendo: B-


y'all should be ashamed
Blimblim said:
Damn, work problems. I won't be able to monitor the PSN store as expected. I'd appreciate if you guys could PM me when the content is up!
The new redesign of the store is live. Looks crazy.


MAG = Promising. Something I'd be interested in.

Uncharted 2 = Looked amazing, but like the first one, seemed real light on gameplay. Just keep advancing forward through narrowly defined paths and watch the next scripted event. Get shot as much as you want. Doesn't matter.

PSP stuff = Don't care.

Agent = Logo, The Game!

Cart Racing Game (forget the name) = A lot of fun. Day 1 for me.

Dildo Motion Control = The most embarrassing segment of any conference this year. The tech was so wonky the guy couldn't hit a tennis ball in multiple tries. The crosshairs flickered across the screen like he was standing 50 feet away. Awful.

Final Fantasy stuff = Don't care, not my scene.

Last Guardian = Looked very nice, but was that a music video or a game? No gameplay at all?

God of War III = Smoking hot.

No price drop = Massive failure. They might as well have held the conference in a bar and invited all the existing PS3 owners to come on by for as much as this will mean to non-PS3 owners.

Some bad, some good. Sony = C. MS = B. Didn't really watch Nintendo.


The montages were a complete waste of time and the GoW3 demo was almost as bad as the Halo ODST demo. It was the same tired shit all over again. Apart from prettier graphics, that whole thing looked like GoW2, complete with a giant "boss" in the background that does absolutely nothing to hurt you. Even the goddamn combos looked the same. If you want some real action games, look towards Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma or Bayonetta.


I thought both Sony and MS were about neck and neck in terms of output, with maybe a slight edge to MS with natal over the wand thing tech demo.

Nintendo (as usual) didn't do shit for me. Metroid looked cool enough, and obviously I won't hate on SMG2 (even though it looks like the exact same game + yoshi).

My game of the show so far is SplinterCell: Conviction, tailed by The Last Guardian.
with nods to Alan Wake, MW2, Uncharted, and Metroid

Totally let-down by MAG


Dear Sony

Where was....

- Syphon Filter PS3

- Sony LIverpool action game.

.....and the many, many other titles that are certainly in development only we never get to see?

Yours Busty


Uncharted 2 is the single most impressive game shown to date HANDS DOWN (I'll need to see more of GOWIII). That'S what I retained...and, oh, the Last Guardian creature is incredibly well made... :D


Nafai1123 said:
You can make the argument that MS had a better/more interesting presentation overall, but when it comes to ACTUAL content shown, Sony wins hands down. Anyone who says otherwise must be in complete and utter denial. :lol

Actual content demoed/played = MS
Actual content montaged = Sony

Get it right. MS spent most of their conference showcasing games being played.


sex vacation in Guam
MS had a great conference but come on... you have to give it up to SONY they won...

- Agent Megaton
- FFIV megaton
- Trico shown
- GT5/GTmobile
- Motion control that takes the best of both wii motion+ and ms 3d camera...
- uncharted 2 looked better than anything outthere.. and then some
- MGS for PSP bitch slapped the weak multiplatform MGS Rising announcement...
- PSP getting a ton of stuff... LBP looked great ...


Nintendo: C+
MS: B+
SONY: A (would have been an A++++++ if pricedrop would have been announced)


Was anything in Sony's conference getting released this year? I mean, at the end they were talking about how exciting this year was, but the only crap I remember hearing releases for all said 2010.


- Uncharted 2 looked incredible, possibly gonna be my GOTY.
- MAG looks brown, boring, and the interface looks like a clusterfuck.
- Very impressed by Assassin's Creed 2. Liked the first one despite its problems, this one should be a lot better.
- Trico, probably gonna be a masterpiece but the bird thing creeps me out a little.
- God of War 3 looks like it's gonna be a great time, but nothing breathtaking in the demo.
- Motion sensor: I liked the fact that they showed tech demos instead of some fabricated 'vision' trailer, but it looked really early.
- Modnation racers or something: fell asleep

Good conference overall, but they could have trimmed it a bit, it felt too long in the end.
I think I liked what Sony had to show more than any other conference....but it was spread out across multiples years/platforms.....I mean shit the end of 2009 feels empty for PS3

  • 2010 = GT5, God of War 3, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIV (which I think may get me into MMOs if SW:ToR doesn't) and Last Guardian, Sony motion controller (which is probably the best actual motion controller tech)....hell even that Mod Nation is 2010
  • 2009 they seemed to shift everything to PSP; Assassin's Bloodlines, LBP, MGS, Jake GT:Mobile
  • Uncharted 2 looks great for 2009 on PS3 but I was not impressed by MAG at all.
  • And where were the PSN titles......? Trine, Pixeljunk Shooter, Fat Princess....not mentioned at all outside of one of those montages

There is no way they are going to sell 13 million PS3s this year w/o a price-drop and/or the PS3 slim. After this announcement I would almost guarantee $299 PS3 Slim for the holiday

oh yeah....it's FFXIV

if you can't use rom. numerals just use numbers :lol
Great conference, especially in the end. I think MS's conference was overall a bit better but only because Sony used too many montages to show off their games.

Also, was Soul Calibur for PSP announced beforehand or was that a new reveal? Caught me off guard.

Rad Agast

fortified_concept said:
Btw Last Guardian's atmosphere and music gave me goosebumps. Excellent, fucking excellent.

It's the ICO team. I doubt any one was doubting that they will deliver a special experience. Too bad the trailer was leaked though, it would have made the show much better if we didn't know about most of that stuff.

PSP Go at 250 USD is too much. Why would some one buy that when they can get a PSP 3000?


i agree with ppl that the pacing was shit. microsoft had a good pacing.
but hell the uncharted heli fight.... this game is a beast. The Griffon looks way nicer than in the leaked old trailer. Good e3 overall (galaxy and metroid saved Nintedos ass )
Good for alle gamers. now i await 5 threads with "who won" "why did Sony lost" "why did nintendo lost e3" etc.
Sony did ok. They managed to stay afloat after the MS press is already impressive. Plenty of games but a lot of them are multi-platform. The "wand"... errrmmmmm... a bit shit really. I am sure it will work, but they will never steal away Wii people with that. It will be a rough year for them.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Solid conference. I think they all were. Each one had their ups and downs. (MOTION CONTROL! LETS ALL PAINT! CASUAL CASUAL MURDER CLUB CASUAL!) but each delivered games. That's all that matters.

If you are a gamer, you should STFU and be crying tears with your already empty wallet dead in your shaking hands. If you're talking sales and bullshit, I hate you. GAMES PEOPLE.



I missed Heavy Rain and FFVersus XIII my 2 most anticipated titles for PS3 but RE PSP announcement mades me very very happy.
Prerendered please capcom !!!!


Snipes424 said:
I think MS's show was better put together, but I think Sony wins hands down when it comes down to games.

Just my opinion though

My thoughts exactly.

And besides Galaxy 2, Nintendo is pretty much an afterthought again.


As far as conferences, MS wins presentation, Sony wins content (but God they need to work on presentation skills - so incredibly disjointed. I think they should have just had the first hour, and last 15 minutes, and left the rest out)

This Fall SC-Conviction, R&C, and the godly Uncharted 2
Next year FFXIII, ME2, GoW3, GT5, and most especially The Last Guardian

TLG is the coolest looking game I've seen in a LONG time!

Boss Man

MMaRsu said:
Seriously, anybody really cares about FF14? It's an MMO you know.
Final Fantasy XI was a very underrated MMO. I think people may be surprised by what Square can do with the next one.


PistolGrip said:
MS had a great conference but come on... you have to give it up to SONY they won...

- Agent Megaton
- FFIV megaton
- Trico shown
- GT5/GTmobile
- Motion control that takes the best of both wii motion+ and ms 3d camera...
- MGS for PSP bitch slapped the weak multiplatform MGS Rising announcement...
- PSP getting a ton of stuff... LBP looked great ...


Nintendo: C+
MS: B+
SONY: A (would have been an A++++++ if pricedrop would have been announced)

well put... and all that sony has shown is coming out within 12 months. :D


They exceeded my expectations on the PS3 front, although I wasn't expecting much. I liked FFXI, so fuck the FFXIV haters. Yesterday the GAF consensus was SE would never make the game a PS3 exclusive, and now the game is a laughing stock. Surprise, surprise. I am disappointed not to see substantial LBP DLC, though. As for a price cut and the slim, they're both practically confirmed so it's just a matter of time. With the slim coming out around September a Leipzig announcement made more sense from the get-go.

PSP software was great, but the PSP Go is DOA. If the PSP Go had a touchscreen and PSN integration I'd be all over it. But all the good PSP games in the world are not going to reignite my interest in the platform without a good hardware revision. And when the PSP Go doesn't take off I don't think Sony will have another chance with an upgraded PSP Go, because there won't be any developer support in 2010.


The Inside Track
Snoopers got the whole Uncharted 2 demo filmed with our 5D Mark II. If it's like AC2 yesterday this should look downright amazing :)

jax (old)

Unbelievable conference, loved finally getting a name for Ueda's new game. All the improvements look spectacular and my god the gameplay towards the end. Anyone saying "same old trailer :(" clearly didn't watch the whole thing.

I have an Uncharted 2 code up for grabs, who wants it?



Woop. VidZone, June 11th


Need the ultimate audio-visual entertainment for your party? Create your own music video playlists for every occasion and invite your friends over to enjoy your skills as a video-jockey with this free music video application to download from PlayStation®Store for PS3?. Arriving on June 11th, VidZone is the music video service that features thousands of up to the minute videos from your favourite artists for you to view on demand. Browse the catalogue at your leisure and pick and choose the music videos you want to watch. Play, pause, rewind, fast-forward – and take your favourites with you by accessing them with PSP via remote play.


Comics, serious business!
In terms of awesome gaming content I'll give best in show to Sony.
MS topped them in the style and pizazz category but came up light with the hardcore titles.

I think Microsoft's motion controller looked the best and put on the best demonstration, but Sony's tech was cool if not as sexy.
Good conference all around, if it wasn't for all the leaks and pre-announcements, Sony would have had a killer show. 90% of the conference was about games and thats impressive when you have 2 hours to fill. A twisted Metal announcement or price drop or PS3 slim would have been nice.

My rankings:

Sony: B
Nintendo: C


Last Guardian made the show for me.. GT5, no words... Sony won this show in my eyes. They simply showed more of what I want to play.


Oh, and I don't want the sequel to the greatest MGS game of all time to be on a fucking handheld. At least, put it on the PS3, FFS. WTF Konami.
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