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E3 2009 Sony Conference Thread


Sony did well. I could’ve done without the countless montages and some of the demos, and the motion control stuff is a blatant Wii Motion Plus rip-off, but they did have some exciting announcements. If they hadn’t leaked, this would’ve probably been the best E3 briefing in years.


GoW3 doesn't look much different than GoW2.

I was about talking about the incredible lighting in the caves, the awesome textures on the ground and I read that comemnt.
Overall, quite good conference. Sony had the most impressive games, but the delivery was not as good as Microsoft's.


h3ro said:
Did the show F1?

The WRC and Nascar licenses are a huge coup, really hyped for GT5 now.

Forza and GT5 are going to rock. Great time to be a PS360 racing fan. :D

They don't have the F1 license, which is an awful decision by Sony. There is at a minimum all Ferrari single seaters from 2000 to 2008. You can probably add BMW, Toyota and Renault machines coming as part of the their general license.


I think MS's show was better put together, but I think Sony wins hands down when it comes down to games.

Just my opinion though
Basch said:
I don't get it. Do 360 and Nintendo fans like ruining the fun? Seriously, how could you honestly think the last 30 minutes were shit. There was a weak 30 minute middle with montages, but that was about it. Microsoft had a poor beginning, so what gives? You people are crazy.

Anyways, here's my final ratings:

Microsoft B+

Nintendo D-

Sony B+/A-

...says the guy who thinks Mario Galaxy 2 rates a D-.

That pretty much invalidates every opinion you'll ever have about any game ever.


a Master Ninja said:

Pretty much.
Xater said:
So nothing different from MS but everybody is "OMFG AWESOME" becaseu their stuff didn't leak.
Yeah because there's nothing different about Natal. Jesus Christ.

I suspect Sony is waiting on a price cut announcement until closer to the holiday season... if they go into the holidays at $400 they're going to get murdered.


GOW3 insane!!!!!!!!! unfucking believable!
GT5 AFW!!!!!!!!!!!! damage you bitches!! who's your daddy now Forza3 :p
TRICO fuck!!!!!!!!!! the details!!! the emotions!!! that was ..that was beautiful *tear rolling down* is this what the BBC guy saw??

no heavy rain????
no next MGS for PS3?
no starhawk????
no twisted metal?
no FW updates???
no new PSN stuff???

Wish there was more though..but I guess they are saving it for TGS and next year


bish gets all the credit :)
seemed like there was a bunch of stuff they could have saved for the show floor. the stuff they showed though was great. (TLG!!!)



Sony wins E3, hands down. The motion controller was most excellent (despite its dorky design), motherfucking Rapture announcement (is that a Galka I see?), brand new FFXIII trailer w/ English VA (Sazh was kinda lame :<), Trico officially announced (though honestly, I miss the gentler face), and Metal Gear Peace Walker of holy shit this is a PSP game???


Junior Butler
Microsoft's was close, but anyone who actually saw both could never actually convince themselves it was better than what Sony just displayed here.

Presentation was much better. If Microsoft would have made Mattick stay away it might have been better.

Model 500

Wow @ Last Guardian, straight to my most awaited games list of this E3, along w/ new Metroid, Sin & Punishment 2 and SMG 2. Looking great! Is there any gameplay footage or release date?


Great conference overall. Some great games shown I'll pick up for Ps3 when it finally gets a price drop. Motion control looked okay but not as great as Natal ( when they get it working 100% ). Can you imagine using Natal in combination with a regular Xbox 360 controller? RPG's like Oblivion and Fallout could be amazing in combining the two.

Very curious about Agent, MGS on PSP looked cool, but 4 players? Mhh Metal Gear : The Clone Wars confirmed.

As far as conferences go, Ubisoft was the crappiest of all. Nintendo follows closely, they only showed 3 new games ( which looked good ). MS had a load of great games I cannot wait to play! Alan Wake & Splinter Cell look AMAZING!

But so did AC2.

Nintendo : 5/10
Microsoft : 9/10
Sony : 8/10


Sony won this E3. No competition.

I mean, seriously, who the fuck expected Final Fantasy 14 and Trico to come up (though I was hoping they would choose a better name than The Last Guardian)

Boss Man

Microsoft B
Sony B
Nintendo C

Sony may have done better without all of the leaks. PSP Go and Trico would have been huge. It's kinda unfair to dock them for that. Nintendo reminded us that there will be one or two games worth playing every year on their system. Microsoft pushed some new stuff, but I don't think their games are quite as impressive as Sony's.

Subjectively though, I'm really excited about the FFXIV announcement.


+++++Uncharted 2
----PSP GO too expensive
++but Metal Gear and Gran Turismo PSP will be amazing for a portable
--waggle band looks silly, engineering prototype though
+but precision is amazing, tons of potential
++MAG if there is no lag
++++FFXIV, I loved FFXI
-no love for next Ratchet
--stupid Kart game
-AC2 looks exactly like AC1
++GT5 Nascar / F1 / WRC ! Holy Shit !
++++God of War III looking amazing

Rad Agast

a Master Ninja said:


Really now, that was it? I think the problem was that they tried to show too many games all at once (the video montages) which made the whole thing seem shorter.

Either way, this should be interesting. Why didn't Kojima mention MGS Rising by the way? I wanted to see a demo or something.


tass0 said:
Sony won this E3. No competition.

I mean, seriously, who the fuck expected Final Fantasy 14 and Trico to come up (though I was hoping they would choose a better name than The Last Guardian)

Seriously, anybody really cares about FF14? It's an MMO you know.
So no mention whatsoever of Metal Gear Solid Rising.

Timed exclusive probably?

Trenton did feel the need to mention Lost Planet 2, which not even Capcom has announced (but everyone suspected).


It had some lenghts when they talked about GT PSP and sales and it lacked a great GoW trailer to finish, but other than that I don't see how this can not have been the best conference.

New MGS, new full FF (online though), Trico, LBP of Kart Racing, entertaining tech demo plus all the great games coming out soon. What more can they do?


tass0 said:
Sony won this E3. No competition.

I mean, seriously, who the fuck expected Final Fantasy 14 and Trico to come up (though I was hoping they would choose a better name than The Last Guardian)

considering FF14 was rapture and Trico leaked, I'd say everyone on GAF


Great conference, but where were the PSN games? :( Fat Princess and Pixeljunk Shooter are coming soon, right? RIGHT?!?

Gary Whitta said:
You do know the music from taken from Miller's Crossing right?

Aw crap now I can't like it any more.


tass0 said:
Sony won this E3. No competition.

I mean, seriously, who the fuck expected Final Fantasy 14 and Trico to come up (though I was hoping they would choose a better name than The Last Guardian)

lay the pipe down buddy, way to exaggerate.


The Inside Track
Damn, work problems. I won't be able to monitor the PSN store as expected. I'd appreciate if you guys could PM me when the content is up!


You can make the argument that MS had a better/more interesting presentation overall, but when it comes to ACTUAL content shown, Sony wins hands down. Anyone who says otherwise must be in complete and utter denial. :lol
tass0 said:
Sony won this E3. No competition.

I mean, seriously, who the fuck expected Final Fantasy 14 and Trico to come up (though I was hoping they would choose a better name than The Last Guardian)
FF14 is an MMO and everyone with half a brain cell knew Trico was going to be there.
Unbelievable conference, loved finally getting a name for Ueda's new game. All the improvements look spectacular and my god the gameplay towards the end. Anyone saying "same old trailer :(" clearly didn't watch the whole thing.

I have an Uncharted 2 code up for grabs, who wants it?
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