I might have missed something, but is there any word about when the EZA Splatoon 2 review will drop now that the embargo is lifted? I'm excited to hear Blood's take.
Aaaw, sorry to hear that.
^^^ strikes me as an overheating problem, could be something like heatsink or something more insidious. For a SoC like the Tegra, "let manufacturer fix it" is really the only reasonable choice.
Take a shot every time Damiani says 64!
That friend code thing felt more like a last minute effort than anything else. It was just super rough and bad.
My suggestion would be to pre-record one or two podcast episodes that you can use during weeks when you can't be bothered or are unable to do the podcast.
I do agree about it being a last minute resort because they couldn't record a proper podcast, and if it's not I don't really get Damiani anymore.
Thought it had to do with you working on the Splatoon 2 review, Kyle and Ben being out of town and people generally being busy, but I guess not. Then I stand my point about not getting Damiani anymore. ¯_(ツSeems like an odd assumption to me. There was nothing stopping us from recording a podcast.
I asked Damiani recently about it and he said it's on hiatus so he can work on something else in it's place and return to it later.Zelda Talk is dead as well? The last episode was before E3. Again no updates.
(quoted from the EZA discord)Damiani said:Oh, gonna put it on haitus for a bit - gonna try to do something else I think in its place and come back to it later
Yeah, watching it now. There's something... off about this game.Oh good, it wasn't just Giant Bomb. That's You is really creepy... Especially that announcer.
I don't agree about it being rough or bad, it's just something that has been done to death: I mean, can you really say anything new about Mario 64 at this point?
Fuck that voice over bloke in That's You is annoying. I was saving this game for a big get together, but I don't think I'll bother now. Looks so boring.
Yo that Tabletop ending.
He got a 1 on the first roll right? It's either a 1 or a 20 with that reaction, and I think Yogalla might be absorbed D:
Fuck that voice over bloke in That's You is annoying. I was saving this game for a big get together, but I don't think I'll bother now. Looks so boring.
Easy Livin'? All the Allies living together under one roof during the summer?
We are *one* step away
Yo that Tabletop ending.
He got a 1 on the first roll right? It's either a 1 or a 20 with that reaction, and I think Yogalla might be absorbed D:
Now I want them - at least for a short period of the stream - pull of a meta or direct narrative e.g. murder house or whatever. Ugh. Just do EZA Paranormal Activity at 4am or something. Only Damiani is awake, streaming FFXIV and suddenly shit is flying around in the background and Damiani freaks out.Kyle is going to end up murdering someone.
I dunno, most other game outlets have "swearing and sex = funny" humor, I'm glad there are alternatives to that.
The "That's You!" stream kinda highlighted probably my only gripe with EZA, the fact that they are too reserved and family friendly at times imo.
I mean c'mon guys, we all know the vast majority of EZA's audience are adults, no need to be overly prudish or family friendly for the sake of it, I'm pretty sure we all can handle some cursing or below-the-belt humor. I just fell like they truly weren't comfortable or really relaxed is all, which is a shame.
I honestly think Huber is the only person in Easy Allies that I've heard sweat. Maybe Ben.
I mean swear, but I'll leave sweat in there because that's kinda funny.
Fuck that voice over bloke in That's You is annoying. I was saving this game for a big get together, but I don't think I'll bother now. Looks so boring.
I honestly think Huber is the only person in Easy Allies that I've heard sweat. Maybe Ben.
I mean swear, but I'll leave sweat in there because that's kinda funny.
The "That's You!" stream kinda highlighted probably my only gripe with EZA, the fact that they are too reserved and family friendly at times imo.
I mean c'mon guys, we all know the vast majority of EZA's audience are adults, no need to be overly prudish or family friendly for the sake of it, I'm pretty sure we all can handle some cursing or below-the-belt humor. I just fell like they truly weren't comfortable or really relaxed is all, which is a shame.
Kindaaaa agree with this, a lot of them can get easily freaked out by something being too blue when it's actually quite tame lol.
This is a shock to no one here. The majority of your posts that I remember always seem to be about you complaining about him. You can't agree with anything he says or likes or does? That's pretty absurd. So now that you have proclaimed you will never enjoy anything he participates in, I would love it if you'd just refrain from talking about him ever again. It won't be constructive, it won't contribute to the thread, it'd be just you using this thread (that he does read) as some complaint line to rant on a person. There's plenty of other EZA content out there where this shouldn't be an issueAfter the Friend Code fiasco, lack of Game Sleuth and the latest podcast I honestly do not like Damiani or any of his attitudes and ideas. I appreciate that he is putting out content for the EZA, but honestly it is not something that I am interested in, I disagree with 100% of all he says and will have to think twice next time when he's on the podcast on Frametrap as to whether to see it.
After the Friend Code fiasco, lack of Game Sleuth and the latest podcast I honestly do not like Damiani or any of his attitudes and ideas. I appreciate that he is putting out content for the EZA, but honestly it is not something that I am interested in, I disagree with 100% of all he says and will have to think twice next time when he's on the podcast on Frametrap as to whether to see it.
Fuck the republic and fuck the senate.
And people get upset because of it every time his seat wins the bet.
Every time you post shit like this you never try to defend it when people respond. So clearly you're not actually trying to start a conversation or offer any constructive criticism. What's the point, other than being a jerk in a thread Damiani and co. read?A bunch of garbage