To be fair you are right. I was off the Damiani train eversince his last year's "only worthwhile games at E3 are Nintendo games".This is a shock to no one here. The majority of your posts that I remember always seem to be about you complaining about him. You can't agree with anything he says or likes or does? That's pretty absurd. So now that you have proclaimed you will never enjoy anything he participates in, I would love it if you'd just refrain from talking about him ever again. It won't be constructive, it won't contribute to the thread, it'd be just you using this thread (that he does read) as some complaint line to rant on a person. There's plenty of other EZA content out there where this shouldn't be an issue
I don't really expect Damiani to gain much from it. I do appreciate he puts in the effort, as I've said in the original comment but it is simply not for me. This thread is not "let's talk to the Allies" thread, it's let's talk about the Allies. Similarly, in a TV or Movie thread I could freely say I do not like an actor or a director without hoping he'd gain anything from it.I've definitely heard Brad, Huber, Ben and Jones drop f bombs, Ian too maybe. Damiani maybe something like a 'bullshit' or something. Never heard Kyle, Blood or Don swear.
Although Blood drops a 'frick' every now and then, tsk tsk.
Maybe instead you should think twice about posting stuff like this in here. What do you hope to gain from it? Just having a vent? More importantly, what is Damiani supposed to gain from it?
I'm not a jerk. I wasn't mean to Damiani, neither did I use swear words (as opposed to you calling my opinion "shit").Who gets upset, the YouTube comments? I've never seen anyone say anything negative about his sign off, and the other allies seem to like it too. Multiple times nowthey have given Brad the sign-off despite his seat not actually "earning" it because it's popular.including in todays L&R podcast
Every time you post shit like this you never try to defend it when people respond. So clearly you're not actually trying to start a conversation or offer any constructive criticism. What's the point, other than being a jerk in a thread Damiani and co. read?
e"Friend Code fiasco."
OK, maybe you imagined it to be something else.
To be fair you are right. I was off the Damiani train eversince his last year's "only worthwhile games at E3 are Nintendo games".
However, I have been trying for a year to see his work and to get to listen to his ideas and the content he drops. Similarly, in the beginning I wasn't too fond of Ian but now he's one of my favorite Allies after getting to see more of his stuff.
Similarly, Damiani has been putting in the work since he last posted here in this thread and engaged with criticism. So I wanted to listen to his shows but simply they are not for me and neither are his opinions anything that I can agree with.
I don't really expect Damiani to gain much from it. I do appreciate he puts in the effort, as I've said in the original comment but it is simply not for me. This thread is not "let's talk to the Allies" thread, it's let's talk about the Allies. Similarly, in a TV or Movie thread I could freely say I do not like an actor or a director without hoping he'd gain anything from it.
I'm not a jerk. I wasn't mean to Damiani, neither did I use swear words (as opposed to you calling my opinion "shit").
Here's what I imagined Friend Code to be:
A Nintendo Podcast promised by the goals of the Patreon.
After the Friend Code fiasco, lack of Game Sleuth and the latest podcast I honestly do not like Damiani or any of his attitudes and ideas. I appreciate that he is putting out content for the EZA, but honestly it is not something that I am interested in, I disagree with 100% of all he says and will have to think twice next time when he's on the podcast on Frametrap as to whether to see it.
I'm not a jerk. I wasn't mean to Damiani, neither did I use swear words (as opposed to you calling my opinion "shit").
Here's what I imagined Friend Code to be:
A Nintendo Podcast promised by the goals of the Patreon.
I have explained in the second post that I was trying to get into his content and that meant friend code too. Also friend code's change in format is kinda reflective of Game Sleuths being seemingly dropped, Zelda talk stopping out of nowhere and so on.Wow. I quit this thread for months (aside from popping back in a couple of times) and you're still ranting and raving about Damiani?! Yeah, we get it, you don't like him for some completely irrational reasons, why do you feel the need to constantly tell us about it? It's not constructive criticism, discussion or debate, it's just being a dick.
I don't like everything Damiani does, in large part because I'm not a Nintendo fan (eg, I wasn't a fan of Zelda Talk being an ongoing series), but he still has plenty of input I genuinely enjoy. He's one of my favourite podcast guests, for example.
"I honestly do not like Damiani or any of his attitudes and ideas." "I disagree with 100% of all he says." Totally not mean though, guys.
But that Nintendo podcast is hosted by someone who you disagree with 100% of the time and don't like his ideas or attitude, so why do you care?
Sure, I get it but honestly I shouldn't feel the need to stop from saying I do not like Damiani's content just because he might read it here. Similarly, people can and are criticising my own opinion and venting in this thread. That's what happens when you put out an idea, you're liable for it.Yeah but look if you talk about an actor they're 99.9% of the time not going to look at it or care on some random forum. But you know perfectly well that this is a community thread that engages with the actual allies. You know that he's going to see it, and frankly you probably want him to.
If you don't like his content, that's okay, you don't have to watch it. But try to be respectful. That's what this community is built upon
I have explained in the second post that I was trying to get into his content and that meant friend code too. Also friend code's change in format is kinda reflective of Game Sleuths being seemingly dropped, Zelda talk stopping out of nowhere and so on.
Also saying you disagree with someone 100% and do not like their ideas is not at all mean. Now saying I do not like Damiani is mean, and for that I apologise.
This was the first time that Friend Code wasn't a podcast. Also, you know he reads this thread and you know he does care about comments like this. It reads to me as a straight attack to him to me. Although I always enjoyed Damiani's content (in GT days and EZA), I do feel that he does put in extra effort the last few months to engage more in the podcasts and such. So I don't think it's fair to say it's "still the same", he does read the comments and he seems to do a genuine effort to change accordingly.I have explained in the second post that I was trying to get into his content and that meant friend code too. Also friend code's change in format is kinda reflective of Game Sleuths being seemingly dropped, Zelda talk stopping out of nowhere and so on.
Also saying you disagree with someone 100% and do not like their ideas is not at all mean. Now saying I do not like Damiani is mean, and for that I apologise.
Sure, I get it but honestly I shouldn't feel the need to stop from saying I do not like Damiani's content just because he might read it here. Similarly, people can and are criticising my own opinion and venting in this thread. That's what happens when you put out an idea, you're liable for it.
Now I do concede saying I do not like Damiani is mean. However, I felt that saying that I do appreciate that he is a hardworking fella and he certainly is at that, showed that I do not hate the guy just that I do not like the content he produces.
I always try to keep a balance, so I can allow myself to "subtlety" say that I think a ten minute essay about Super Mario 64 of all games is boring, but then two days later go on how Damiani is 100% right with opinion X. I have absolutely no problem with people stating "Product X kinda sucks" without it being necessarily constructive - that is not our job and its insane to demand that of your customer/consumer. If someone doesn't want to keep that balance but still participate, don't be surprise with how you come off to others, especially in a dedicated fan thread.
Yeah, made that comment maybe more in regards to my own conscious than anything else, haha. But still, having such a mindset can't hurt.I don't really think balance is that important, you just need to word your posts as if you're talking to actual people, not throwing out a ridiculous hot take on social media. I mean, I'm sure I've come across badly before but I do try to be self aware of what I'm saying.
I don't really think balance is that important, you just need to word your posts as if you're talking to actual people, not throwing out a ridiculous hot take on social media. I mean, I'm sure I've come across badly before but I do try to be self aware of what I'm saying.
Anyway, one really silly thing I noticed while watching the EZA Podcast right now: They do realise the Crash Trilogy are remakes and that Naughty Dog didn't make them, right? So just because the remakes have issues, doesn't mean the originals did too. For example, that bridge level Brad was stuck on for like an hour is much easier in the original.
Edit: Crash > Spyro but R&C > Jak (though J&D > R&C1).
I don't really think balance is that important, you just need to word your posts as if you're talking to actual people, not throwing out a ridiculous hot take on social media.
I really hope they don't go overboard with the beach house stream. They need to sleep properly too.
Yup ofcourse, but some of them can still choose to over do it. I might sound like I'd be their mom, but I want them to the have proper rest and not consume too much caffeine as a substitute for sleep. Not only for their own health but also as an example to younger people. Stream responsibly.They just don't all have to be up at the same time. Sleep in shifts.
I really hope they don't go overboard with the beach house stream. They need to sleep properly too.
Yup ofcourse, but some of them can still choose to over do it. I might sound like I'd be their mom, but I want them to the have proper rest and not consume too much caffeine as a substitute for sleep. Not only for their own health but also as an example to younger people. Stream responsibly.
Yup ofcourse, but some of them can still choose to over do it. I might sound like I'd be their mom, but I want them to the have proper rest and not consume too much caffeine as a substitute for sleep. Not only for their own health but also as an example to younger people. Stream responsibly.
Loopy EZA is best EZA tho
I wish Ben had been on the podcast to explain why JRPGs aren't stuck in the past or dead.
That's the first time I heard that the originals were easier, so I would say that plenty of people don't realize that. Obviously everyone knows ND didn't make them, not sure what that point is in reference to.
Also Spryro > Crash![]()
"An increased precision is now required in the first game, which makes the gameplay experience different. Particularly if you are a new player, you may want to start with the second and third games first, and then come back to try Crash Bandicoot after youve had more practice. For those of you who played the originals and acquired a fair amount of muscle memory, re-learning the handling in our game may present an additional challenge you werent expecting. But were sure you up to the task."
I've really fallen behind on EZA the past few weeks (thanks FFXIV), but I just came across a tweet that says their Switch broke during review of Splatoon 2 last week. Have they ever elaborated on that in podcasts, on stream, etc.? Like, was it an accident or was it a hardware failure?
The reason I ask is because I noticed my Switch got EXTREMELY hot during the beta while docked so I have some concerns.
I elaborated on my personal Twitter. System started locking up and crashing within a minute or two after boot up. Appeared to be related to the wireless since it worked as normal when removing WiFi info, but I never got a confirmation on the defect from Nintendo. They just replaced my Switch. End to end, the process didn't take long. I paid $10 for expedited shipping, sent it off Monday morning, and got it back today.
Imagine if there was a legit breakdown at the beach house. Streaming for 12 hours (anniversary) and living together while streaming for 48 hours are very different things.
Is there gonna be alcohol? Like more than usual? Cause that would be AMAZING to watch.
Imagine just hearing screaming from off camera lol.
I wonder that the twitch TOS is in regards to things like that. I've seen people buzzed on stream but nothing too nuts
Yep. I wanted them to start early, with the time they're starting I'd expect/want half of them to go to sleep within a couple of hours.I really hope they don't go overboard with the beach house stream. They need to sleep properly too.
Yep. I wanted them to start early, with the time they're starting I'd expect/want half of them to go to sleep within a couple of hours.
I assume most viewers would jump in at the start and at the end, so that's when I expect them all to be there.I'm not sure the starting time matters that much. There is plenty of time so all of them can get on stream for a good amount of time anyway.
I'm sure most of them won't overdo it (although it sounds like they have a sleeping schedule more akin to mine, which isn't really great).
I assume most viewers would jump in at the start and at the end, so that's when I expect them all to be there.
Best way to do it is sleep in shifts then have some overlap where they're all on stream together for a few hours.