Why doesn't Alliance have their own ship like Mepire and Federation?
Why doesn't Alliance have their own ship like Mepire and Federation?
Not just any ore--palladium only. You'll have to work your ass off to reach the top 5% at this point if you haven't mined any yet. I have 346 tons delivered, and it'll probably take me another 4 hours of mining in the T9 to hit 500 tons of the stuff. I'm going to stop there and hope it's enough to keep me in the top 5%.EDIT: Unrelated, but back to the Kaushpoos mining CG: around 450 tons of ore puts you in the top 5% (which is a 10 mil at this point). That doesn't seem like very much, right?
IIRC, they are a new political power that take from both instead of a long lineage/institution.
Though I do expect to have new ships exclusive to them someday.
Not just any ore--palladium only. You'll have to work your ass off to reach the top 5% at this point if you haven't mined any yet. I have 346 tons delivered, and it'll probably take me another 4 hours of mining in the T9 to hit 500 tons of the stuff. I'm going to stop there and hope it's enough to keep me in the top 5%.
http://coriolis.io is the new go-toIs there any good site for comparing ship stats btw?
American Daylight Savings Time was a mistake and is nothing but trash.
What does this have to do with Elite I hear all of you asking?
Well as you know, the Powerplay cycle resets every Thursday at 7am GMT. For the last many months, this was 2am in my time. I budgeted how much time I had, and planned to make runs of power commodity and finish rating 5 again.
Except in the process of doing this, I was about 500 short because the cycle reset ONE HOUR SOONER THAN I THOUGHT IT WOULD. So now I'm rating 4, instead of 5. And now getting 5 next week just became more expensive because I'm only allowed 25 power commodity every 30 minutes (and by proxy 500k to fast track 25 more), and on top of that, I don't get the +100% bounty payouts this week. I am so fucking pissed, I was so close and got screwed out of it by a technicality like this. Fuck man.
Fuck daylight savings time, stupid shit.
Fuck daylight savings time, stupid shit.
Yup. Hopefully it goes away soon. No one needs this anymore, those times are long gone.
I would LOVE for it to go away, forever. I hate getting home from work in the dark already, this time of year it's like the only sunlight I get to experience is on the weekends.
David’s sneak peek last week showed some of the settlement action so I’ll describe some aspects of this in more detail. Ports and settlements are the upper end of the scale of locations you can discover on planet’s surfaces. They can vary in size themselves from huge, established conglomerations of structures to quite small outposts. Surface starports are generally the largest and they act in a similar way to the starports in orbit. They can have the same facilities and have economies dependent on the type of world and with specific variations depending on the starport itself. New economy types have been added that only apply to surface starports.
As with the orbital starports, missions can be taken from surface starports and they can take you to surface bases. Similarly missions can be issued from orbital starports that require visiting the surface – assuming you have the ability to do so. There are also new mission variants that apply only to surface operations.
Complementing this is a range of resources and commodities that are only available from surface starports or by collection from points of interest as I mentioned last week. We’re also adding a new type of method for locating resources and uses for them which is a prelude for the loot and crafting system coming later in the Horizons season – more on this soon.
The surface starports and settlements are where the population of these airless worlds live and present various opportunities for Commanders. The style and layout of these facilities reflects their purpose. One of my favourite examples of this is the prison colony – this is an imposing and well-guarded structure that you might need to penetrate to facilitate a prison break.
Surface installations are a lot more open than orbital stations. Of course you can collect and deliver goods from surface bases, but it is also possible to hack data links, sections of bases get power from specific generators – taking out those generators takes out the lights in that section, but also the power to the turrets… Skimmers can also be taken out, or taking out the towers that control them can be just as effective way of breaching the defences. Whether it’s a secret research base or a prison colony, there are multiple stages to carrying out your objectives.
As we’ve shown and mentioned already it is advisable to take a flexible approach to these settlements – some of them are protected by capital ship scale weaponry that is lethal against ships, although less so against the SRVs – both because of their slower motion, but also they have a minimum angle of declination – so a Scarab can use the landscape to stay below the guns in most cases. Smaller turrets and skimmers are more of a threat to the SRVs. If you’re operating in a wing then each Commander can work in different roles at the same time, but even on your own you can achieve the same effect more slowly by switching between your ship and SRV accordingly.
Depending on the world’s population there can be none, a few, or many of these surface starports and settlements. As you’d expect they’re more common within the human habited bubble, but they’re not exclusive to that volume. Similar crime and ownership rules apply to settlements and ports as they do to space stations and outposts. Some of these can be lawless, others where the law is enforced – so take care before opening fire! As well as the bounties available at these sites you can encounter settlements in a state of war which can be engaged in a similar fashion to combat zones.
So far we’ve focused on the locations and the more action orientated gameplay, but naturally there’s more to planetary landings than that. I’ve already talked about the points of interest you can discover, but how you find them utilises a new device on the SRV, in addition to the ground scanner you have already seen. This works very differently to the ship scanners and we’ll reveal more about this next week.
Having said all this, we are still at work on the base game too. This week we updated the galaxy sim that fixes an issue with asset ownership not flipping when a conflict is resolved. A cap on influence changes has been added – this scales depending on the population of the system (a higher population allows a bigger swing) and the degree of changes (so a large value of changes allows more change in influence) and limits the maximum amount of change in a system when the background simulation effects are calculated. This will prevent the massive swings that we’ve seen, but a concerted campaign can still bring a faction down quickly if it is not countered. For the player group minor factions that were affected by the massive drops we’ll reset them to their initial ownership state where we can.
- Prison break missions
Riddick? Riddick! ^^
I'm so excited about all this! ^^^
It opens so much more possibilities! And with upcoming looting and crafting game rises to completely another level.
As we know, if you die in SRV, you will be returned to your ship. But what about SRV? Should you buy a new one? Is there any kind of insurance?
Another question, if you commit a crime on the surface, does your wanted status carry over to system space?
I think I heard that you are returned to your ship and faced with an insurance screen. However, I don't know if it auto-respawns an SRV in your ship or if you have to go pick it up somewhere. Maybe it's like now, where it respawns for pickup at the latest station you were at? No idea.
It's looking like some of Arrisa's powerplay bounty benefits are getting applied twice (the ratings benefits), when a bounty claim voucher is obtained and when it is cashed in. We have a fix lined up for this.
We will also remove Arissa's benefit from conflict zones - she was always meant to incentivise law rather than war.
Wow that video really shows off the sheer scale of some of these planetary bodies we can land on.
Next week (w/b 09/11/2015), Commanders with beta access will be able to test out the new ships coming to Elite Dangerous 1.5, including the Imperial Cutter, the Federal Corvette and the Keelback. Well let you know through the normal channels the precise date once we get final confirmation from the team.
This week, David's sneak peek videos of Elite Dangerous: Horizons continued, showing off a cold, deep misty crater. The mist is formed from volatiles released from the rocks below. These are not uncommon, and even possible at high temperatures, where lead vapour can also form high temperature mists.
Continuing our On the Horizon series of livestreams, Community Manager Edward Lewis will be joined by Lead Designer Sandro Sammarco for a live Q&A, and a chat about some of the previously unseen features coming as part of Planetary Landings, including collectable resources found on planet surfaces that we're calling 'Materials '.
Materials are one of the many exciting features coming to Elite Dangerous: Horizons at launch, and they lay the foundation for the loot system that will be a part of the next Horizons expansion during 2016.
As part of the livestream Sandro will also be giving us a tour of the new ships that you'll be able to fly in the 1.5 and Horizons 2.0 Betas. Keep a close eye on our forum and social media channels for more details on how you can get your questions to Sandy before the livestream starts.
The stream will start at 7PM GMT on Tuesday November 10 on our official YouTube channel.
Yeah, planets seem impossibly large, how can we ever expect to explore all of every one of them?
Also, vote on the name of the nebula station: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=197846
Yep, it was his idea to petition for a station out there, which got the ball rolling and led to the CGs for it. Obsidian Orbital would be a nice hat tip.I'm guessing it's in honor of the youtuber Obsidian? I like his videos, so I voted for that one.![]()
^ Same!
Maaaan, now I'm kicking myself for not trying for that mining CG
Well I got myself a sexy little courier so I'm happy. The clipper was just too much, though, felt like it fell far short of the Vulture in combat and was unbearably slow for its capabilities. And those hardpoints, why Gutamaya? Why?
Yeah, I think I'm gonna try for a Courier. If anything, I'll sell my Vulture ;( and buy it back later.
How do you like the Courier?
It's fun to fly and sounds all sexy. It has a good number of ports and bays for something its size but isn't that great in combat. I like it, though.
^ Same!
Maaaan, now I'm kicking myself for not trying for that mining CG
Interesting. I'd like to own one, at least, so I'll have to check it out. Easy to find a spot that sells them?
So does this mean we can buy a clipper right now without needing Empire rank?![]()