For me the seams of their "background simulation" have always been visible and extremely shallow. That universe does not feel alive at all IMO. Makes stuff like Powerplay all the more painful.
Edit: And then I realized you're talking about simulation in general. It's late. Point still stands, haha. But yeah I'd agree they've got a nice balance of fun and simulation when it comes to control/flight depth.
I too would like to yaw until centrifugal forces tear my ship apart.
What ship is this? looks like something out of Silver Hawks.
What ship is this? looks like something out of Silver Hawks.
Exactly. Totally awesome, but maybe not beginner friendly.
Not humanly doable, more like it.
The logical consequence of velocity being uncapped in a combat situation would be fights with automated weapons at distances where the human eye wouldn't be able to see the targets. How else would to spacecrafts even at the speed of space shuttles engage each other in passing, when both could reach 25,000km/h and beyond?
Powerplay cycle reset about an hour ago. ALD is #3 this week! I also got rating 5 for sure this week. That means 230% bounty payouts!
Well that's exactly what would happen in a completely open universe, but if combatants start out within a few klicks of each other at zero relative speed, neither will build up that kind of velocity unless attempting to break away. Supercruise would confine the sphere of combat to local areas a few klicks across in game due to how it locates ships.
Independence War had unrestrained velocity (combat A.I. limite of 1kps but able to accelerate beyond that limit manually) and combat stayed relatively confined due to the limit of ranges on weapons and starting velocities being zero (it had a supercruise very similar to Elite's).
Taking into account the engine's limits then, you'd still be whizzing past each other at breakneck speads. Trying to hit each other with weapons that are only effective at 3km. Its's probably realistic to assume that you'd easily keep accelerating to 800-2000m/s, as currently the ships do between 300-400 when boosting.
It most likely all comes down to taking pot shots at very long distances, which might not even work with the weapons current implementation and a lot of jousting, turning towards each other and jousting again. The game in its current form is not designed to make for interesting combat if velocities were unlocked.
There will be six syntheses that can be applied – three for the ship including re-supply ammunition, restocking of the AFM and a temporary increase in jump range for the FSD. For the SRV the benefits include fuel for the SRV, repair and ammunition for the plasma repeaters. Higher quality materials can confer improvements, so refilling ammunition using a high quality mix of materials can increase the damage caused by the ammunition as these have better materials than store bought ammunition. Such a bonus will only apply until the ammunition is restocked.
Another change we are testing in the 1.5 beta is to how shield cell banks operate. It comes in two parts, the first is increasing the heat cost when you use a shield cell bank. This increases the risk of using these as the sudden heat build up can cause module damage, using two or more in rapid succession can even cause hull damage – so making these a defence of last resort rather.. The second part is there is now a delay when these are powered up. These delays also apply to a range other modules. We’re looking forward to seeing the feedback on these and the other changes in the 1.5 build.
Here they talk about the Synthesis and Materials we will be able to collect at lunch
Interesting concept. So those that will take time to go on a planet/moon to find mats to be more effective in battle will definitively get an edge.
AND they also talks about the upcoming Nerf (expected) to Shield Cell Banks :
All in all, I'M happy they nerf the stacking of Shield Cells.
FDev said:There will be six syntheses that can be applied three for the ship including re-supply ammunition, restocking of the AFM and a temporary increase in jump range for the FSD.
Quote Originally Posted by Brimstone View Post
Could you please elaborate upon the "delay" that shield cell banks will suffer once they are turned on?
There is already a delay after activating a shield cell bank, roughly 5 seconds, so will this then be longer?
Or, does the delay happen when the shield cell bank is turned on via the modules tab, so we need to wait before it can be activated?
Thanks for the update, we all are really looking forward to the beta
The delay is for a lot of the modules, if you turn them off then they will take time to power up again. The delay will be in activating them from the modules tab.
Michael Brookes said:It's better to play it than for me to describe it - you'll get your chance soonYou can ask though, but I may not answer.
The storage of the materials is a commander centric thing. We've taken a slightly different approach with this because the materials work differently to other items in game as they are not immediately useful. With vouchers you can cash them in immediately, but with materials that isn't the case, you have to carry then until they are useful. However this personal storage may well evolve down the line as we're thinking about station based stashes for materials which would replace these personal stores.
For the Delay thing :
Most excellent.
Now i have 98m if i sell all ships. Where to go from here? I want type-9. Do i have enough money or should i get some more with my type-7?
Yeah, this is the most exciting info for me so far. With all the various HMCs and metal-rich planet types out there, I can just see there being some correlation between their coloration and the types of materials common to their surfaces. I'm imagining jumping into a new system and spotting what used to be an HMC that wouldn't make me look twice, and now foaming at the mouth to get down there and gather them sweet FSD boostyjuices....but we will be able to jump farther than before to span large gaps between stars or even reach new stars that we can't get to now, simply by exploring barren planet surfaces along the way! I like that design wise, I like that A LOT.
Made it !!!
Several months journey from center of galaxy. Made 37million.
Now i have 98m if i sell all ships. Where to go from here? I want type-9. Do i have enough money or should i get some more with my type-7?
So I've done a lot of mining lately and decided I needed a change of pace, so I hopped into my Diamondback Explorer and headed out away from civilization. I haven't visited the Spirograph Nebula yet so I pointed my ship that way and meandered my way down there.
Loot & Crafting
Ozric: Will you be going into more details on how the wave scanner works?
Michael: It's better to play it than for me to describe it - you'll get your chance soonYou can ask though, but I may not answer.
Osric: Can you explain where our materials will be stored? It does seem odd that they are not lost on destruction yet exploration data and vouchers are. I can understand the reasons for it, but it seems to go against how everything has been done in the game so far.
Michael: The storage of the materials is a commander centric thing. We've taken a slightly different approach with this because the materials work differently to other items in game as they are not immediately useful. With vouchers you can cash them in immediately, but with materials that isn't the case, you have to carry then until they are useful. However this personal storage may well evolve down the line as we're thinking about station based stashes for materials which would replace these personal stores.
Micha: Hmm, so crafting is mostly going to be about refuelling and restocking weaponry?
Michael: No - this is just a prelude to it. The main aim for crafting will be weapons and modules.
Horizone: So these materials, they will not be visible in any other way than on the scanner, they will not materialize in the game other then lines on a inventory?
Michael: You'll find objects in the game using the wave scanner - like outcrops, then destroy them and collect the materials.
Xondk: As an explorer, I was kinda hoping that the initial run would also include a way to restock oxygen and maybe very expensive way to repair canopy, like needing to find certain crystals and such to repair it with.
Michael: It might - it's on the list for the AFM to be able to repair the cockpit, but I'm not certain if it will make 1.5 or Horizons yet.
Micha: Hmm, ok, so priority #1 is, as always *pew pew pew. It'd be great if the game would also cater more to those of us who are not into fighting all that much. It's great to hear that you're putting these requests on the TODO list, but pushing out basics like hull/cockpit repair beyond EH is.. well, a tad disappointing.*
Michael: Unfortunately that's the call that we have to make is balancing time and people with work. It's on the list so will happen, but we do have other priorities as well and not just for 'pew pew' - and that's coming from someone halfway to Sagittarius A* with a broken canopy!
CMDR-AD: Regarding "materials"... When I heard that they could be used to create new ammo, immediately I had *very large quantities in mind. After all, restocking a Large size Canon (the muzzle appears to be nearly 1.5 meters in diameter?!) with 105 rounds of that size would an immense quantity of material. Based on this Dev update, then it seems that these "materials" are more like small additives which enhance the other primary resources used to create the ammo.*
Michael: In this case it's both - they will restock your ammunition, but if you use different materials then they can be of a better quality than shop bought ammunition.
Osric: so do you imagine that once you have these station based stashes in (if you do it) then you will no longer keep the materials once you die, or you still could but the amount you can keep in your ship would not be as much as the station storage?
Michael: It's yet to be decided on how a station stash would work if we went that way - it might be a complete replacement, or it might be an additional store, but the personal one reduced. We may even settle on a completely different solution!
Wstephenson: Michael, will synthesising ammunition or AFMU supplies also require mineable bulk commodities? Creating things with significant mass from trace Materials would otherwise seem to require a liberal application of E=mc².
Michael: For this first iteration no, but with the full loot system that is quite likely.
Genar-Hofoen: Is it the case that certain material types will be more likely to be found on certain planet types than others?
Michael: Yes. The type of material is determined by the type of the planet and its geology.
Genar-Hofoen: This boosted FSD Jump - would a Fuel Rat be able to transfer whatever substance is needed for them?
Michael: No.
Bliss: I hope the wave scanner has an audio component to it. That could be really creepy on the dark side of a planet!
Michael: As with everything in game audio is key to the experience.
Fuub: It seems the material system is centered to the SRV wave scanner. Does this mean we can't go exploring planets surface flying with our ship and land when we spot a good location to find materials? This was the type of gameplay I was expecting from Horizons tbh, not only SRV stuff...
Michael: The planets are huge so you need to fly between locations and you will get an indication from the ship's scanner that there is something of interest in the area, but you need to be in the SRV to track it down.
Mephane: That brings up another question: can you also make normal fuel for the ship, or only the SRV? Because otherwise, having to rely on the ship to move around between potential sites to "harvest", you become ultimately limited by the fuel of the ship, and required to leave the planet to scoop fuel from a star, for example. In other words: could just as well have implemented a way to pump fuel from the ship into the SRV, same effect in the end, sooner or later you have to go scooping anyway. Plus, being able to refuel the ship on the ground would mean those boring lifeless rocks around brown dwarfs could suddenly become a life saver...
Michael: Ships are still refuelled by scooping from stars. I'd love to do gas giants in thew future
Ravenov: Will we be able to synthesize limpets? Either as a stock replenish, and/or making existing ones more efficient. For the long range Fuel Rat, being able to resupply yourself when 20k ly from anywhere would be a real boon...
Michael: Not yet.
Powers, Factions & Background Simulation
Orfeboy: One more question if I may - Is there any hope of having Intergalactic corporations operating outside of the Galactic powers? Kind of like Shell, Intel and Google? What I mean is big powerful corporations that players can work for? As a player group it is our current intention to operate as a corporation. More powers to affect the game in that way could make the game more interesting. Just some thoughts.
Michael: It's quite possible - it would make for an interesting power.
Orfeboy: Do you see minor factions as becoming more central to gameplay in ED? Do you forsee a time where player groups will be able to develop and watch minor factions flourish and be responsible for their growth and failure on a much more developed format than right now? Would FD see this as a primary goal for the development of the game?
Michael: Oh yes - the minor factions is something we want to develop further and getting player groups involved is part of that process.
Schlack: Could you advise if there has been an ongoing adjustment of BGS influence values behind the scenes while you're trying to find the "sweet spot". We are finding some inconsistent results and are unsure whether it is bugged, something going on behind the scenes, there are factors that we haven't taken into account.
Michael: The only recent change with the influence balancing has been adding the cap to prevent the sudden swings that have been seen. The cap varies depending on the amount of player actions and the size of the system's population. We'll continue to monitor and adjust as needs be and there are other plans to expand the galaxy simulation in the future.
Schlack: Any update on some love for the Alliance? The question was asked in the recent livestream. Sandro was, unfortunately, quite tight lipped on the matter. Hopefully that means something exiting happening, however it does feel something like neglect. If Alliance love is far down the priority list, please let us know. We know lots of CMDRS want lots of things NOW!. Soon (tm)?
Michael: The Alliance will be getting some love, but not soon I'm afraid.
Missions & Careers
Marc_Hicks: With all the major improvements we have seen to missions over this last season, will we finally get to see an improvement in the number-& variety-of military missions in the game? Better yet, will we ever get the Military Mission sub-screen that we used to get in Frontier & First Encounters? At present the military aspect of the game still feels more like an afterthought than a genuine career path.
Michael: Military missions is something we want to take a step back with and come at them differently. I'd like to see them acting as more of a career.
Marc_Hicks: Again, with the major improvements coming to missions in 1.5, will we see a significant upgrade/improvements to the "Counter-mission" system, to give them a bit more variety? I was thinking "variety" in terms of how these Counter-missions turn up (mix of USS, Super-Cruise "Contacts" or activated by player actions in normal space), the size & nature of the rewards for taking the Counter mission (much larger cash pay-outs, synthesis materials & "loot", 'directions' to lucrative salvageable wreckage, places of interest et al, massive influence boosts with that faction etc) & the penalties for accepting/refusing a "Counter-mission".
Michael: Contact mission is something we're starting to add in 1.5 and Horizons.
Marc_Hicks: Are there any plans to bring in Escort Missions & Convoy Raid missions? I'll understand if you're not in a position to answer that at the moment, just thought I would try to take advantage of your presence here at the moment.
Michael: We still have loads of things we want to do with missions - including escorts.
Nyres: Someone brought up the FDL heat issues and got me to thinking. If you go through with this you need to do something about the FDL's heat dissipation or risk that it will be a worthless ship in serious combat which given its cost is kind of insane. The FDL has such a horrendous heat management even when trying to be the most balanced for heat generation that I really do fear that the new shield cell bank change sounds like it will equal one use of scb = heat damage on the ship.
Sandro: I think the FDL is probably due for a buff at some point during season 2.
Module Rebalancing
Brimstone: Could you please elaborate upon the "delay" that shield cell banks will suffer once they are turned on? There is already a delay after activating a shield cell bank, roughly 5 seconds, so will this then be longer? Or, does the delay happen when the shield cell bank is turned on via the modules tab, so we need to wait before it can be activated?
Michael: The delay is for a lot of the modules, if you turn them off then they will take time to power up again. The delay will be in activating them from the modules tab.
Osric: That sounds good and I like the idea of it, but you didn't answer my question of which other modules it applies to? Is there a definitive list? I'm curious more than anything.
Michael: Most modules will be affected although the timings will vary - you'll see the details when the beta is released.
VictoriaG: Shield cells are supposed to save you not push your ship closer to death, what's the point of them then? And are you going to nerf the AI then so NPCs don't cheat, don't have magic powers of invisibilty, immunity to masslock, ability to hide their true wing numbers? in short why don't you actually FIX stuff before pushing these nerfs on folks.
Michael: They are supposed to be a last resort - your shields and armour are your primary defense and as with every release we're fixing a raft of issues and will continue to do so.
Sandro: Shield cells will still help keep your ship alive, it's just that they generate a lot of heat doing so. Careful application of cells still offer tremendous benefits, and with heat management (from heat sink launchers for example) they are formidable. But spamming cells of a decent quality for the ship you're in will have the potential to cause more harm than good. This, coupled with a delay in booting up shield cell bank modules, diminishes (without removing completely) the benefits of having lots and lots of shield cells. And of course, hull reinforcement modules will grant moar hull; our intention is to bring these two forms of defensive internal modules slightly closer together. [Replying to NeilF's multiple comments also] I would argue that the goal here is not to make every combat fair - that simply makes no sense with the range of ship capabilities that may or may not be present. The goal is to mitigate against a path of least resistance (the argument being that everyone should just load up with as many shield cell banks as possible) during outfitting.
Sandro (to everyone): Recharging shields quickly at starports: yes, we want to do this, just not sure when we'll be able to get it in. Looking at shield recharge times: this is something we will be looking at in conjunction with loot. The penalty for using a single shield cell is not going to blow your ship up (unless you were like at 1% hull and a million degrees temperature), but chaining use of cells should become a danger factor (initially to your modules). The delay for powering a shield cell bank module (note, there is no change to the activation cost of a shield cell) is significant, but should not be completely prohibitive (well, we'll see, and tweak as required!) Did I say moar hull from hull reinforcement packages? I really, really meant it...
Eymerich: Scb is a bad balance and to me sound like an hatred nerf. In this way a ship class A fitted whose cost is over 400 Milions could be destroyed by a python a fitted (160 mil) and 2 viper (10 milions). Glad I play in solo...
Michael: You just need to adapt your tactics - the hull reinforcement is more valuable or use heat sinks to offset the heat damage. The change just means you can't spam using the SCBs without some preparation.
GluttonyFang: Heat is manageable, and understandable to a certain degree. The delay between SCB switching will kill off large ships in intensive wing combat. Hull reinforcement doesn't help if the opposing player targets modules. What tactics can large ships use exactly to compensate for this nerf?
Michael: You will need to assign more power to the SCB if you want to use more than one of them and manage the heat - I'd also question if the big non-combat ships are the best ships for large scale combat.
GluttonyFang: Not to mention: "Was large scale PvP combat with large ships taken into consideration with this change? If so, how are large ships justified on the battlefield with said changes?"
Michael: You're assuming that they should be. Big ships have their place, but make big targets so in a large dogfight I would expect them to be vulnerable unless well protected by smaller and more maneuverable escorts.
GluttonyFang: I suppose my question is what role can large ships fit with the new SCB change? The tanking ability is technically gone, are we suppose to consider large ships to be DPS from now on, instead?
Michael: You can tank the large ships quite effectively with the upgraded hull reinforcement packages and with proper heat and power management you can still use your SCBs - you just can't spam them like you used to and I repeat that bringing a big, slow ship to a dog fight might not be the best move anyway and if you do, then you have to prepare accordingly.
Nathan Explosion: Why should a large ship not be capable of defending itself against ships 1/10th or less of its value through sheer force? What else justifies the price tag?
Michael: You mean like a battleship can be destroyed by a much smaller ship? The large ships have inherent from their size and how they're loaded out, but the SCBs were far too strong for them, but with the large ships you can still use multiples of them, you just have to prepare properly, so assign more power to them and have heat sinks at the ready. Use armour and hull reinforcements to tank them. A bigger doesn't always mean better.
GluttonyFang: Can you address the problem with modules by any chance? As it stands, thrusters and FSD on large ships are very vulnerable even with hull reinforcement packages, is there anything that will be done to strengthen said modules?
Michael: Not yet, but that is one of the weaknesses with those ships. With the loot system building stronger modules should be possible, but it will come at a cost somewhere else. You need to use the right tool for the job - you wouldn't use a Spectre gunship in an air superiority battle despite its amazing firepower.
Sandro (to everyone): As with all changes, the proof of the pudding will be in the eating, so we look forward to everyone's feedback once the changes go to live test. A few points though: the heat generated from using shield cells is based on the rating of the cell bank. Using lower rated cells will give you less heat at the cost of less shield regeneration. And of course, heat sinks are effective at cooling your ship down. Using a cell every now and again isn't going to do much more than a little bit of module damage from heat, which in general is far better than taking hull damage (and it also plays into module malfunction more). It's also still possible to fit multiple shield cell banks and use them - you will need to manage power more carefully as there's a twenty or so second delay before a shield cell bank boots up after being powered. What these changes are for is to see if we can't decrease the effectiveness of shield cells, and especially chaining them, whilst increasing a potential alternative - hull reinforcement
Sandro (cont.): Now there's an interesting argument/fear about relying on hull rather than shields, which is sub-system sniping. A little while back, we decreased the size of pretty much all sub-system targets significantly and we stopped the power plant destruction from being an instant kill. Gimbal and turret weapons suffer from inherent confusion, limiting their ability to hit small targets and we reduced the range of most weapon's penetration. Even still, sub-system targeting needs to be useful, otherwise why have it? So will sub-system sniping become the new path of least resistance if shields break more often? That's something I'd like feedback about from these changes. If it turns out to be the case, we have multiple options to address it: we can increase module health, increase damage reduction for fitting hull reinforcement packages and of course scale back the penalties for shield cells, as well as offer protection from modules with the loot system. So the point here, as is always the case when we make design tweaks, to try out stuff in anger and get feedback from it that will ultimately help us improve the game.
Their responses to the questions about large ship combat/SCBs strike me as not being very well thought out. Michael's defense of "The big ships are vulnerable in a large dogfight, they need escort craft etc" isn't really the best option considering how limited wings are/combined with the sheer amount of people that play alone 99% of the time. I agree SCBs are far too useful at the moment but I would've just completely gotten rid of the ammo portion of SCBs and made it a use/recharge mechanic reliant on you having to refill it with pips to SYS. More like a cooldown than a pot in MMO terms. The whole heat damage/time to boot up thing just doesn't make sense, at all.
Why not? Just like in real life big ships are vulnerable to smaller one cause they can simply attack their weakpoints and stay out of relative harm.
For the Heat thing well, think of it this way : Shield Cells are basically intense surge of energy passing through the shield generator to regenerate them at a crazy rate. Energy Surge = Intense heat.
For the boot thing, well, it's just like a computer really. I guess that's the concept.
I think DrBo42 isn't questioning the "real-world" justification/logic of these decisions, but more from a game design perspective.
I am wholly ignorant on large ship combat, so I don't have anything to add, haha. The delay to bootup time for modules will be very interesting--I mean, watch any Isinona video. When he's doing all his stealthy Silent Running stuff, he is doing a TON of module management, on the fly. That will be gone, to a degree, when this patch hits.
Since you want to go that route...It's a stored cell of energy moving to a near empty shield. Shield runs at X amount of heat at full power/integrity, why would the heat level do anything other than return to that once a cell is dumped into it? It's not like the shield cell is being powered and then injected, it's already powered. That and heat has never been an issue in regards to shields, ever. They're just bad excuses to fix a mechanic that's been broken since implementation.
That's easy to say, but what would be a better fix?
As for heat penalties: It's not unthinkable. batteries get hot when being recharged. Why shouldn't the technique in ships that quickly pumps a lot of energy into the shields in a short amount of time generate more heat than a shield that is either at a constant level or recharging at a slow pace?
They quiet obviously want that SCB mechanic in there as measure to maintain the shields for a bit longer when faced with a lot of fire, but don't seem to be happy with the effect this has had on the meta. Large ships keeping up their shields far longer than they intended, due to being able to stuff their internal modules with SCBs.
The salt at shortening engagements so they aren't 10 minute SCB tanking exchanges where invincible anacondas just high wake out is bizarre. Giving fighters and escorts a reason to exist is wonderful for variety. It's really annoying seeing that grumbling pushback, but any sort of leveling attempt when one strat was by far the most viable is to expected, I guess.
Edit: To directly address some of the above. I don't think module granularity control is going to really be a problem. There will be a delay, but until we find out what those delays are, it's hard to say exactly how some of that stuff will work. My biggest question is how the FSD itself will boot up, since that's the go-to module for shutdowns for priority shenanigans.
Draining SYS capacitor into shields immediately (or via speed or some other limiting factor based on module quality and size) isn't a bad idea, but what really needs to happen is the SYS capacitor needs to be used for a larger variety of purposes. I'd argue that a shunt like that should still have a heat penalty though. But you'd effectively be super tanking with four pips into that anyway if you get rid of SCB ammo, depending on how much power you put into that, and it's general effectiveness. I am all for shortening engagements instead of drawing them out longer. Having SYS do something else of value (maybe have an effect on module boot time) would offset just tanking that.
The biggest thing is shields need to not have the static recharge rate, because the heat of SCB use/module swapping boot up time thing all makes sense to me from an additional mechanics and granularity standpoint. It just needs an offset so that those much larger generators aren't taking half an hour to regen your shields.
FD said:Hey everyone.
Here are the patch notes for the 1.5 "Ships" beta build. Remember to give it a really good test and leave your feedback here and your bugs here.
- Added Asp Scout
- Added Viper MkIV
- Added Federal Corvette
- Added Imperial Cutter
- Added Keelback
- PC/Mac: Added Bobbleheads!!!
- Added Imperial Fighter to CQC
- Added new missions
- Don't die missions
- Don't get scanned missions
- Multi-stage missions
- Missions can be received in space
- Assassination variants
- Contact missions
- Unique cargo missions - you have to deliver what you are given
- Timed window missions
- Added new open space scenarios:
- Search and rescue scenarios
- Wrecked ships scenarios
- New deep space salvage scenarios
- Distress call scenarios
- Alliance vip escort
- PC/Mac: Updated French, German and Russian translations
- Added more player group sponsored minor faction descriptions
- Master Chefs rare good added
- Renamed various planets
- Local emergency rescue NPCs added
- Xbox One - Show gamertag for Xbox One players who have 'discovered by' tags
- Swap the order that some conditionals are checked in to fix an error that can happen when searching certain systems names
- Added sanity check when selling commodities
- Don't crash when we try to eject all cargo and we either: have no cargo hatch, or the cargo hatch is shutting down
- Fix crash trying to xtract the cargo canister's root physics skeleton before it is loaded
- Fix an error than can happen when your squad leader is joining and leaving matchmaking in rapid succession
- Xbox One: Fix some errors suspending and resuming a CQC match
- Make sure that th stellar manager on the server shuts down correctly
- Fix potential crash when spawning NPCs
- Fix crashes reported for missing D3D buffers
- Fix crash caused in Alliance space where the music track was given the wrong action name
- Stellar system evolution shouldn't create negative mass
- Fixed a softlock that can happen if a player joins a CQC game while it is in the game initialisation state
- Avoid softlock loading into CQC if the ship object isn't ready yet
- Made CQC handle the player being logged out while playing
- Fix crash when using multiple mining lasers
- Fixed a memory leak in audio occlusion
- Fix memory leak on ship destruction
- Added a hitcheck box to the capital ship laser turret turntable so that there is something to hit for the energy weapons. Also fixed the hitcheck so that everything is aligned to the barrels
- Changed the seats in the Imperial Clipper to be the white imperial ones
- Add shadow distance override for cockpits where it's been missing
- Capped a few holes in the FDL hitcheck that was causing lasers and bullets to sometime go through the ship without hitting it
- Added Front LandingGear Doors to the Viper so you cannot see the LandingGear appear/disappear anymore
- The Eagle's rear landing gears no longer intersect with the landing pads
- Fix the galaxy map search returning systems that dont end in -0 when a search ends with -0. Also when an array of results is returned, make sure that we start iterating at the first element in the array
- Galaxy search - Make sure that when we are searching a region for a name match that the name matches the name of the region, otherwise it will end up looking through every star in a region without it being able to match anything
- Paint job tweaks and improvements
- Shipyard no longer shows 'filler text' during flicker animation on first visit
- Added NPC Police paintjobs to the Anaconda ship, so that the police forces in the game now all has the same livery when they respond to situations
- Added Keyboard toggle for orbit lines
- Fix the cancel binding causing you being unable to select that binding again until reloading the bindings menu
- Commodities market 'Demand' field cant fit 8 or more digits fixed
- Having a extremely large amount of credits causes errors when buying commodities fixed
- Unable to return to the sort on categories in outfitting for modules when you have scrolled down the menu to the Back option fixed
- Resolved an issue with disappearing ship icon in the Functions panel
- Fixed geometry hole in the cockpit chair near the camera
- Now that the Mac client has a BORDERLESS mode, accept this setting if it is found in the display config. file
- Give 'out of range' message for the mining laser
- Changed damage types and made sure outfitting has the correct stats too for the plasma accelerator
- Vulture decal placement fixes
- Updated in conjunction with dirt and tweak edits to improve panel definition and wear and tear on Fer-de-Lance
- Fixed missing damage section on Anaconda
- Got rid of faint white border from Alliance logo
- Made more space for digits in confirmation popup when discarding cargo
- Increased brightness and placement of hyperjump lens flare and removed unneeded drive bone to prevent an error
- Moved shader preparation option out of the graphics quality group as it is not affected by the quality preset
- Don't save if we're dead. Saving our ship in this state makes no sense and the server already knows all it needs to know from an earlier commander/death request
- Fix AIs not spawning close to stations
- Increased the width of the textField containing the module name to the maximum width to avoid text cutting
- Added icon for new 'IllegalSalvage' mission icon
- Adjusted a couple of the Anaconda loadouts to make sure all Anaconda's have turrets of some sort
- Removed back button from New Commander Screen
- The CQC outfitting hangar now has the name Attilius Orbital on the back wall
- Fixed the 'Friends' text header disappears after opening a friend's Gamercard
- Added NPC stranded behaviour - they need refueling!
- Improvements to NPC traders
- Those spawned near stations (who will normally dock with that station) now pick their starting cargo from that station's imported goods, rather than a random station's exported goods
- If spawning docked they pick from that station's exports to take away with them. When buying cargo after docking they also use the station's exports
- Added 'terrorist' NPC archetype
- Fixes some hitcheck which was letting ships clip through heatsink rings on the front of the O'Neill station
- Added oculus reset to F12 to controller configs where they were missing
- CQC: Scorecard - Added an extra column for 'Game Mode'- specific scores
- Fixed hitcheck so you can hit targeted weapons on the Fer-de-Lance
- Re-Exported Eagle to fix broken hardpoints. Also fixed wrong material applied to hardpoint doors
- Increased text size of 'viewing' text on CQC death screen
- When Attempting to Change Loadout on Death in CQC an Option Was already selected fixed
- Stop spurious button audio in powerplay UI
- Powerplay rating tab: highlight the current rating you are in white on the right hand list of ratings
- Shortened the text field in wing panel slightly to prevent cutting off of wing locations
- Art fix for Eagle LOD issues
- Extended text field so that ship's stats description fits in German
- Hitcheck tweaks to the Anaconda, Federation Gunship, Type 7 and Type 9 to make sure a small railgun can fire from every hardpoint
- Swapped hit layouts around for Cobra's small hardpoints
- Moved the Small hard point from the underside to the side, so the hardpoints can fire without shooting into them on the Federal Assault Ship
- Fixed landing gear clipping on Type 9
- Tweaks to Hangar cameras, decals and baked greebels on Anaconda
- New chatter tables added for new scenarios
- Search and rescue NPCs added
- Landing gear no longer disappears before landing gear doors close on Vulture
- Cash reward for routing a capital ship is now 150000 instead of 50000 to bring it in line with other increases in combat bonds
- "Unable to complete Transaction" screen stuck on Commodities market fixed
- Fix for Top/Boost speed in the Shipyard being higher than expected
- Reversed text on baked texture on Fed Gunship fixed
- Decals made to be more intergrated with the hull to follow contours on Federal Dropship
- 'Back' button in Galactic Powers menu functions as 'Exit' when clicked with the mouse fixed
- The powerplay GUI will sometimes load up another power when clicking back instead of exiting galactic power standing screen fixed
- Added "back" buttons to the news and standings pages of the powerplay menus
- Galaxy map view is not centred when opening the map the first time fixed
- 'Surge detected' text transposing onto canisters
- 'None' Filter for Economy in Show by colour in the galaxy map does not work fixed
- Added a minimum number of visible stars to galaxy map for edge case where none are displayed
- Player does not see own name in Squad list when the Squad Leader is selecting a game fixed
- Adjusted animation on large gimbal so it doesn't rotate as far to avoid the large cannon clipping through the floor
- Toggling between Economical and Fastest Route on Galaxy Map doesnt change the plotted route fixed
- Added in loadouts for the Bounty Hunter Viper MkIV and added in a crime scanner to one of the standard Viper loadouts
- Added in loadouts for military Viper MkIV's and Asp Scout's, also fixed missing Class 5-E drive text
- Updated the Alliance Viper military loadout to have mediums on it's mediums
- Added NPC loadouts for Miner Asp Scouts and Keelback
- Stop dancing stars near stars with the lensing effect
- Add dynamic overrides for menu group GUI labels. When in supercruise, the GUI now says "Disable supercruise" rather than "Enable...".
- Added NPC loadouts for Smuggler Asp Scouts and Keelbacks
- Fix for the CQC stats screen showing 0% progress once the player's hit Elite, should show 100% for a warm sense of completeness
- Rename duplicate authored system Khan to prevent conflict with generated system of the same name
- Removed translated ship names that shouldn't be translated
- Xbox One: Selecting current location on Galaxy Map isn't saved upon closing map fixed
- HIP and HD numbers in Galaxy map should not have commas in them
- Inconsistent Galaxy Map search method in Powerplay fixed
- Xbox One: Opening galaxy/system map with radial menu causes target panel to open when map is closed fixed
- Xbox One: Closing the system map with the B button brings up the galaxy map or vice-versa fixed
- Make sure that not having a microphone doesn't stop you using voice comms completely (i.e. listening)
- Add some significant events from recent history to various system descriptions in the galaxy map
- Superpower reputation progress bars added (plus minor redesign to improve layout)
- The icon for pledging to a power is still visible on the Power Standing screen after leaving the power fixed
- Fixed physics issue on the Viper
- Fix wing beacons disappearing after after 150s. Also fix wing beacons not appearing on the radar
- Fix for being allowed to attack ships that have bounty before scanning them enough to see it
- Updated damage decals for ships
- If the player gets into a conflict zone where the factions aren't hostile to each other, don't allow the player to join a faction and show "ceasefire" where we would show "choose faction"
- Fixed a problem in old planets that makes the normal map to be misaligned for one frame
- If two NPCs in an interdiction finish with one of the objects not live, don't try to make an FSD wake since we can't cache that ship
- Xbox One: If QoS times out after joining a friend's game (which shouldn't normally happen), neaten up the error message flow
- Two Zero-length vector fixes for velocity during interdiction - could have been causing odd directions
- Assigned a proper shipyard hologram for the Imperial Eagle
- Xbox One: Fix a matchmaking issue where players that had previously failed QoS with one game may be kicked out of another game they later joined successfully
- Fixed some issues with localised number formatting
- When the game is paused and we take a high-res screenshot, don't unpause it again afterwards
- Xbox One: Disable Friends menu options when we have no network, because the FriendsManagementScreen will just kick us out anyway
- Fix an issue with entering the reference frame of a space station while on the surface of Lave 2 by shrinking the station's reference frame size
- Wing beacons are now visible whenever the caster is in the same system and you can't see their ship
- Removed gamepad references from control schemes so that they'll show up when a gamepad isn't plugged in
- Fix the required SKU for the Cobra GamesCom paint job
- Stop AI ships blowing themselves up due to overheating when firing weapons
- Galaxy Map Info panel is consistently blank, regardless of selection fixed
- Xbox One: If you pause the game while on Outfitting screen and Open Help -> controller focus remains on Outfitting under the help UI
- CQC - Text Chat - Squad chat is labeled as Wing chat in team matches fixed
- Make empire/federation faction skill have a minimum of 0.01 and a maximum of 0.2 (if there is any) so that faction ranking is slightly easier
- Modified the way that containment radius is calculated so that for small moons close to their parent they don't end up with a containment radius intersecting their parents surface
- Fix incorrect game miode being shown in comms panel
- NPC's constantly flying into asteroids in resource extraction sites improvements
- If a squad invite for CQC gets declined the person who invited them is not informed fixed
- Add some additional checks to ensure that permits are loaded in correctly
- Stagger the creation of ring cells within a ring, to avoid creating many cells in the same frame
- Reduce memory overhead from cached asteroid physics
- When choosing targets for AI hyperspacing, check that targets aren't blocked by a body
- Cockpit was being attached slightly out of place causing the exterior cockpit chair to be in view from normal player camera in the Vulture
- Pioneer rank decal is listed as Starblazer fixed
- Ensure that the AI ambient spawner always generates enough NPC archetypes to satisfy the ideal number
- Moved chat box to the bottom right corner to not obscure main menu descriptions
- Fix for billboard asteroids not converging on the Oculus Rift and having different orientations in any 3D mode when stereo rendering is not enabled from the start of the game session
- Render the bottom of the planet rings for bodies in system map - you can move to see this side with HMDS
- If we are overriding the cargo of a ship, change the allocations of illegal/legal/stolen so that all cargo allocation is either legal or stolen
- Stop NPC ships from using paint jobs from wrong ship types
- "Target acquired" message stays when attempting to scoop new cargo fixed
- Miner NPCs spawn with a random mix of minerals from the asteroid field they're in; if they're not in an asteroid field, pick minerals from the station lists, rather than just random commodities as before
- Added more chatter lines for ambushed pilots to stop repetition
- Robigo system listed as "Terraforming", but it's actually Extraction fixed
- Reduce the shadow depth bias settings for Medium/Ultra inside the cockpit to fix the gaps showing at the cockpit glass struts
- Check we have an available pad before trying to spawn capital ship fighters
- Make sure massacre mission branches have reasonable timeouts
- Add training video section to front end
- System map should show distance from entry point for planets (similar to starports)
- Classified Camera Toggle control input remains after selecting the "Empty" controls scheme fixed
- Mass Lock cockpit indicator not turned off on entering new system fixed
- OSX: Fix for mouse click detection and cursor positioning issue when using Retina resolutions
- Fix NPC pirate wings not accepting dropped cargo to stop their attack
- Missions now check in advance that the player's ship is eligible to dock at all stations/outposts required for multi-stage missions
- Wrong Economy information for Devakak system fixed
- Fix an issue where dark side lighting on planets wasn't working in supercruise
- Player cannot pay fine when Black Market is accessed fixed
- Added a small amount of weapon drain to the plasma repeater to stop people leaving it on 0 pips for extended periods of time
- Disable local chat in CQC. Also show a more specific error message when blocking a direct message to a followee
- Corrected animation error on viper underside hard point doors
- Stop NPCs from trying to flee as a result of scanning when they are on the shared docking path
- Fixed a pop between the deploy and stow also fixed the intersection between the medium Pulselaserburst Turret and the ship
- Mirrored the location of the tiny hardpoints on the Hauler so that they're the right way around
- If we don't have mic focus (because the party app does), then show all channels as muted
- Raised Top Hardpoint bone to prevent the gun shooting through the hull on the Imperial Eagle
- Restructured front end training menus
- Fixed Custom Decals not showing on LODs on Python
- Fix some framerate sensitivity issues that caused partial frames of weapon recharge between shots to be ignored, resulting in lower than intended fire rates at low frame rates
- Give auto-bounties to powerplay pirates, the same as normal pirates
- Capped holes between Exterior hull and cockpit on Vulture
- The galaxy map, system map and powerplay screens are now closed when the player receives damage or hostiles appear
- Fix "repair paintwork" not working
- Make target time and target time range contract elements stop you from accepting a mission if the time range is going to be over within 10 minutes
- Massacre missions cannot be given by system owners now
- Hide Refinery tab if the refinery doesn't exist
- Changed message given to players trying to fit a shield generator that can't support the hull mass of the ship
- Chaff and Heatsinks will no longer be launched when deploying hardpoints by pressing one of the fire buttons if they are assigned to one of the active fire groups
- Don't snow nav/proximity warnings when your landing gear is down - you're probably trying to "hit" something intentionally
- Elite/Founder missions are now only available at the Founders World
- System Map: Removed long description line from system UI data
- Xbox One: Kick user out of voice comms (with dialog prompt) when entering CQC
- There was an area below the galaxy map popup where rolling over a star/planet wasn't possible. This is now fixed
- Positioning of star map popup is smarter and more flexible. Popup will stay contained to the screen bounds
- Xbox One: Change message to not use (possibly truncated) name when we can't find a chat target
- Made the system map rollover more forgiving - smaller objects no longer require precision mouse movements to see the popup
- In mining, player unable to eject minerals from the refinery hopper fixed
- Fixed missing doors on Federal Dropship
- Added tabs to system map - System, Info, Points of Interest
- Fixed tiny hardpoint placement and tweaked hitcheck on Federal Assault Ship
- Turning off 'Show star names' in galaxy map doesn't clear existing labels fixed
- System map popup positioning tweaked - now avoids overlapping other bodies in the same row
- Option added to disable head look focus mode on Comms and Info panels
- Adjusting position of Skirmish tutorial to bring it out of the planets pull
- SMAA workaround while core issue is investigated
- Moved tiny hardpoint bones so that the assets don't clip through the hull
- Made the matchmaking lobby check to make sure the server is updating it correctly and disconnect if it is not
- Set the hit sphere to the correct cargo hatch under the anaconda
- Don't let players choose a decline button on a mission branch if the message is no longer relevant
- Added a vent button to the refinery hopper
- If we accept a CQC invite while loading into CQC, don't return to the main menu
- Cockpit shadow fix for the Federal Gunship
- Rebalance of shield cell heat gain
- The heatsink projectile now simulates physics properly, and is susceptible to collisions and gravity
- Hull reinforcement health increased
- Modules now have boot up times
- OSX: Added support for up to 8 mouse buttons
- Server optimisation for StellarForge lookups - reduces system lookup times when hyperspacing
- Stop shadow casting spotlights from remaining after the owning activity has been destroyed
- Do allow remaining hopper items to be moved to bins after we've filled a canister. This fixes a bug where remaining items would get stuck in the hopper even though there's an empty bin available
- Significant improvements to blocked-shot testing for turrets, mostly aimed at settlements but will help elsewhere
- Small chance of spawning rescuer AI when player runs out of fuel in supercruise if in sufficiently populated system, not an anarchy, if player is ffriendly with controlling faction. Spawned AI acts like a hunter passive, so it will approach the player and then drop out, waiting for the player to follow
- Render the radar in world space as FOR shifts now are frequent avoiding relative positioning issues
New Audio:
- Audio for Imperial Fighter
- Audio for Federal Corvette
- Audio for Imperial Cutter
- Audio for Keelback
- Audio for CobraMKIV
- Audio for ViperMKIV
- Audio for Asp Scout
- Audio has been added to new damage model decals
- Adding LFE thump to cockpit breaches and FSD transitions
- CytoScrambler Laser has a sound!!
Audio Fixes:
- Weapons: Fixed Collector drone GUI "blip" sound triggering on all ships in the area. Now they only trigger on the drone owner's ship.
- Weapons: Improvements to missile mix
- Weapons: Missile explosion tweaks.
- Weapons: Improved Capital/Station Broadside Guns.
- Weapons: removed the falloff of volume over time when firing multi-cannons continuously.
- Physics: Raised the volume of cannon/plasma/railgun impacts on other ships that the player causes.
- Ships: Mix tweaks to Eagle, PG_Eagle Empire Eagle and Dropship to improve volume consistency across all ships.
- Ships: Fixed some clicks in Dropship drives.
- Ships: Fixes to Asp orientation.
- Ships: Fixes to Diamondback's boost.
- Ships: Fixed missing sound on Federal Dropship Boost.
- Ships: Improvements to occlusion on ships.
- Ships: Empire Eagle landing gear tweaks.
- Ships: Added boost fail volume curves, so not too loud when game is quiet.
- Ships: Added missing "Clunk" on other ships docking/undocking at stations.
- Music: Enabled streaming on some music memory optimisation .
- Music: Fixed a possible problem with music being faded out in the CQC menu.
- GUI: Fixed behaviour of docking offense and heat alarms, to avoid getting stuck on.
- GUI: Evened out the volumes on the rank up anims.
- GUI: Updates to CQC GUI.
- GUI: Tweak to CQC results stingers.
- GUI: loads of menu GUI tweaks.
- GUI: Fixed missing scanner sounds when losing a regaining line of sight.
- Voice: Added new CQC voice line "Enemy has the lead".
- Voice: Changed CQC welcome announcement wording.
- Set up occlusion on non-player ship impacts.
- Fixed joypad rumble to not rumble on nearby ships landing.
- Used our Pooled Audio Object system in a lot more places. Reduces voice count and improves performance.
- Plugged some holes in Pooled Audio Object system.
- Fixed some minor bugs in Soundbank Management.
- Optimised memory assignments for soundbanks.
I'm only talking about SYS power being placed back into the SCB battery, not draining it for shields. Basically making it so SCB is used, battery on it is empty, its recharge rate is now entirely dependent on your SYS power. So if you continue to be on the offensive with power to WEP, and 1 pip to SYS your SCB will recharge very slowly etc.
- Added new missions
- Don't die missions
- Don't get scanned missions
- Multi-stage missions
- Missions can be received in space
- Assassination variants
- Contact missions
- Unique cargo missions - you have to deliver what you are given
- Timed window missions
- Added new open space scenarios:
- Search and rescue scenarios
- Wrecked ships scenarios
- New deep space salvage scenarios
- Distress call scenarios
- Alliance vip escort
- Added 'terrorist' NPC archetype
- Search and rescue NPCs added
- Added NPC Police paintjobs to the Anaconda ship, so that the police forces in the game now all has the same livery when they respond to situations
Navigation panel has filters now. Hoo boy.