I play this game with an XBOX360 pad... And I'm pretty good at it.
Promising! Any suggestions for control config changes?
I play this game with an XBOX360 pad... And I'm pretty good at it.
You have missed a lot since then. Would you believe me if I told you that combat is now the best way to make money?I'm kind of in the mood again for Elite but I always get burned out whenever I return for it. Haven't played properly since around February I think.
Is there a good summary of Horizons and what the 4 expansions entail?
I'm still kind of bummed that I paid 50 euro for this back in December and now only get 25% off while newcomers get the whole deal for what the same amount that I paid for.
Go with the best you have available and prefer. Lots of people use controllers and sticks. Most probably use kb&m.I bit. Installing it now. What are peoples preferences on Keyb/Mouse or controller?
I bit. Installing it now. What are peoples preferences on Keyb/Mouse or controller?
Go with the best you have available and prefer. Lots of people use controllers and sticks. Most probably use kb&m.
so I'm done with the tutorials, and there's only one real issue i'm running into so far, and that's trying to dock, as in, going into the station itself. I can do it, but it's annoying - whenever i try to rotate my ship around to match the speed of the station turning, my ship actually turns and looks a different direction instead of just rolling. It's super frustrating. I'm using an xbone controller on control pad settings. I'm not sure why it seems to be both looking and rolling at the same time.
make sure you don't have flight assist off
and that you have rotational correction turned on
both of those options can be checked in the last tab of your right panel
edit: read the post again, this sounds more like a wonky axis assignment. make sure your headlook and ship control axis isn't assigned to the same stick.
edit 2: Looks like it was the 'Yaw Into Roll" feature. but now I don't have yaw available on my controller at all. it's a and d on my keyboard. is yaw used a lot? I would need to find a way to re bind it to my controller :\
roll and pitch should definitely be separate
unfortunately i don't know how the gamepad deals with yaw
ah, ok
yeah, yaw is pretty crucial
i think there is a dial into how much you want yaw into roll, maybe you can tone it down a little and see how that works
rarely will your destination be a direct jump away, you'll have to make several shorter jumps through other systems as your FSD jump range allows
try and go into your "Galaxy Map" (left panel, first tab) and find the destination system through the search box, and let the software plot the most appropriate route for you
ahhh, okay. that's what the plot destination is. thanks duder!
i might be butchering some of these answers, hopefully you're set!
you're bound to have a lot more questions if you stick with the game, don't be shy to throw them our way
oh my lord, went to find my first pirate cleanup duty, and i jumped right into a fucking star, the mission was right BEHIND it and I got to close, almost burnt up. scary shit! had to correct myself then emergency shut off power. I pooped.
I keep getting close, then something crazy pops up (escape vector with insane particles everywhere??) and I freak out, and it cancels, and then i gotta frameshift again Lol
don't be afraid to blow up when you're starting out
you're always given back a free sidewinder if you go boom
feel free to really experiment and screw up, honestly it's the best way to learn and a lot more fun than trying to do everything right the first time
wait, i think you're trying to jump out of supercruise into another destination
in order to do that you need to be within a designated distance and under a designated speed
don't just fly straight into the waypoint full speed!
You can tell real players from NPC's by the prefix "CMDR" which only shows up on players.
can you take a screenshot of your destination
it should be no more than 5-10 seconds in supercruise to go around any star
you're probably missing something simple
ROFL. respawned, tried to leave the station. It says thrust is offline. I try everything I can do, accidentally fire my laser once. Oops....
don't give up
I blew up ahah. turns out my thrusters were turned off from when I tried to reboot and repair when i was floating waiting for death. it ALMOST worked too.
I think
edit: yeah I'm not sure what the hell I'm doing. I went to the nav beacon in the system where it says the pirates are, I only see 2-3 people, they're all clean and reputable. I'm not sure where I'm supposed to find these duders.
I blew up ahah. turns out my thrusters were turned off from when I tried to reboot and repair when i was floating waiting for death. it ALMOST worked too.
I think
edit: yeah I'm not sure what the hell I'm doing. I went to the nav beacon in the system where it says the pirates are, I only see 2-3 people, they're all clean and reputable. I'm not sure where I'm supposed to find these duders.
Wanted NPC will show up at nav beacons but you may have to wait a bit.
I'm about to head to a movie but if you're playing later/tomorrow we can team up. it's easier to answer questions in real time as they come up as opposed to the slow call and response that is forum posting. add me for now. 'Heavenly Hammer' in game.
yeah a bunch of people showed up after. I helped kill 2 hostiles, but on the question info it still says 0/3 confirmed
if you're 100% sure they were listed as "WANTED" and you participated in the kill and didn't get credit, it may be because another human player was there and got the last hit. When other players are around, think of ship kills like creep hitting in Dota. The person who hits it last gets the $. If it's just you and a bunch of NPCs, you just need to hit them a couple times before their hull hits 0% for you to get credit.
If you know there were no human players around AND you know then ship was wanted...'re probably in the wrong star system. Check the mission to make sure you went to the right place.
I forgot how complicated this game can be at times. Ugh.
I forgot how complicated this game can be at times. Ugh.
Don't think they've announced that yet. If it's above Post Captain on Fed I'm screwed. Rank progression is so bad.So does anyone know on the rank requirement for the Cutter/Corvette?
Welp.. just bought it. And so did alot of other people apparently, it's #1 top seller on Steam right now.
Hello everyone, I might come in here more often from now on lol
Really glad to see a huge surge of players with this Steam sale. This will be interesting times ahead for Elite.![]()
It's a shame all those people are fucked for Horizons though. They really need to sort out a reasonable upgrade path. Even at $15 US on the store I can't recommend it considering you get the base game with Horizons.
Won't they get $15 off of Horizons if they own Elite? I know I have seen Steam games in the past offer discounts if you own another game so it must be possible.
Just bought this on sale and while I almost ran out of fuel within my first hour with the game, I think I have a better idea of what I'm doing now! I just need to learn to use the map a little better. I'm already looking at a HOTAS on amazon, just because landing with my side thrust on the keyboard while using a controller is a bit of a pain in the ass.
Some of the mission types seem deliberately obtuse/pointlessly RNG "Hey go to this system then fly around until maybe a location will spawn and maybe that location will have your mission target!"