Anton Sugar
From orbit down to Europa from Braben, in an iEagle no less. The transition looks to be like the one from supercruise to local space.
Not as bad as I expected from that description, mostly because I think it matters that you're not just staring at blank space.
A tiny little thing that would drastically improve these transitions, IMO: get rid of the "frozen" feeling. The transition seems like a loading screen because there is a distinct feeling of "player presses a button (to drop out), screen freezes, instance loads in".
Also--possibly related to this "why does Horizons lighting look 'flat' sometimes"--I wonder if this "fix" applies to planets, too:

There's a bug affecting the lighting.
I re-posted the image to make the 'instructions' a bit clearer.
Someone told me about this a while ago, but I've only just got around to checking it out.
If you go to a Ice Ring system and hold down the 3 key - the game will draw in the shadows. When you are in the cockpit, pressing 3 focuses on the radar. Simply press it again to return to normal focus, except this time hold it down. I wedged the key in place.
This obviously isn't an official fix, it's just a workaround. But it proves 100% that there has been a shadow problem in the ring systems for a long time. I also suspect this is why the interiors of the stations look different to they did during Premium Beta / Beta.
Confirmed by FD:
Hey /u/mortenfischer,
I know that this is something we are looking into now and it is logged in our bug DB, so hopefully we can get this resolved soon.
Thanks for the page & fly safe,
CMDR Falcon