JAny race can be any class as soon as you hit level 5 with any character iirc. I have a Brouni Dragoon and Celestrian Botanist right now.
Oh hell yes consider myself totally corrected and now fully pumped.
JAny race can be any class as soon as you hit level 5 with any character iirc. I have a Brouni Dragoon and Celestrian Botanist right now.
So, what time can we expect the game to go up on the eShop?
Whenever your local eshop updates. In NA that's usually around noon est.So, what time can we expect the game to go up on the eShop?
Even better!You may not even need to go that far. I made a new character and was able to alter class to anything right off the bat.
Does the game still have the overworld maps from IV? I loved that. Loved the small bite-sized dungeons with larger 3-floor stratums.
This seems much more like EO II and since I've played that one (I've played all 4 of 'em but not the remakes) I'm wondering why in particular I should play this one.
Does the game still have the overworld maps from IV? I loved that. Loved the small bite-sized dungeons with larger 3-floor stratums.
This seems much more like EO II and since I've played that one (I've played all 4 of 'em but not the remakes) I'm wondering why in particular I should play this one.
probably 9 AM PST
Any race can be any class as soon as you hit level 5 with any character iirc. I have a Brouni Dragoon and Celestrian Botanist right now.
No it's a full on return to the first two games where all there is, is the 30 floor labyrinth.
It's going back to the more traditional mega dungeon from the first 3 games, so there's no more overworld and side dungeons. It's more EO if you want more EO, which I want.
If there's a complaint is that so far it just takes all the beats from the first 2 games wholesale.it's a little on the nose.The first boss is a mob boss, there's a postgame boss on 8F that you have to dodge,
wait... didn't this game came out 4 years ago?
wait... didn't this game came out 4 years ago?
Is this a joke or are you bad with Roman numerals?
are you joking? JPN version came out last year
Are the DLC clothing options for every class/race?
Are those just sprite sets or full classes in the DLC?
Not being an audiophile at all, could somebody please explain what the music DLC is or is supposed to do? FM synth? I'm guessing that it's the regular music from the game but in a different format or something?
It allows for an option to change the music to a remastered version done deliberately in a retro-sounding way, as a throwback to the earlier installments of the series, which themselves were done in chiptune to revoke the nostalgia of the dungeon crawlers from the 80's.
Think going from this to this, albeit in this case the orchestral version came later. It's somewhat of a first for the series to de-orchestrate its soundtrack.
Who knows what's next for Etrian Odyssey now that the DS era is over, but I'm glad we got all five mainline games. Excited to start this game tomorrow.![]()
Can I get some tips on party composition? I usually hate figuring out how to build on in these games as I usually end up with something horribly inefficient or have to respec constantly.
I want to do big single hit damage. Want to change up from the huge setup Landshneckt/Nightseeker link based combos I did in EO4.
I have managed to keep myself completely and totally blind on this; will probably try to math things out myself instead of looking around existing resources. Assuming I don't get extremely lazy, anyway.
Hype though!![]()
Nice OT, thanks! Not out 'till next month here
but I'm enjoying the demo. I recommend eurogaf pick up a physical copy early if they want one as the print runs are historically tiny.
Waiting for the physical EU release. If I didn't have other things to play I would be getting it today.
That's great, I didn't know that. Waiting on physical personally as it's cheaper here (£28 vs £35, UK).The digital release in Europe is today (same as the US releases), so if you don't mind owning digital products you can own the game at the same time as our American brothers and sisters.