Red Arremer
I'm not playing either, as well haha.
I'm not playing either, as well haha.
Based on people's wishlists and posts, I guess I'm the only one here who'll be playing Hotline Miami 2 instead of Cities in about 8 hours?
I also think we should wait for a stable build btw
2 inches and far too young respectively.
The HP EliteBook 850 G1 has an AMD Radeon 8750m onboard, as well as an Intel 4400. The Mac has an NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M onboard, at least it looks that way on the apple store page. Going by FutureMark's ratings and others, the 750m is the better card, by some margin.
can you choose the slightly expensive version of macbook pro 15? (kr 23 990,00)
That comes with a decent dedicated video card (the one uzzy refers to)
But are both good enough for EU4?
As far as I can understand from the website, the one I posted was the top model they would deliver.Have a look here:øpsveiledning_for_bærbare_Mac-maskiner
I would call them tomorrow and ask for the full specs. But it looks from the site that it is indeed the version with no dedicated video card. :/sort of makes sense for the uses 90% of University employees have for it too
hotfix is out
But are both good enough for EU4?
Just looking at the specs, I'd say yes. How well it'll run isn't something I know though.
I play EU IV quite a lot on my laptop that has an i7 CPU and no dedicated GPU (so HD4000) and it works quite well for lower resolutions an reduced effects.
The first round of MP I played it exclusively on it.
Lets play France and get the French cores achievement nice and quickly. That'll be easy. No way that a massive coalition of all of Europe would form if I just go get some of my cores back, right..
What are you using for changing the map and army graphics?
Thick Borders and Recoloured Water, along with the white text and user interface submods.
... but no love for Uzzys waifu mod.
It’s in early stages, so not yet playable in Cities: Skylines, but proposes the addition of political functionality to the game. The main goal is summarised as “your citizens should have more detailed demographics and you as mayor at the end should be able to proclaim yourself an independent city state and all the craziness that follow there.”
“I’ll have to add so citizens will slander the Mayor for being totalitarian and then you can click on the Citizen Chirp feed to bring him up and then let the Secret Police of Awesomeville have a nice “talk” to him why he is instigating against the most glorious Republic on the face of earth.”
Meh, can't get cities to even start up properly on my computer and only terribbly slow on my macbook. Such a shame :')
Even if it's set to 720p?
Great! Looking forward to it! 9pm then!
Yes, and we end at 01:00 CEST as all first sessions Before.