One of the major problem with Venice is that you can never really trust AI Austria no matter what you do. Suddenly they'll pick a mission that'll screw you over whatever your relations has been up until that point
Glorious French-Ethiopian AI incoming.
We should play a game of EU4 themed or CK2 themed Mafia.
We could all be OPMs in the HRE and vote to coalition blob the Conquerers.
Sorry Haly, I started out pretty well, but had an issue with my dog and had to drop out.We should play a game of EU4 themed or CK2 themed Mafia.
We could all be OPMs in the HRE and vote to coalition blob the Conquerers.
Missed another session, I probably need to drop outReal life is catching up to me atm in a rather unexpected and untimely manner. Sorry for everyone affected.
Remember to send Kabouter your ratings for next session while they're still fresh in your mind.
Sans comment.Bernd: But was a fun game, just got a bit stale towards the end
kawaii caliphate: no one wanted to fight
kawaii caliphate: game 3 was much more interesting
kawaii caliphate: er...
kawaii caliphate: 4?
Bernd: I was considering fighting you for a while actually
kawaii caliphate: game 4
kawaii caliphate: pfft
Bernd: If I had gotten a CB last session I would have attacked
kawaii caliphate: i'm
Bernd: Ivory Coast trade node
kawaii caliphate: fucking saving this convo
kawaii caliphate: so the world knows
kawaii caliphate: SO THEY ALL KNOW
Too bad they game didn't last a few decades longer. I was going to set up a nice trade capital in Novgorod, finish quantity ideas, and get a more respectable army going.
Bernd: Pffft, half the game
Bernd: KingSnake babysat me for at least like 3/4ths
This round completely killed my enthusiasm for this game, and considering the summer vacation is coming up, I say we start next round in august, hopefully with new ambitions, friends and motivation. And an old enemy in Kingsnake.
This round completely killed my enthusiasm for this game, and considering the summer vacation is coming up, I say we start next round in august, hopefully with new ambitions, friends and motivation. And an old enemy in Kingsnake.
yeah, the power balance wasn't as good this game compared to the last game, because you were all mad enough to let Fitz play the Timurids and then KingSnake baby-sat Kab for half the game.
I stand corrected, 3/4ths.
I barely touched you.
It could have been way worse if I wouldn't have been busy with the big Portugal that jwites managed to do up to a point and didn't have crappy leaders early one (which hurt my coring capability). And if it wouldn't have been me, it would have been somebody else. Venice is always destined to die unless Fitz/MGO helps it.
This round completely killed my enthusiasm for this game, and considering the summer vacation is coming up, I say we start next round in august, hopefully with new ambitions, friends and motivation. And an old enemy in Kingsnake.
Roboleon's tag never stops being relevant.
Otoh, you set a new record for base tax, so I think it all worked outNever got to finish off India or the Ottomans, a permanent blight on my EU MP career.
Japan end game report:
This session overall was felt like the anti-thesis of last session.
1) I've barely been involved in player wars, and the ones I've been involved in has been to unbalanced to be of any interest honestly - both the one aggressive PvP I had versus Pasai, the first defensive war with Ming against Mughals, and of course the last war. The last war in particular felt really rigged, more or less designed to just end the game. Most so because France was engaged in a war against three province nation Portugal, calling in Netherlands as an ally just before Netherlands declared Germany. Now, I have no doubt KingSnake needed all the help he could get against the mighty Portuguese empireP), but of course it had some really unfortunate results for his other ally Steeven, as this neat series of coincidences made it impossible to call France in defensively. Kab also brought the Mughals and Uzbek to complete the farce, and poor heroic Germany was singlehandedly facing an combined dutch-mughal-uzbek army of - I'd estimate around 600K? The last ~300K of the Mughal army was dealing with Ming and a couple of Japanese suicide platoons on the other side of the globe. Such interesting war.
Sum: PvP wars in general was very uninteresting to me this session, which was a disappointment compared to last session where they were the highlight.
For what it matters, I engaged my remaining army in some battles and they appeared pretty decent against such an overwhelming force.
Regarding the rape of Germany, well, even King could not have turned the tide there. I was expecting an endgame of the hordes versus another alliance, but some chose certain victory over challenge instead. That became pretty obvious when Kab became allied with MGO and Fitz. I can understand that, but it forced the endgame pretty soon indeed. But it's too easy to solely point the finger at others, I could have tried harder to manage my allegiances for instance. I became a very tempting target for Kab and MGO, probably because my coalition could not match them anyway, especially with Fitz backing them. In the future, I will put more thought in my alliances, especially in the long run, although I regret nothing regarding the choices I made in this game.
august?!?! D: let's be reasonable! I was going to say early July at the latest. ;_;
I don't get what the point in that is. There's a big gap between a 3.9 and a 3.1 that the system currently captures that a rounded system doesn't. What you propose sounds exactly the same as what we currently do except less accurate.
My suggestion was just going to be to raise the player+nation score cap to 7.5, because the nation scores rise very quickly as you reach the last few, which means increasing the cap only changes the amount of nations available to low ranked players by a little bit, but gives high ranked players a bit more choice. I was also thinking we'd average player scores over the last 3 sessions say to prevent a player getting a much too powerful nation because of an egregiously performance in one round (not that I'm talking about you, Fitz).
or am I
If we're going to streamline the player ratings into 5 scores, then how do we decide the order for choosing nations, within each rank? Does someone have a random draw machine handy?
Average scores are certainly something I'd suggest too.
I'd be up for raising the max for player/nation scores, though if we just rank players/nations using fractions instead of rounding to integers, then that should achieve the the same effect of added accuracy, otherwise we might as well go all the way up to 10. Though honestly I dislike the nation ranking system as a whole, it's good for obvious 5's like France and England, but it's harder to balance down the tier as people get less familiar with the nations, Timurids being the obvious example.