Yeah, the normal F10 maps end up there for me. With F11 I just received a "screenshot taken" message and then nothing.
Burgundy in EU4 is much harder because EU4's France is psychotically insane and it takes coalitions of the entire rest of the continent to keep it down.
I have yet to see this. In both of my games France has gotten dominated by Spain, England and Burgundy.
Who ever even turns lucky nations off? :/
Who ever even turns lucky nations off? :/
But yeah, I've seen France falter quite a few times. It usually occurs because they don't integrate fast enough and they get chipped away at by Brittany and Aragon in the first century.
I don't know what information is out there at the moment, but I got to talk to Johan from Paradox yesterday. Hee are some tidbits:
- They are already working on a bigger patch that should address some exploits including farming the Aztecs for gold..
I have a question regarding the HRE.
I have recently conquered Siena, which like me is part of the HRE and I did get a warning from the to free Siena. I obviously ignored them and am sure this means something... Or does it?
And if it does how can I smooth things over.
France is more difficult to play than it would appear. At first you're all, big country, lots of manpower, can be a profitable nation even based on tax and production alone, it's gotta be easy. But it's deceiving. If you want to progress you have to gobble up a ton of kingdoms. Which makes everyone around you hate your guts forever. I have never been in a proper one on one war. It's always me against a coalition. I may have a big army, but half of it is fighting invasions in places away from my main objective. I could see the AI easily losing the plot when it plays France.
If anyone owns Imperial territory (including the Emperor) but doesn't have a core on it, they'll get the unlawful territory modifier on that piece of land until they've cored it. The Emperor will also get a CB on that person to reclaim the piece of land, although I think that's only after they've passed the first HRE reform now.
Are you playing Ironman? With Ironman, Lucky Nations is turned on with no way of turning off, which means France rolls nothing worse than a 5/5/5 leader every single team and thus is basically unstoppable. Without Ironman and with Lucky Nations turned off, they're much less scary, yeah.
Couple of questions:
1) Is there something special people are doing to get personal unions? I always look out for countries with disputed successions and arrange a royal marriage but they've never ended in a personal union.
Also, one stupid thing I was doing which I wasn't aware of was leaving military access open to random countries. It was totally destroying my Diplomatic relations. I was stuck on 1 point per month for the longest time.
Will I be able to run this decently on an iMac 2.8 GHz i5, 4GB, Radeon HD 5750? Minimum specs state a Radeon HD 6750, which is basically the same card as the 5750, except newer...
the minimum specs on graphic card are a GeForce 8800 or a Radeon X1900, so you should be able to run it.
France's idea that gives it 33% more army morale is ridiculous, and combined with it's huge manpower, France becomes a juggernaut once it reaches a decent size.
It's a flat 0.33, not 33%, that would be insanely overpowered.![]()
Which reminds me of Russias insane 50% more land unit forcelimit national idea.
Fucking stability, always droping through random events. Biggest villain in a video game ever.
I wouldn't expect any problems. It doesn't feel it should have too taxing graphics.
Play the demo first to make sure. Realistically it shouldn't but I don't think it's that well optimised. My gfx fans are running quite high relative to what's on screen.
I'll probably go for theone next with my current Russia savegame. Lets see how that goes. I really love how the achievements offer incentives to try out different playstyles/nations and I wanted to try some of these before the first good mods hit that I might want to play (which will deactivate ironman and achievements).Crush HRE
I have no idea what I am doing by this point, seeing it is my first game to get to this point in time, but for the time being I have given up any sort of aggressive expansion inside Europe and leaving that to Burgundy / whoever and I am going to concentrate on spreading as far and wide as I can. Not sure if I am doing it the right way (so suggestions welcome!), but as Spain, you can see from the image that I have spread to Somalia in Africa, might hit up Maldives next...and in the US I might have issues with England who aggressively taking over Northern Canada.
I'd grab more south africa provinces for the Diplomatic Reputation + 2 trading bonus and then hit up australia and the colonizable islands to the north of australia if you want to stay away from the other european nations.
You could also then start some wars in asia, since they'll have way lower tech groups than you.
Cheers, didn't know about that bonus for SA. I own 3-4 of the provinces down there, so shouldn't be too hard to finish off the rest.
Which reminds me of Russias insane 50% more land unit forcelimit national idea.
Do you need to start as russia to get Russian ideas? I formed Russia as Novgorod and still have Novgorod ideas.
But I've seen France contained (without my involvement) in several games now. It always involves the Burgundian inheritance not triggering. Thanks to some sloppy coding (they get everything in the France region, which includes a bunch of imperial territory that should stay with the Habsburgs), France gets more provinces from Burgundy than it should and leaves it incredibly powerful.
Ah yeah sorry, I meant the Muscovy ideas which I still had as Russia.As muscowy presumably.
Just game across a larger font mod on the official forums:
There's a bit of clipping in some areas it seems, but pretty great nonetheless, especially for high-res monitors.
If anyone cares, these are the ironman compatible mods I am using atm:
The first one exchanges the TI graphics to look less papery,but its nothing big. The flags look a bit more dirty/real and the added loading screens are a cool addition if you start up the game a few dozen times each week.
Bigger diplomacy view only makes sense on higher resolutions.
Bigger Diplomacy looks really nice, going to try that out. Baffling that Paradox haven't done more to improve their UI as far as scaling and higher-resolutions go.
Paradox is like six Swedish dudes at a basement in Stockholm running 1024 x 768 CRT monitors.
Paradox is like six Swedish dudes at a basement in Stockholm running 1024 x 768 CRT monitors.
So, who would be interested in an MP round? I figure we'd need some discussion about the rules beforehand. I'd say 1 hour daily, so we can break the game up in digestible chunks that most people should be able to attend regularly. Which time period would the ones interested be fine with?
Regarding the country choices, I'd say we do a randomized vote. Everyone votes for 3 countries he would a) like to play himself and b) would be fine with others playing. Once we have the votes, we'll do a random draw for the voted countries. That way no one should be super disadvantaged by 2 friends here choosing countries next to each other and we'll likely avoid the big juggernauts as France, since hopefully no one votes for France to be played![]()
Other than that, we'll likely end up playing most of it on speed 2 and 3, so be prepared that it will be a long time MP investment and the AI will take care of a country if the player is not attending the game.
So how does that sound? Who'd be interested? Which times would work for you?
I'm definitely in!![]()