archnemesis, 6 PM - midnight / CETSo what would be your possible time?
archnemesis, 6 PM - midnight / CETSo what would be your possible time?
My Oman ironman game, I really wish I was more of a risk taker. I could have easily been much bigger. Mainly, I should have pushed into Persia. Definitely not good enough to play MP anyway.
Didn't get an achievement for unifying Japan... anyone know if that is bugged and/or what I may not have done?
Naw, go for the constantinople trade node or bitch slap india.
Probably a stupid question, but you're in ironman right?
The same thing happened to me. I don't know if it was because Japan had a vassal left or if it was because they had changed government type to Feudal Monarchy instead of Shogunate.Didn't get an achievement for unifying Japan... anyone know if that is bugged and/or what I may not have done?
You have to annex all the other daimyos, even if you've already taken the decision to unify Japan.Didn't get an achievement for unifying Japan... anyone know if that is bugged and/or what I may not have done?
Worst rebel doomstacks in recent memory.
They kept crossing the border and then spawning new stacks. It's pretty retarded that the rebels can field an army that's so ludicrously large, dealing with them involved mercenary spam, taking out several loans, and letting htem siege provinces so they split up and hoping to get lucky enough for them not to retreat to the same province the other guys were sitting in. Took YEARS before they finally fucked off.
So is trying to unify the HRE as weak as it seems? I had an extremely satisfying game as Saxony where I gradually amassed power, stole the HRE from Austria, and started implementing reforms. But when I clicked the penultimate reform (where every HRE member either agrees to be vassalized or declares war), things didn't work like I expected. It looked like the HRE members who declared war actually left the HRE as well.
This makes the last reform (make the HRE into a nation) seem really weak. Only the countries that I already have vassalized will be incorporated, right? Why bother going through the effort of reforms instead of just conquering/diploannexing everyone?
Can anyone shed some light on this?
So is trying to unify the HRE as weak as it seems? I had an extremely satisfying game as Saxony where I gradually amassed power, stole the HRE from Austria, and started implementing reforms. But when I clicked the penultimate reform (where every HRE member either agrees to be vassalized or declares war), things didn't work like I expected. It looked like the HRE members who declared war actually left the HRE as well.
This makes the last reform (make the HRE into a nation) seem really weak. Only the countries that I already have vassalized will be incorporated, right? Why bother going through the effort of reforms instead of just conquering/diploannexing everyone?
Can anyone shed some light on this?
You instantly inherit and get cores on every single vassal in the HRE. How is that weak?
Toma's got it. Given the need to raise Imperial Authority, and given that a lot of HRE nations will declare war instead of willingly submit to vassalization, it seemed faster and easier to just diploannex rather than go through the last two HRE reforms.You instantly inherit and get cores on every single vassal in the HRE. How is that weak?
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind for my next game.Toma said:The others probably didnt accept because you had vassalized HRE members. They need to consent to every reform and having a vassal gives -50 for every HRE vassal you have.
Well, that would have been the point of going into Persia.
The same thing happened to me. I don't know if it was because Japan had a vassal left or if it was because they had changed government type to Feudal Monarchy instead of Shogunate.
You have to annex all the other daimyos, even if you've already taken the decision to unify Japan.
Yeah... see my update. Seems I lost connectivity to steam so my cloud/ironman save became a regular one without me realising. :-/
I wouldn't think losing connectivity is an obstacle to getting the achievement. I've noticed that Steam occasionally goes down, but that's never prevented me from simply resuming the save later (or even continuing the game until it connects again).Yeah... see my update. Seems I lost connectivity to steam so my cloud/ironman save became a regular one without me realising. :-/
The one time I got involved in a coalition was not a pleasant experience. First off, I had military access with France when the coalition triggered and lost five stability. Then, the AI was unable to coordinate its movements and lost most of the battles. Great Britain was sieging near Paris and had a chance to move toward Ile-de-France and wipe out a stack of 45,000 retreating French soldiers, but of course they never did it. And even though I was the only one actually making progress against France, the war leader decided that I should be punished and gave up some of my territory to Portugal in the peace deal. It ultimately didn't matter, though, because I was already at war with Portugal and simply got my cores back at no cost. I think coalitions can still generously be called a work in progress.I'm Portugal, in a PU with Seville, we allied to Aragon as a mission and were part of a big coalition against a v. powerful Big Blue Blob doing the usual ... immediately declares war on Aragon, and Burgundy and the low countries hit them from the north, and me, Seville and Aragon hit them from the south.We take out their doomstacks and have them on the run .. taking back Barcelona and they won a few sea battles and wsr score ticks over to 1% positive. Then Aragon does this:
Wtf? They are my African provinces that I'd spent an age, coring, converting and culturing ... Aragon are going to DIE ... the traitorous weasels!
I believe it happens when Burgundy's ruler dies without an heir or Burgundy is involved in some kind of war. It's intended to reflect and simulate the historical division of Burgundian land between France and Austria. From Wikipedia:Burgundys ruler died 10 years after the game started and I (France) got half of their provinces while Austria got the other half in a seemingly random event triggered by the rulers death.
O...kay? Is that always happening?
Edit: I actually would have preferred the event not triggering because now Austria will become stupidly powerful if I cant stop them immediately before they build up their army.
Isn't there a checkbox on the war progress screen that allows you to deny the AI war leader the right to offer your provinces in a peace?I'm Portugal, in a PU with Seville, we allied to Aragon as a mission and were part of a big coalition against a v. powerful Big Blue Blob doing the usual ... immediately declares war on Aragon, and Burgundy and the low countries hit them from the north, and me, Seville and Aragon hit them from the south.We take out their doomstacks and have them on the run .. taking back Barcelona and they won a few sea battles and wsr score ticks over to 1% positive. Then Aragon does this:
Wtf? They are my African provinces that I'd spent an age, coring, converting and culturing ... Aragon are going to DIE ... the traitorous weasels!
We're adding over 25 new national ideagroups for @E_Universalis in the 1.2 patch.. ETA, late september.
Isn't there a checkbox on the war progress screen that allows you to deny the AI war leader the right to offer your provinces in a peace?
From Johan's twitter account:
Yes there is, I always make sure it's off after a vassal was forced to give up a county early in my game. Even when I have the enemy completely sieged and click that button I have never received anything so I usually try to settle for peace early and see what I can get if I'm not the war leader. The relation hit for settling early is pretty minimal.
Thanks for posting. What would that mean though? He means the perks you get for having 3,6,9,12, ideas right? So it would basically be one more of those since you could max them pretty early on?
I think that's right, a lot of countries at the moment get the crappy generic "National Ideas" group, instead of say "Prussian Ideas" or "English Ideas". So I should think it means more countries having more flavour!
Are you able to do that in a coalition though?
"A member of a coalition can never sign a separate peace"
Ah, I thought it meant that there would be more national ideas for each country on each playthrough. Currently there are only 6-7 or so, which you can easily max out at around 1700, so maybe adding another one, but yours makes more sense.
No, they are adding new national idea groups, not expanding existing ones. It'll add more flavor to other countries.
Is there any good way to recover legitimacy? It's going to take like 200 years to get up to full at this rate because I had a weak heir. I can't see any advisors that give it like in EU3 and royal marriages are only a tiny trickle.
Will my next in line be a higher legitimacy? I never paid attention in may last game -_-
Nothing stunts war mongering like a regency council.
Any tips for speeding up conversion of Sunni provinces?
Any tips for speeding up conversion of Sunni provinces?
MP time scheduling said:archnemesis, 6 PM - midnight / CET
Arol, 7 PM - ?? / PST
Colkate, 10:30 AM - 3 AM / BST
Crab, 7 PM - 1 AM BST
KingSnake, 7 PM - 3 AM / CET
Manik, 8:30PM - 12:30AM / BST.
Mgoblue201, 5 PM - ?? / Eastern Time (flexible?)
mkenyon, 7 PM - 11 PM / PST
Rug Monkey, 6 PM - 3 AM / BST
Toma, 12 noon - 3 AM / CET
Zoku88, 7PM - 2AM / PST