one... one hundred!?
I don't think I've ever gone over 50....
100 is fine if you manage your rebels. I am constantly at 80+, but you get more severe rebels if you are 100+.
one... one hundred!?
I don't think I've ever gone over 50....
Huh, maybe I just play like a wimp. I usually don't go for the big spanning empires. I usually just try to get filthy rich XD
Do you guys play with lucky nations or no?
I'm going to start a new game as the Ming and wondering how much if a disadvantage I want to be at.
Do you guys play with lucky nations or no?
I'm going to start a new game as the Ming and wondering how much if a disadvantage I want to be at.
What I meant was, I need a territory bordering Japan in order to get a Casus Belli.
In other news, I took a random -3 stability hit and HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I finally stabilized after burning through 3000 ducats and all my monarch points.
Been playing the demo and have wrapped my head a bit around the U.I. and some of the gameplay basics. Played through most of the Spanish tutorial campaign up to settling the new world. Thinking about taking the plunge but I'm a little unsure about the add-ons/dlc. I'm looking at buying the Europa Universalis 4 Extreme Edition as well as the Pre-Order and Call-To-Arms Packs. I don't so much care about the superficial unit improvements but there are some important looking events and what not spread across all three. Are they worth buying?
How does playing Byzantium work? You have like one island in the middle of a sea of Ottomans.
With lots of patience and good timing.
So with those DLC packs checked in the launcher, those events automatically happen to those countries that get something from the DLC?
The only real strategy to winning as the Byzantines is to build something like 20 galleys, which is well beyond your force limit and will put quite a strain on your income. Once the Ottomans cross back over into Anatolia, declare war and block the strait. Due to some quirks in the AI programming, they won't attempt to raise an army in Europe, and you can basically trap their fleet in port. Foment some Greek rebels and try to get your cores to flip automatically (which doesn't always work). Take everything else you can get in the peace deal. You should now have most of Greece under your control.How does playing Byzantium work? You have like one island in the middle of a sea of Ottomans.
How does playing Byzantium work? You have like one island in the middle of a sea of Ottomans.
Wow, besides the galley thing, this was a lot smarter than what I did... Especially the Albanian DOW. Didn't even cross my mind to do something so early...Declare war on Trebizond, land and crush their army, extort for money (don't siege). Declare war on Albania to drag Athens into the war without the Ottos honoring their guarantee of Athens. Conquer Athens.
Build up a huge fleet of galleys, as many as you can take, make sure you've got more ships than the Ottos do and invest in a naval leader rather than a land general. When the ottos have their army in Anatolia, preferably in another war, declare reconquest on them. Sponsor Bulgarian patriots and start sieging Bulgarian provinces. Both will spawn on their own over time, but the Greek ones are friendly to you by default, and funding Bulgarian patriots will mean that if they do spawn, they will be friendly to you also! Let Greek patriots siege and have provinces defect to you, while you siege Bulgarian culture holdings.
After provinces defect to you, all of them, sue for peace where you take their coastal Bulgarian holdings, but not the whole of Bulgaria. Immediately release Bulgaria as a vassal after the war, and then the remaining patriots (or the next lot to spawn) will siege down their other European provinces and defect to your vassal.
In my game Edirne remained the Otto capital, but I'm not sure if Greek patriots can make it defect or not. I didn't try. I think they can though, in which case you've driven them out of Europe entirely. Things will go wrong, and it will probably take 2-3 tries (or more if unlucky) before this strat will work. I had to restart my Ironman game from the beginning twice because of bad luck.
Think I figured out the Cherokee thing, failed the first few times, but if you just avoid getting any coastline provinces and let Euros conquer them, they have a much lower priority on moving further inland. So you can westernize then, only thing that will be an issue is actually taking those provinces back since you need some of them for the achievement.
Wow, besides the galley thing, this was a lot smarter than what I did... Especially the Albanian DOW. Didn't even cross my mind to do something so early...
I wouldn't worry about taking back the coast, in my game most of the 13 colonies got gobbled up by France whilst I was Westernising, and a few at the top by an even more powerful Great Britain. But the AI is so hilariously terrible at transporting troops over seas that I could easily fend of their single armies one at a time.
As a bonus, you'll be able to take a ton (if not all) of the provinces in a single war due to how little value the AI puts in overseas provinces, even the decent coastal ones.
Would anyone be interested in SP challenges we all attempted to do?
For example, owning every island (and only islands) in the world as an island nation.
Would anyone be interested in SP challenges we all attempted to do?
For example, owning every island (and only islands) in the world as an island nation.
Yep, interested too, but what format would you suggest? 1 per month? A game can take pretty much ages. Any other rules?
Well, I suppose we'd have to come up with some sort of scoring equation. Such that you would get more points for starting out as a smaller island nation and more points for completing the challenge sooner. We'd start in 1444 and in iron man mode, normal difficulty with no bonuses. I think 1 every month is a good pace, as that should allow people to play at their own pace while still not dragging it on too long. Maybe 2 months if 1 month proves to be too short?
It also might be a good idea to make a community thread for this.
Its basically an MP community idea, so I'd simply include all challenges in the current MP OT.
I dont think making a scoring equation works all that well though as you cant have the same for every challenge. Maybe just make it restrictive enough so that more than one nation is possible, or a straight up scoring/time challenge restricted to a certain country, like "Conquer Denmark with Sweden", and the fastest time wins.
Hahaha, I've never really taken advantage of a broken alliance CB before. I love little tricks like these.If you want to get even more adventurous, you ally with Serbia and Wallachia. When you DoW the ottos, you call them to arms, knowing that they will refuse. When they refuse, you get a CB on them, then vassalize them. Since the straights are keeping you safe you can theoretically take them both, or just one and then the other.
Declare war on Albania to drag Athens into the war without the Ottos honoring their guarantee of Athens. Conquer Athens.
Byz rebel strategy
Ok....strategy for breaking the personal union with Aragon as Naples?
I tried declaring after they had been at war, but crushed me so badly. Maybe I should just hurl insults for a bit longer :>
Ok....strategy for breaking the personal union with Aragon as Naples?
I tried declaring after they had been at war, but crushed me so badly. Maybe I should just hurl insults for a bit longer :>
In my ironman Naples game, the PU just randomly ended. My plan before that was to break the PU just after Aragon got out of a war with Castille.
My strategy has been to build up to around 10/12 regiments whilst waiting for the initial truce to end, Aragon starts with 9 cogs iirc, which means you'll never have to fight their whole army at once. Sometimes they like to station armies in Sicily, usually small ones you can smash, then besiege the island.
The key however is to preserve manpower and prevent them from besieging the mainland, you have to be very wary of having your army trapped on Sicily by a blockade. If there's any risk of your army being trapped, best to keep them on the mainland, from there you can easily intercept any armies that land. The AI doesn't seem to recalculate army movement from sea -> land like it should do, so you can very often catch landing armies and get the defender bonus.
It's best to forget about your navy initially, building up enough to overpower Aragon isn't feasible early on. If you're lucky, Castile will declare war on them after you, soaking up their armies for you. Your main job is to keep the warscore from holding the goal ticking. Unless you get lucky, and they lose their entire military infrastructure, you won't get a lot of warscore, but it'll be enough to take one of your cores on Sicily. After that, you're free to grab the very rich Italian provinces to the north, easily giving you the edge to win another war outright.
?Wait what? Why can I not demand anything from other coalition members in a war? I know I cant demand it FROM them, but I am 22% ahead in that war, yet I cant demand the provinces I already occupied from any country other than the coalition leader. Boooooo.