Beautifully Shaped Monsters
I want and need this game, but game + savegame converter + dlc seems steep...
decision decisions...
decision decisions...
You sure about this? Because, I've DOW'd a coaltion member before for the express reason of taking a province from another coaltion member.
Looks like someone has managed to complete "The Three Mountains". The screenshots are brilliant: "8289.10% Overextension"
That's amazing. Now let's hope Paradox can make the achievement actually fun to get with future patches.Looks like someone has managed to complete "The Three Mountains". The screenshots are brilliant: "8289.10% Overextension"
Looks like someone has managed to complete "The Three Mountains". The screenshots are brilliant: "8289.10% Overextension"
I dont get how his country didnt fall apart with this many rebels. How did they not claim provinces from him?
Can now release vassal and play as them
General Baker over on the Paradox Forums has compiled a list of changes in the upcoming patch 1.2
This I like, now I can finally realize my dream of starting as GB in 1444, colonizing NA and then releasing Canada and playing as them! (In ironman mode, I suppose I could have done this with console commands but I only ever play in ironman mode)
One question, how does claim throne work?
You can claim if you have a royal marriage with a nation that has a disputed succession and you also have more prestige, also shown in the info message thing at the top, their name will be green if it's possible.
Claiming will give you a relations hit with anyone you have a royal marriage with as well as a hit to your prestige. If the other nation's Monarch dies without generating an heir, you will gain a Person Union over that nation. Although if another nation also has a claim, then war time.
The main reason to claim the throne however, is that it gives you a CB you can use to force that union, without the risk that the other nation will get an heir.
So a PU might not be a good idea if my main reason for investigating a PU is to bind one nation inside the HRE to me (so I do not need to fight all of time all the time)?
Looks like someone has managed to complete "The Three Mountains". The screenshots are brilliant: "8289.10% Overextension"
That's right, claiming a throne itself is far from a guaranteed union.
This I like, now I can finally realize my dream of starting as GB in 1444, colonizing NA and then releasing Canada and playing as them! (In ironman mode, I suppose I could have done this with console commands but I only ever play in ironman mode)
Wouldn't you only be able to play Canada for about 70 years though; their cores don't appear before 1750.
Wouldn't you only be able to play Canada for about 70 years though; their cores don't appear before 1750.
Trade tab
Lübeck - the local trade node.
Trade nodes listed by Power.
I've tried to pick the decisions with the positive trade influence whenever possible, but otherwise I feel like I'm under-performing and could do better to utilize trading in the game. Let me know if you need more information/pictures.
Haha man, was playing an SP game as Poland, doing pretty well (grabbed a decent chunk of Hungary and Ottomans and expanded Lithuania a bit in wars with Crimea and Livonian Order), and then suddenly randomly lucked into a PU with a very successful Muscovy![]()
If you have a high force limit, then I think it's a good idea to aim for around 15 to 20 lights ships per trade node, combined with an admiral who has high maneuver ability (which will also boost trade power). I haven't played Denmark, but I assume you're going to be competing heavily with The Hansa for trade income. I'd personally try to conquer The Hansa if you can have the military strength to beat Austria or whomever else is the emperor. I also think that the trade buildings are some of the most useful buildings in the game, so I tend to build them en masse in important trade nodes.Hi guys,
I'm hoping you'd be able to provide me with some tips and pointers on how to optimize/improve my income through trade. I took a few screenshots from my Denmark game (year 1525, rank 12 (6/4/72)).
Economy tab
Trade tab
Lübeck - the local trade node.
Trade nodes listed by Power.
I've tried to pick the decisions with the positive trade influence whenever possible, but otherwise I feel like I'm under-performing and could do better to utilize trading in the game. Let me know if you need more information/pictures.
Hi guys,
Lübeck - the local trade node.
Very nice! One of the ways I've always kept Austria busy when grabbing up HRE territories is an alliance with Hungary.In my Austria game I spontaneously formed a PU with Hungary. Kept them around as attack dogs until after I'd federated the HRE. Led to a very impressive empire.
Vlad would be proud.My PU with Austria just brought my big Wallachia into 4 wars at the same time against Ottomans, Russia, Venice, France, Sweden and others. I wonder what will be left of my provinces after this (I can uncheck the "leader might negociate for us" just for 1 of the wars.
Later edit: I managed to survive the wars only losing 4 provinces (2 of them actually I gained by financing the orthodox rebels). Meanwhile I got another province through rebels and Austria kept starting wars until there was practically no army. So I declared independence war against them and after a lot of fights and mercenaries I won it. So here I am, between empires with no allies and a weak army. Let's see how it goes now.
Muscovy integrated, formed Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The year is 1582.
If you have a high force limit, then I think it's a good idea to aim for around 15 to 20 lights ships per trade node, combined with an admiral who has high maneuver ability (which will also boost trade power). I haven't played Denmark, but I assume you're going to be competing heavily with The Hansa for trade income. I'd personally try to conquer The Hansa if you can have the military strength to beat Austria or whomever else is the emperor. I also think that the trade buildings are some of the most useful buildings in the game, so I tend to build them en masse in important trade nodes.
Navy and trade basically amplify each other. For example, protecting trade nodes will increase naval tradition, and better naval tradition will improve trade steering. If you're really committed to building a trade empire, then the naval idea track is probably one of the most important ideas you can take (behind trade, obviously), as it will allow you to build more ships to protect trade, recruit leaders with better maneuver, and increase your naval tradition much faster. If you're not that committed to trade, then you can still build a respectable trade income even without trade and naval ideas simply by protecting trade and constructing trade buildings.Thank you. Not sure why I neglected the navy altogether since my naval capacity outweighs the army by 4:1. Should probably have started building them earlier, but at least now I'm aware.
Dare to rewrite the world with your own event – the winners will have their events put into the Grandest of Empire-building Games
Today, your dreams of rewriting history shall lay dormant no longer. Paradox Interactive and Paradox Development Studio have announced an official contest for you, if you dare to rewrite the world history with your own event for the award-winning and critically acclaimed empire-building game Europa Universalis IV?
Ravishing Rewards:
Three lucky winners will receive a complete Paradox Interactive bundle AND each winner gets their event added to the game!
The daring developers will pick out their personal favorites by October 7th and the events will be added as soon as possible after the winners have been selected. May the best conqueror take over the game. And, of course, don’t forget to subscribe to this thread to enjoy the event stories from your fellow empire builders!
Praise the heavens, maybe Ironman mode won't be shit anymore.
Holy Roman Emperor will no longer receive a imperial authority hit if it refuses to join a war started by a member state that is also allied with the Emperor.
The other post is getting too long, here's some more changes for multiplayer in 1.2:
- Rewrote some parts of the hotjoin-process. (should go faster now)
- Added a lot of information to the in-game lobby during hotjoin. (save game transfer etc.)
- Fixed bug with file transfer during hot-join.
- Fixed some OOS-bugs.
Tears of joy. Although there's about 20 million other great things in that patch.
A Tuesday release would be perfect.
Hm...the patch notes don't mention a fix for the trade steering reassignment bug. Last session I had to reassign my merchants twice because they suddenly decided to steer all trade to my neighbors.