I'm pretty sure i'm one of the worst players doing the daily tournaments just shot a +2 for today's.
That sounds like a score I'd have. How the hell do I get better at this game? It's really frustrating me. I've made it to Pro in Challenge Mode on Easy but I keep only shooting for Par or Bogeys. The putting really seems to screw me over as I can nail the short ones but anything over 15 feet I have no chance at hitting.
I'm sure they'll have whatever HSG PS3 had (I don't think private invites) -- i.e. private games where you can set everything and then also see peoples' players on the green with you. What surprised me was that that wasn't enabled for launch. Not a huge deal as I think most people are still figuring out the game, but hopefully we don't have to wait months.
That sounds like a score I'd have. How the hell do I get better at this game? It's really frustrating me. I've made it to Pro in Challenge Mode on Easy but I keep only shooting for Par or Bogeys. The putting really seems to screw me over as I can nail the short ones but anything over 15 feet I have no chance at hitting.
Is there a way to manually record your shots? I just hit an eagle in challenge mode and it didn't record it.![]()
Is there a way to manually record your shots? I just hit an eagle in challenge mode and it didn't record it.![]()
I think you have to buy manual record in shop (looks like camcorder)
Really? Wow! Well at least it's not dlc. lol
Can someone explain how 3ft gimmes work? Sometimes the game gives them to me, sometimes I have to put manually from 0.1 feet away. It's not an issue really, but the inconsistency is bothering me.
It's only for Bogeys or greater. I think with online tournaments or dailies there are none and you have to putt no matter what.
Can someone explain how 3ft gimmes work? Sometimes the game gives them to me, sometimes I have to put manually from 0.1 feet away. It's not an issue really, but the inconsistency is bothering me.
What's the secret to putting? I suck at it.
The putting really seems to screw me over as I can nail the short ones but anything over 15 feet I have no chance at hitting.
What's the secret to putting? I suck at it.
Oh god, I mucked up the impact of my tee shot on the par 4 that's reachable in one in the first daily. My ball landed an inch away from being OOB. Managed to make birdie and finished 8th.
Edit: 8th, 5th and 45th for today's dailies. That should make up for yesterdays tanking.
Oh god, I mucked up the impact of my tee shot on the par 4 that's reachable in one in the first daily. My ball landed an inch away from being OOB. Managed to make birdie and finished 8th.
Edit: 8th, 5th and 45th for today's dailies. That should make up for yesterdays tanking.
bah! I wont even admit what my dailies are!
idk i just tank like hell when online...nerves or something
Practice? we sitting here talking bout practice?![]()
Play online via PlayStation Network enter thrilling live tournaments or enjoy a leisurely, turn-based round
with friends when it suits you.
Game is awesome, feel free to add me (trev04). I have 3 whole friends on PSN, maybe YOU can be #4!
I only have HSG and SSD, and so far I'm only getting Gravity Rush in the near future. HSG is so addicting!Just got my vita.. and my only game is HSG! I'll get more eventually but for now all I need is HSG. My one friend won't get a vita for a while so please add me to play some matches. Just started so I don't have everything unlocked yet but I'm sure it's a blast.
PSN: MeshuggahMan
It wants me to update the application or something also where do I input the online pass...just got the game finally!
Put the code in the PlayStation store.
So how do you do this? Can you play just with friends privately?
Also am updating the game as well but another q for the online code...I entered it and hit confirm...was I actually suppose to download anything as well?
I haven't figured out a good way to do this besides telling all your friends to join a specific unoccupied lobby.So how do you do this? Can you play just with friends privately?
I think Birdie is 200 points, par is 100 points, bogey is nothing. Points don't really mean much on the scoreboard, as long as you take less shots overall than your opponents. It's only used as a tiebreaker when you guys have the same amount of shots in the end. At the end, your points are totaled, and you use those points to purchase items in the store.
Par basically means the amount of shots to stay even, or 'average'. Birdie means it takes one less shot to get it in the hole, and bogey means it takes one more shot than par to get into the hole.
Well that's pretty damned awesome! Brings me back to the days when such features were unlockable in all games... memoriiiies lol