People in the official forums claim to have massive matchmaking issues (especially on consoles) for me on pc it works fine with every partysize i try.
What do you say?
I never had problems with disconnects, crashes or matchmaking not working.
People in the official forums claim to have massive matchmaking issues (especially on consoles) for me on pc it works fine with every partysize i try.
What do you say?
People in the official forums claim to have massive matchmaking issues (especially on consoles) for me on pc it works fine with every partysize i try.
What do you say?
People in the official forums claim to have massive matchmaking issues (especially on consoles) for me on pc it works fine with every partysize i try.
What do you say?
Problem we found with matchmaking was in a group of 4 it just never found another player for the monster in evacuation. Tried many times, when we tried as a group of 2 the matchmaking was fine. I think they need to have a look at their algorithms as they clearly don't work under certain conditions. I don't believe it has anything to do with the number of players playing. The search criteria is screwed up.
In a case like this, why can't they just use a bot?
It would also prevent having people who don't want to play the Monster being forced into the role.
On x1 it's the same issue, you feel like 1 of 50 people in the whole world who purchased the game.Is anyone else having trouble finding people on PS4? I am in a group of 3 people and can't find two others in matchmaking (hunt).
This is the 4th time it has happened to me.
On x1 it's the same issue, you feel like 1 of 50 people in the whole world who purchased the game.
It happened all day, most I'll get in evac mode is one or two other people, I've played with more bots than humans
All the monster players play skirmish.
That's because playing a single round with monster is pretty tense, so doing 5 back to back is nerve wracking.Plus it's a bit of a time commitment as well.
But really, I doubt it's a population issue but rather matchmaking issues.
Speaking of populations, I had a friend on PS4 last night with 0 wins and 3 losses, and he was around 150k on the leaderboard.
Don't have anyone on my PC friends list with a similar record to check.
Anyone have the X1 version with a friend with a 0-1 win position on the leaderboard?
There are usually between 15-30k concurent players on Steam.
There will be vastly more on consoles.
Its the same for skirmish, here I was thinking the problem was isolated to evac pvp. It is truly fucked to play a game with a good team, people actually using their mics and having fun, then skirmish forces you to be the monster 3 games in a row, forcing me to leave. It is my 5th fucking choice TRS, why repeatedly force me to not have fun? FFS i'm putting this game down till they add a "stop punishing me by forcing me to be the monster constantly because I can't party up with one other person because my friends didn't buy your overpriced fucking game" button.
UGH I want to like this game so much.
The hell is wrong with solo play on Evac. I literally can't find a match that isn't full of premades which forces me to be the Monster. 15 lobbies in a row now!
I'm gonna throw in my 2cents on the whole matchmaking thing:
I feel that the matchmaking puts "making a full game" and "is this a party or a solo player" before "what are the players preferences".
What I mean by this is that if you queue up solo, no matter your preferences, the game will look around for games that have one open slot to fill because it wants to make a "full 4v1 game". Now the problem is, that because of the leaderboards going after wins and because monster players literally have no one to answer to but themselves, most monster players will leave games the moment they start to lose. This leads to a way WAY higher amount of open monster slots compared to open hunter slots.
Since the matchmaking really wants to have full games, and it sees all these games with one open slot (monster) it decides that a person queuing up by themselves is the perfect candidate for this slot because it A) won't break up a preformed party and B) all preferences are already filled except the monster which thereby doesn't matter at which position you put it.
TL;DR: The game values a "full match" over "what does the lone player want".
Whilst filling a game is good especially for something like this, I don't think restricting someone to play as a Monster is a good way to go about it. Literally half the games playable characters are locked off to me because I cannot find a game that isn't just premades.
I'm fairly decent at the Monster but god-damn! I do not want to be it every single match.
Either they should divide it into a pre-made bracket and a solo play bracket or they should just abolish the preference list if it's going to have minimal bearing on who is the Monster and who's a Hunter.
Even then I have my doubts - I joined a game where it was me and 2 others, 2 spots free. We wait 30 seconds for those spots to fill and the game still puts me as a Monster. I mean come the fuck on. I've even heard cases of Duo's being separated - 1 as the Monster, the other a Hunter.
I'm gonna throw in my 2cents on the whole matchmaking thing:
TL;DR: The game values a "full match" over "what does the lone player want".
Try to play with people from GAF or others you know.
You only need one other person in the party to never get monster.
Sound logic, I like this theory. However, It doesn't explain how I can join an evac match as a hunter, complete the map, then when it comes time to chose characters for the next map I'm forced to be the monster... If it happened once I'd put it down to dodgy matchmaking, my problem is its happening every game to the point where I cannot play evac pvp without the game forcing me to play as the monster, either immediately or forcing it next match. It most definitely was not like this on launch...
Half of my theory is that I'm lvl 27 and people are either too low or too high in my bracket to matchmake against. The other Half of my theory is that I'm level 27, unlocked all the hunters and have only played enough monster matches to unlock the kraken so the game is trying to balance me out or something... then theres the side theory that there just isn't that many aussies on PC playing the game, considering I've come across a lot of the same names....
It would be my pleasure. Aus PC Evolve gaf hit me up, Grommell on steam.
Just bought it on Steam. It's downloading now. Opted for the regular $59 copy. I'll have to see if purchasing the DLC will be worth it as time goes on, but the Kraken and Goliath are calling me.
Whom are the Steam players here on Evolve-GAF?
You can add me: Klyka
Is there anyway for me to get the Monster DLC that came with the preorder at a good price? I didn't get it and turtlerock hasn't responded to my email for help. So please help GAF you are my only hope.
yeah, the matchmaking is definitely having huge problems.
what i wrote is just what I think is happening, I am not saying it should be like that.
I knowstill really annoying.
Currently in a game where one spot was free and it put me as the Monster and that spot for a spare hunter wasn't filled for like 3 matches in Evac.
It's really bizarre.
Edit: Also fuck that Medic with AoE stuff, it's too good on Rescue.
You mean Caira?
She is strong but if you throw her around a bit and put distance between her and her heal targets she has a really hard time landing her heal grenades.
Edit: I'd like to get a group on PC going again today that wants to properly strategize based on map and gamemode and put together properly setup teams instead of "i need to level this guy". Hope I see some people interested online![]()
so confused on if to buy this game ergh!!!
Help me GAF!
if you play it with friends = yes
if you just play solo and don't want to play with GAF = no
that's my one worry friends didn't get it, and not sure if GAF want to put up with a complete noob...
Glad I came here. Was looking at this game, but the matchmaking complaints would have driven me up the wall. Maybe after they patch the game, I'll take another look.
If you want to play with randoms and try to meet some decent folks try Evacuation mode. I've had better look finding good groups there than in the Skirmish play list.
I mostly only play with friends, but have gone on alone a few times, or with just one or two friends and have got some good groups in Evacuation. Skirmish has been mostly annoying people and I end up staying in party chat.
I second this, matchmaking itself doesn't have issues, actually its rather smooth and quick. If you play like a normal person, you probably won't notice anything wrong.Do remember that the matchmaking issues are basically non existent with a party aka 2+ people
Do remember that the matchmaking issues are basically non existent with a party aka 2+ people
Do remember that the matchmaking issues are basically non existent with a party aka 2+ people
I have absolutely no friends that game, and I don't really make online friends.
I think the game looks great, but afraid that the game is going to die quickly and it will become a wasted purchase. It has happened before with MP only titles.
Are the matchmaking issues exclusive to consoles? I would be buying the PC version.
Well you're already talking to us here, so no reason not to play with us
But honestly, you gotta decide for yourself. SO far everyone I played with said they were having a blast with the game, but tastes differ.
Maybe give it a bit![]()