Geez pc version seems terribly optimized going by those benchmarks extremely disappointing.
Geez pc version seems terribly optimized going by those benchmarks extremely disappointing.
Or maybe its a huge open world game with fantastic graphics that at max can make even fast rigs sweat.
Here's the full size min/max comparison (1080p):
It's comparing DX11 min and max, DX9 low might be a bit worse.
oh god the chick has that stupid shaved sides thing going on
You should see the difference between the 360 and PS3 version.
Heh, I was expecting Sethos to start dogging on the game for not looking good enough to warrant the performance hit.
No more re-spawning check points:
-Checkpoints are now areas that you can clear out and capture to make your own. Once captured
your friendly forces move in and it STAYS yours. The compromise is that soldiers will always
be patrolling with vehicles around the man, and will engage you. Be careful while clearing out
checkpoints though, because if the alarm is activated, enemy reinforcements will make things
Stealth is now more realistic:
-In Far Cry 2, enemies can see you from miles away, through foliage even. Far Cry 3 dials this
back and makes stealth a lot more usable. Sneaking up behind enemies, take-downs, silenced weapons
and throwing rocks to distract enemies are all part of the stealth game-play now.
Assassins Creed-like map discovery:
-The Rook Islands are huge. But in order to discover objectives, locations, etc, you need
to climb radio towers to survey the land. Sadly, the great Far Cry 2 map system where you brought
up the map in your hands in real time is gone.
Crafting and Hunting:
-These two go hand in hand. Want a bigger wallet? Want to have more holsters to carry weapons?
You'll need to go hunting. Hunting for animal skins will allow you to craft these, and more items.
This feature is mandatory, as you don't seem to be able to simply purchase skins.
Weapon Degradation is out, XP is in:
-Weapons and XP are about as you would expect them. Completing objectives, and killing baddies
will net you XP that will lead to unlocking abilities via the games new Skill Tree-like
character progression.
-6 Handguns, 5 SMGs, 3 RPG types, 3 Shotguns, 6 Assault Rifles, 3 Snipers, 5 LMGs, 4 Knifes,
and 4 Misc like Bows. Each customizable with tons of mods, skins, etc.
-Drinking games, Poker games, Races, Shooting Galleries, etc.
Far Cry 3 is an open world shooter same as Far Cry 2. Far Cry 2 would arguably be called
a cult favorite that you either did, or didn't like. Mainly because it was a game (while
great in concept and scope) that was held back by some tough design choices such as malaria,
gun jamming, irritating checkpoints with re-spawning soldiers, etc. Far Cry 3 seems to
address all of this, and has either made the feature better, or removed it completely.
For some, this might be seen as throwing the baby out with the bathwater, since many of the features could have probably been improved instead of axed. For others, who disliked the very idea of those systems in FC2, this might only be a good thing .
Can we not do this petition shit in here? It's not going to work even if the entire GAF userbase signs up for it and it's just cluttering up the damn thread.
But c'mon look at it! Not saying it's an ugly game ( Maybe a bit ) but that is not "Holy shit, sub-40FPS on high-end rigs" graphics
The vegetation is straight out of Far Cry 1
Yeah, I know where you're coming from. Most studios are happy with getting the game to 30 fps or so on consoles. I'm almost convinced that many studios don't go the extra mile for the PC versions to optimize the performance beyond adding graphics options. But in this games case I'll take the current optimization over a delayed pc release. I hope they'll improve it with a patch or three.But c'mon look at it! Not saying it's an ugly game ( Maybe a bit ) but that is not "Holy shit, sub-40FPS on high-end rigs" graphics![]()
Agreed. He already tried the same in the review thread, really annoying.
Damn, I forgot about the buddy system. I did add both of those to the OP though. It's good info thanks!Minimalistic HUD is out, busy HUD is in
-In Far Cry 2, there were comparatively few visible HUD elements, and the map was represented by a real map that you had to bring out and look at while your character held it in their hands. In Far Cry 3, this has been replaced by a regular minimap, and the rest of the UI has XP and mission pop-ups, enemy and objective markers etc.
Buddy system is out
-This system from Far Cry 2 allowed you to recruit a character that acted as your "buddy", helping you escape certain death when your health reached zero. Your vision would fade to black, but you would wake up, supported by your buddy shouting encouraging words and carrying you out of danger's way. This system is removed in Far Cry 3.
My suggestion is to append the following sentence to the end here:
Agreed. He already tried the same in the review thread, really annoying.
I'm really hoping that Ubi and Nvidia push out some nice performance patches before and after launch.Yeah, I know where you're coming from. Most studios are happy with getting the game to 30 fps or so on consoles. I'm almost convinced that many studios don't go the extra mile for the PC versions to optimize the performance beyond adding graphics options. But in this games case I'll take the current optimization over a delayed pc release. I hope they'll improve it with a patch or three.
Shouldn't you punch a shark in the nose? Or is the eye better?
Two things:
Should this run ok on a Mobility HD5650 (with 1gb dedicated, an i5 and 4gb of Ram)?
Does it have full controller support (menus included)?
I can run BLOPS2, Skyrim and BL2 at medium and have a decent 30fps+ so I trust it's as scalable as any other multiplatform game.
Two things:
Should this run ok on a Mobility HD5650 (with 1gb dedicated, an i5 and 4gb of Ram)?
Does it have full controller support (menus included)?
I can run BLOPS2, Skyrim and BL2 at medium and have a decent 30fps+ so I trust it's as scalable as any other multiplatform game.
From the benchmark, this seems much more demanding than any of those games. I have a laptop with the same card, and i won't even be trying it on there.
I have a feeling I'll only be able to play it at pretty much console specs (720p, low/medium settings) with a decent framerate
People who thinks Sn4ke_911 is a bad poster and should feel bad
Shouldn't you punch a shark in the nose? Or is the eye better?
Not sure what's up with UK Steam. Theres a lot of holler over at the ubi forums about it too.
Ubisoft has been very strange when it has come to reveals or giving information.
Not sure what's up with UK Steam. Theres a lot of holler over at the ubi forums about it too.
Ubisoft has been very strange when it has come to reveals or giving information.
Not sure what's up with UK Steam. Theres a lot of holler over at the ubi forums about it too.
Ubisoft has been very strange when it has come to reveals or giving information.
People who asks Ubisoft for a No HUD option
ii Stryker
Puppet Shadow
Palette Swap
I agree with Sethos. The visuals don't justify the performance killing from the screens I've seen.
If a game is going to make a huge leap and molest my eyes then I'm okay with current cards chugging, but that? Eh.
Remember, it's an open world game, so it should not be compared with FPSes and stuff, but games like Sleeping Dogs and Saints Row the Third.
I think the overall effect of the massive, detailed open world looks amazing.
Also, I think some people are somewhat romanticizing how good Far Cry 1 looked.
And both Sleeping Dogs and Saints Row look about 20x better and oddly enough, runs 20x better.
Saints Row 3 doesn't look or run better than any open world game I can think of outside of Saints Row 2 PC. I can run witcher 2 at better settings and performance than SR3.
Never had any issues with it, nor has any of my friends. Runs perfect without any hitches, even on lower-end machines.
Did anyone here already play the 360 version?
I'm wondering how bad the frame rate really is.
One of the reviews was not happy about the chugging and tearing.
Never had any issues with it, nor has any of my friends. Runs perfect without any hitches, even on lower-end machines.