I got a copy of Far Cry 4 from my GTX 970 purchase and activated the preload but it's not letting me play. It still says the game is preloaded and waiting for release? Is anybody else having this issue?
I just restarted the preload download hoping to trigger the activation on Uplay.
Tried to search the thread but it seems like this wasn't posted yet.
If for some reason it was, sorry for reposting!
Far Cry 4 16-Bit Launch Trailer
(Possible spoilers)
wow massive disappointment, this game is just a cash grab and feels like a much uglier FC3 churned out by a B team.
Its almost identical to FC3 in gameplay yet looks way way worse environment wise. Its just an ugly looking game in comparison to FC3. I dont get it, FC3 had beautiful looking environments including the landscapes themselves (I enjoyed exploring just to take in the sights) and interesting looking villages vs here where its just boring boxy buildings. And this despite the PS4 being way more powerful than the laptop I used to play FC3 (laptop, several years old, midrange graphics card so waaaaaay below a PS4 in performance)
The tight FOV with boring environments mean there isnt any pleasure exploring, due to this. Its fine if you never played FC3, otherwise a big step down.
story is garbage (like most games) at least FC3 was something interesting and different. Here I just wanted to skip the cutscenes (but you cant) - just all the usual cliches everywhere of murderous psycho people.
man so disappointed in this game.
Huge let down. I waited until I could explore the open world but its just a big disappointment and feels like it was developed on a much lower budget than FC3.
if you liked FC3 but looked at the trailers and previews/reviews and thought oh I am not too excited, it just looks more of the same. it is. wait until its cheap, there are many better games out right now (2 launched same day) and get it much cheaper so if you are disappointed like I am, you havent wasted full price on this by the numbers, phoned in, clone of a prior years game
Damn. I can't follow plot in that game.
I'm just too mesmerized by the look of it, that i just can't...
It's so FUCKING BEAUTIFUL! And that world is alive. Like really ALIVE, everything moves - grass, trees, branches...
This game visually is the true next gen . Soo Good
Gameplaywise it's (just) Far Cry 3 on steroids with, what at least look like, more mature story...Which, in my opinion, is just great!
and some more photos here : [URL="http://imgur.com/a/JJ5s0"]http://imgur.com/a/JJ5s0[/URL]
and it's just the beginning...[/QUOTE]
From what platform are these screenshots?They look nice but they are also blurry.
[quote="iNvid02, post: 139456567"]needs some aa but nice tour of kyrat here
That looks nice.
These two guys that are burning corpses and warming up over it in combination with that video title made me laugh though.
Game is fantastic, going to loose a lot of sleep in the next few weeks. Took down my first Rhino, they sure don't fuck around.
Appreciate the honest review, especially since I just finished FC3. You confirmed my suspicions of this being a lesser clone. I don't mind more of the same, but not for full price or even half price. I'll probably pick it up a year or so from now when it dips below $10.
Agreed. Then again, I played Far Cry 3 on a pretty beefy pc and was wowed by the visuals back in 2012. Not feeling wowed by this game, partially because I find the environment less interesting.
It's not a bad game, but I can understand why people are going to GTA V and Dragon Age for their gaming needs.
Wait, so when a bunch of people say it's like Far Cry 3 but a lot better you don't believe them, but when one guy says it's a "B team effort" (wtf?), you're convinced?
Gotta love the people who ignore the praise and seek out the negativity that validates the opinion they wanted to have in the first place.Wait, so when a bunch of people say it's like Far Cry 3 but a lot better you don't believe them, but when one guy says it's a "B team effort" (wtf?), you're convinced?
Huh, didn't he just wanted to point out that the FOV slider was introduced in a later update (that already came with the steam and uplay preload iirc) and that the early pirated version was using an outdated executable?Especially following the opinion complaining about extremely bad FOV, which Alex Hutchinson confirmed as an intended way to mess with pirated copies...
Huh, didn't he just wanted to point out that the FOV slider was introduced in a later update (that already came with the steam and uplay preload iirc) and that the early pirated version was using an outdated executable?
FOV is pretty bad in my legit steam version regardless. Also the gun model feels so fricken huge, but then again I haven't played a FPS for a while so I'll probably have to get used again to that stuff stuck in my field of view lol
Sorry, Vuze, clearly anyone that doesn't like the FOV and has some criticisms of the game, is a filthy pirate. I mean, what else could be the possible explanation?
But saying that the game is uglier than FC3 and that exploration feels worse is really "off" to me after playing both games
The map is just so huge and there's so many places to go. It's overwhelming.
I think it's only for the Keys to Kyrat co-op thing?I'm trying to play the demo but it's asking for a code
Can anyone help me please?
RDR was tough on a vegetarian like myself, this looks like it might be up there...
To be fair I'm no vegetarian and I still think it's pretty bad I'm killing things like leopards and rhinos. Any the end of the day it a game and I do it anyway but I still feel wrong about doing it.Is this an actual thing? I don't shoot people in the face irl but I have no issues with doing it in a game.
Damn. I can't follow plot in that game.
I'm just too mesmerized by the look of it, that i just can't...
It's so FUCKING BEAUTIFUL! And that world is alive. Like really ALIVE, everything moves - grass, trees, branches...
This game visually is the true next gen . Soo Good
Gameplaywise it's (just) Far Cry 3 on steroids with, what at least look like, more mature story...Which, in my opinion, is just great!
and some more photos here : http://imgur.com/a/JJ5s0
and it's just the beginning...
The game is beautiful.
I got the same feeling back then on Uncharted 2's Chapter 16: Where Am I.
Meh. He's your typical psycho. I wasn't impressed. Troy Baker's voice is an odd choice for this; horribly miscast. Sounds just like Troy Baker, as he was in a few other roles. There's nothing unique about him other than his apparent bi-polar, psychotic behavior. It's disappointing because looking at the picture of him you get the impression of a charismatic and flamboyant man of East-Asian origins. Instead we get the very superficial, generic psychotic tyrant who briefly feigns being affable before quickly losing his shit and doing something violent...and he just happens to have the Troy Baker voice. So add up the visuals: East-Asian, flamboyant, charismatic and completely over-the-top...Troy Baker. Nope. Didn't work for me.
Just completely pretentious and full of itself.
Far Cry 4: Eagles Are Jerks
Holy shit...
This is what i call "attention to detail"...
Game looks wicked.
But my god the vehicles are uncontrollable. I don't even bother to drive them much and prefer to walk it. Least I know I can turn and manoeuvre easily.