Edit: So this just happened: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8fTTMGYHU0
Kyrat - Welcome to the land of opportunity.
This is such an amazing world to play around in. Can't wait to dive into some of the user created missions as well.
Edit: So this just happened: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8fTTMGYHU0
Just found vintage porn on some guy
Also just unlocked explosive arrows!
Even though I loved Far Cry 3, I told myself I'd wait on picking this up until after I finished a few other games.
I just ordered it for in-store pick up with credit card points.
I have no self control.
How are you guys liking the game? Is it more than usual Ubisoft collectathon? Are there a lot of snow environments? I'd buy the game instantly if there is.
The wild animals of Kyrat have no self control; you must fight fire with fire
Using bait is like torture, it works but lord do they turn on you quick as lightning.
I'm loving the game. I've put about 4 hours into it and i've completed the last tuturial mission like 3 hrs ago. Is it more than the ubisoft collectathon? Eh not really. You're map is constantly littered with icons for things you can do, see and explore.
I think the thing that sets this apart from other ubi games like watchdogs or AC is the random wildlife and the crazy things that will happen even without you having to actively be a part of it.
There are plenty posts just in the last couple pages of people witnessing the most crazy and audacious crap without ever actually playing a part in it. This is what makes the game enthralling and keeps you on your toes.
Edit: sorry for the double post!
It's ridiculous. I had one situation where I threw bait at a bunch of guys to sick a snow leopard on them. Well, he was still hungry after 5 enemies and some bait and I was the only thing around. It did not end well for me...
Played around 4 hours of this yesterday, and I have to say I'm loving it so far. There's so much to explore that I spent the majority of my time just wandering around and doing side stuff instead of main missions. I also took my first outpost on an elephant, and that was the best thing ever.
Also, there's a propaganda poster on a belltower that I can't reach and it's been driving me crazy. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and know how to get it?
Played around 4 hours of this yesterday, and I have to say I'm loving it so far. There's so much to explore that I spent the majority of my time just wandering around and doing side stuff instead of main missions. I also took my first outpost on an elephant, and that was the best thing ever.
Also, there's a propaganda poster on a belltower that I can't reach and it's been driving me crazy. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and know how to get it?
Do you have fire arrows?
Shoot it, i didn't know how to get the higher up ones that were out of reach until i accidentally destroyed one with an explosion while in the middle of a fire fight.
Is the sp map editor for PC only?
I notice that when you skin something now the animal doesn't appear skinned like it did in FC3. That's not just a bug in my game right?
Radio Free Kyrat might be the greatest radio station to ever appear in a video game
vintage porn/ lol
They go well with the condoms and maxi-pads.
I stopped using bait because the animals always turned on me while leaving enemies untouched lol (They'd kill one or two enemies then start hunting me while leaving the other enemies around it).
Worst animal moment was me freeing a tiger to clear out an outpost from a good distance away on a hill with a sniper rifle only for the tiger to leave the outpost and come after me drawing every enemy after it to me as well.
Strange how much more popular the GTAV thread is compared to this. Kinda sad![]()
I notice that when you skin something now the animal doesn't appear skinned like it did in FC3. That's not just a bug in my game right?
Nope. no bug. All the animals inexplicably keep their skin
Ugh this bullshit where if you fail a mission for any little thing they take away everything you gained and skinned is beyond stupid. Spent almost an hour just skinning stuff and grabbing things in between this grab 2 packages mission, only to have some stupid timed event thing at the end that I couldn't finish in time, and because of that I lose everything I gained in the meantime. I was enjoying this game so much, and this might have honestly killed any joy and fun I was having in this game.
Manually saving doesn't combat this?
Strange how much more popular the GTAV thread is compared to this. Kinda sad![]()
Strange how much more popular the GTAV thread is compared to this. Kinda sad
I got my copy yesterday, but I'm waiting to finish Unity before playing.
anyone else experiencing the radial wheel randomly popping up even when you're not calling for it?