it's only 2mb so I'm safe, right? kappa
not until yams recopies it 30 times
it's only 2mb so I'm safe, right? kappa
I don't remember Mika being named "Rainbow" in the Japanese Alpha 3. Might need to go load up the game again to check.
Remember guys streaming is so easy esp when tsa ruins your SDI cables.
Perfect Legends like Sanford but not actually good.
You can disable gifs on mobile.
Ah, good to know!Sometimes people don't know how to embed gifs correctly and they still show up.
Gonna be honest, I didn't even check file sizes. I just went looking for R. Mika gifs
I forget folks use data plans for stuff like this. I only internet from the home computer. Its why I disappear when I go on vacations or travel.
You can disable gifs on mobile.
Ah, understood.It's really not just mobile but folks that have monthly caps or slow speeds because of lack of options is another reason. We used to have 56k warnings on the forum then it went away for awhile then data caps and mobile were introduced lol
Sounds more like a battlecry to me.Doesn't she say "Rainbow" in her pre-fight animation?
Yeah, expect Rachid.Guess the Expo Ono was talking about was the Dubai Expo. GameStop Expo takes the L
Will this be the final one?
Man lot of negative reviews of sfv new build that was showcased in PAX. Not good. Both on srk forums and beta feedback at capcom unity.
Man lot of negative reviews of sfv new build that was showcased in PAX. Not good. Both on srk forums and beta feedback at capcom unity.
Why post this without links?Man lot of negative reviews of sfv new build that was showcased in PAX. Not good. Both on srk forums and beta feedback at capcom unity.
Huh. What are people saying is wrong with it?
Why post this without links?
Are these the same people that said they've already "figured out" everything in SFV?
Oh geez. I thought you meant actual concerns. So what if you can't do 80% of someone's health with a CA combo? Is that a problem?I am on my phone but srk forums and capcom unity beta feedback forum is not hard to find.
Lot of negative feedback in removal of Kara throw, limiting combo system even further, some combos are removed aka not linkable. CA damage lowered, and many others. Also a lot of complaints on the game not feeling 'deep' enough. People feels like the game will get figured out fast and might not last as long as sfiv.
Walk speed is fine. If they buff Bison's walk speed, I will be pissed. Just dash if you want to move fast - dashes recover much faster in this game than they did in SFIV.
Here's something.
My personal biggest gripe with the game (which I have not played) is that the walkspeeds seem hella slow. Overall speed increase Would facilitate a more interesting neutral game imo.
Walk speed is fine. If they buff Bison's walk speed, I will be pissed. Just dash if you want to move fast - dashes recover much faster in this game than they did in SFIV.
No Sako in Topanga A league((((
I am on my phone but srk forums and capcom unity beta feedback forum is not hard to find.
Lot of negative feedback in removal of Kara throw, limiting combo system even further, some combos are removed aka not linkable. CA damage lowered, and many others. Also a lot of complaints on the game not feeling 'deep' enough. People feels like the game will get figured out fast and might not last as long as sfiv.
DevilJin 01 said:Improve walk speeds a bit, especially for characters that have slower speeds like Bison, Birdie and Nash. Would prefer something closer to old game walk speeds for characters. Especially if throws are as short ranged as they are.
DevilJin 01 said:Improve the range on throws a bit. They do a lot of damage and stun, but we just don't see huge importance in them if people can be near each other and whiff throw at the same time. That's just too short at the moment we feel. Chip damage on normals and higher damage is nice, but that shouldn't warrant weak range on grabs.
DevilJin 01 said:Consider making the stage sizes a bit smaller especially if this is game with slower walk speeds and less emphasis on zoning. Keeps focus on the footsies and rush game.
DevilJin 01 said:Continue to focus on limiting range and combo options off of light attacks and improve medium and heavy normals for footsies and hit confirming.
DevilJin 01 said:Strengthen V Reversals. Most reports from players say they are currently too slow and not worth burning considering the huge importance of V Triggers.
DevilJin 01 said:Either increase the time that white chip from normal lingers or make the white chip damage larger. Right now walk speeds seem to be too slow and the white chip recovers too quickly for it to be something that will hugely effect matches.
DevilJin 01 said:Continue to emphasize making reversals more fair and riskier.
DevilJin 01 said:Continue to emphasize block stun and allowing a majority of block strings to be true block strings. Only jabs creating true block strings in SFIV really limited the type of pressure you could apply in conjunction with the invincible dashes.
DevilJin 01 said:Try to create a better medium between fireball and anti fireball options. There seems to be a lot of anti projectile options per character and don't want another SF game where the projectile zoning characters always have to be walking on eggshells with every projectile they throw. Projectiles should be pertinent and players should have to learn to get around them with spacing and patience rather than just have a ton of tools to bypass them.
DevilJin 01 said:Lessen emphasis on option selects. Try to minimize the amount of situations where the game can store inputs that allows options selects so the game can be more read based. Now that there are less options to slip out of pressure, these shouldn't be as necessary.
Game will keep getting steady updates of characters, and possibly down the line system mechanics (more likely multiple V-triggers). I'd like to at least see linking from lights, but with reduced range (and only 1 light attack).Me and Vulva have been talking about this since the playable beta that began in June for E3. The game is fun but it seems limited in a sense and will become bland. However, I don't know we'll know until the game has reached the point of where it isn't fun anymore.
I don't feel like footsies are hurting at all. It's just that footsies take place in a much more intense, enclosed space than before. No simple weave and out for baits. The game feels so much more intense and aggressive than SFIV as a result. It isn't just focus attacks.Maybe bison doesn't need it but I dno man I feel like the footsie game is hurting for it. you don't use a dash to move in and out of the range of pokes.
As long as you can chain to a combo ender from lights, I really don't care.Game will keep getting steady updates of characters, and possibly down the line system mechanics (more likely multiple V-triggers). I'd like to at least see linking from lights, but with reduced range (and only 1 light attack).
I don't see this game as missing something SFIV had, and SFIV was played for a long time. What do you think it's missing?Me and Vulva have been talking about this since the playable beta that began in June for E3. The game is fun but it seems limited in a sense and will become bland. However, I don't know we'll know until the game has reached the point of where it isn't fun anymore.
Linking lights into anything can fuck off. I hated that shit in sf4 and don't wanna see it come back. As long as you can end your lights with a special or super then I think that would be fine. During the beta I was basically using Ryu's super like I would in 3rd Strike... cr.lp xx super. Felt just right.Game will keep getting steady updates of characters, and possibly down the line system mechanics (more likely multiple V-triggers). I'd like to at least see linking from lights, but with reduced range (and only 1 light attack).
Game will keep getting steady updates of characters, and possibly down the line system mechanics (more likely multiple V-triggers). I'd like to at least see linking from lights, but with reduced range (and only 1 light attack).
I don't see this game as missing something SFIV had, and SFIV was played for a long time. What do you think it's missing?