ãInaba Residentã
uniel[st] loketests start tomorrow
Mika command list
Mika command list
Take notes on how to be fighting game Dev from harada
Still biding my time for Virtua Fighter.lol
T7 steam announcement was the highlight of E3 for me. Better than last year for that alone.
Steam and GOG are the only services that matter on PC, really.We have PC gaming. And with it variations. Steam, GOG, Ubiplay, Origin, etc.
Capcom Fighters ‏@CapcomFighters 2m
Top 5 DH Summer sign-ups (by nation) so far: SE 59, US 18, UK 12, JP 7, NL 6 More details on tonights @WinnerStaysOn with @TheStreetWriter
Still biding my time for Virtua Fighter.
Phantom Dust being PC- and Europe-bound though...
Phantom Dust is my 2nd favorite Xbox game. I'm excited for the PC release, but the port is by Codemystics; the same clowns that fucked up the PS4 port of Last Blade 2![]()
What ended up being wrong with the last blade port? I knew it was going to be messed up.
you guys are so cynical about video games
Fuudo7 japanese players will attend dreamhack summer this weekend. aside from daigo, which other jap players will be there? and i'm surprised to see a huge number of american players going to dreamhack
you guys are so cynical about video games
Random slowdowns not present in the original, game freezes/hard locks randomly, and owners of the original have reported input lag. It's a shame they just didn't go with M2 like the Neo Geo titles on PS3. Those were so much better.
Finally got around to downloading KI on PC. Needed to log in to my xb1 to get my stuff over on pc for whatever reason. no big deal. Until I need to download a 26gb update for KI on XB1.
Why is an update for a game 26gb? The fuck is going on with that?
Finally got around to downloading KI on PC. Needed to log in to my xb1 to get my stuff over on pc for whatever reason. no big deal. Until I need to download a 26gb update for KI on XB1.
Why is an update for a game 26gb? The fuck is going on with that?
Finally got around to downloading KI on PC. Needed to log in to my xb1 to get my stuff over on pc for whatever reason. no big deal. Until I need to download a 26gb update for KI on XB1.
Why is an update for a game 26gb? The fuck is going on with that?
It just uninstalls and reinstalls the game. It isn't using 26gb extra space.
Xbox presentation was a snooze fest (besides Tekken), full of shlubby t-shirt and backwards hat wearing presenters trying their hardest to look cool while still presenting confidently to hundreds of people. I guess they were working to hard for MS that they had no time put on a suit or attempt to dress properly for the occasion.
Nintendo has a conference? LOL!
Twitch - 265,249 viewers
Youtube - 111,909 viewers
you guys are so cynical about video games
Heading toward the e3 building now, I'll be there all three days so if there's anything you guys want me to try to ask about or try out or whatever let me know. I don't expect I'll be too busy while there so I'll try my best to do any valid requests.
Bug Ono about Marvel 4, DarkStalkers 4, and Nintendo vs CapcomHeading toward the e3 building now, I'll be there all three days so if there's anything you guys want me to try to ask about or try out or whatever let me know. I don't expect I'll be too busy while there so I'll try my best to do any valid requests.
Heading toward the e3 building now, I'll be there all three days so if there's anything you guys want me to try to ask about or try out or whatever let me know. I don't expect I'll be too busy while there so I'll try my best to do any valid requests.
tell Ono to add Deejay into SFV
Bug Ono about Marvel 4, DarkStalkers 4, and Nintendo vs Capcom
Heading toward the e3 building now, I'll be there all three days so if there's anything you guys want me to try to ask about or try out or whatever let me know. I don't expect I'll be too busy while there so I'll try my best to do any valid requests.
tell Ono to add Deejay into SFV
Bug Ono about Marvel 4, DarkStalkers 4, and Nintendo vs Capcom
Zelda was awesome, E3 is saved!
no ffvii remake news
trash e3 was trash
People who liked GoW did so because of the spectacle and presentation, if they loved GoW because of the combat then they would be playing DMC/NG/Bayonetta instead.lol at expecting this in the first place.
After seeing GOW move away from the "stylish action game" formula, I'm wondering where Capcom is gonna go with a supposed DMC4.
After what capcom did with resident evil I wouldn't get too excited about DMC. They will probably look at what trends sell copies now and will clone it.No DMC5, 0/10 E3.
Hahaha nice.first person survival horror devil may cry 5 announced at TGS
title is DeVil May Cry
After what capcom did with resident evil I wouldn't get too excited about DMC. They will probably look at what trends sell copies now and will clone it.