is there a special technique to choosing your team as the target? i was trying in arena and couldnt get it to work
2x Champion Belt and Yun's Fire Armor get. Just in time for the raid. I'll probably be sharing either Yun, Olive, Firion, or Randi... who would work best?
Decided on
Yun/Randi/Cecil/Refia/Olive skipped on Marie at first to see if she is necessary and forgot I haven't leveled Firion so Randi it is.
Stacked team.
Probably run Randi/Yun/Cecil/Refia/Elza myself. Don't have anyone really good for that last slot. Wish I had Firion ready, but he's still 5* around 63.
Wasn't gil turtles last week so cactuars this weekend?
Wow two bombs in a row for my last two event runs, first ones I've seen in a week.
I have 2 dual wields.
I typically use them on Noctipuss and Yun
However there's Firion who'd be great for Ifrit, do I take the dual wield off Noctis and give it to Firion?
What were we figuring would be after the PC when it comes to banners?
Eileen is my bet.
I guess that would be the most evil thing Gumi could do because the whales would go crazy on it as well as whoever wants a future proof extremely powerful unit. She is also overall a more valuable unit than Orlandu because she has no 4* alternative like Agrias.Oh snap. I'd be interested if true. I shoulda saved tickets on my alt acc. LOL. Not like it can get help anyway.
Edit: Guess I'll prep Yun here in a few moments and get him as my leader for tomorrow.
uh guys i just did a single arena ticket pull and my lapis went to zero.
please lord tell me i don't have to deal with customer support to fix this.
Iam still waiting for answer?
Anyone tested with Firion which one is better:
Excalibur + Katana (BM)
Werebuster + Katana (BM)
I don't have a whip so I could slap Wb but not sure if it does more damage to beasts than Excalibur and its higher ATK?
The answers you seek lie here.
Excalibur > Werebuster. Will also benefit from Imperil. Werebuster is a trap unless you just started playing a week ago. Especially on Firion, who gets MAG from maces, not ATK.
Firion Wb + Katana (BM) said:Min: 76780 | Average: 85312 | Max: 93843
Beast Killer
Min: 233738 | Average: 259708 | Max: 285680
Esper: Ifrit HP:4500 MP:2200 ATK:5300 DEF:2800 MAG:2100 SPR:2100
Total Stats: HP: 4289 MP: 165 ATK: 526 DEF: 239 MAG: 191 SPR: 175
Firion Exc + Katana (BM) said:Min: 99563 | Average: 113865 | Max: 128168
Beast Killer
Min: 241375 | Average: 283970 | Max: 326566
Esper: Ifrit HP:4500 MP:2200 ATK:5300 DEF:2800 MAG:2100 SPR:2100
Total Stats: HP: 4289 MP: 165 ATK: 647 DEF: 265 MAG: 157 SPR: 141
Firion TWhip + Katana (BM) said:Min: 99740 | Average: 105443 | Max: 111146
Beast Killer
Min: 318486 | Average: 318486 | Max: 318486
Esper: Ifrit HP:4500 MP:2200 ATK:5300 DEF:2800 MAG:2100 SPR:2100
Total Stats: HP: 4289 MP: 165 ATK: 599 DEF: 239 MAG: 157 SPR: 175
Just got 4 250 lapis compensation messages. Doesn't say what for
Just got 4 250 lapis compensation messages. Doesn't say what for
Just got 4 250 lapis compensation messages. Doesn't say what for
Got it too. Just redeemed it quickly right nowJust got 4 250 lapis compensation messages. Doesn't say what for
Oh well that explains it.
"Achievement Status" not working for anyone else?