Wtf, ELT is hard as fuck... Dont go with only damage, you Will get rekt.
damn son 100 fire resist 7k HP Cecil with barfiraga and embolden up can't last 2 turns. Jesus Ifrit at least take me to dinner first before going balls deep
There is the counter "Until Level down" = 23h55min Ifrit comes easier in one day?
Well I got blown the hell back lol.
Blocking on turn 1 and every 3 turns seems crucial. Radiant BS is just too strong.
My initial hot take (because Ifrit is fire element) is that spamming PRO is going to be better than throwing yourself at ELT. Failing ELT doesn't get you Rank EXP and the coins seem to be worse or comparable.
Remains to be seen if there's some sort of mechanics change or AI thing that will enable us minnows to handle ELT, but when the cetaceous among us are getting rolled, I think I'll stay in the kiddie pool for a bit.
The jump in difficulty from PRO to ELT is astronomical.
I'm dealing 5.5m damage first turn in PRO, while only dealing 1.2m in ELT.
Gonna farm PRO til a strategy for ELT is discovered.
You mean Guard at 1st turn and then every 3 turns?
Btw at 2nd try in PRO (to do missions) I went too carelessly and got eaten by Radiant BS in there too
Even dying I got ~200 coins which is way more than in ELT after dying.
Everyone should farm PRO, until we know more. At the moment ELT is just waste of orbs.
Not really at least for me.
I got 275 coins in pro and in ELT even when i was slaughtered i got 400 coins.
But cuya se should do It like the jp vídeos. Just spam holy explosion and then... Oh...
I made 1400 coins multisummon. Was it meant to be that we get Moogles from it too?
Yes. You can pull Trust Moogles for the FFXIV units from the raid gacha.
Daily pulls on the PC banner don't give Trust Moogles, while we're sort of on the subject. Only full-price, ticket, and 10+1 pulls. I burned a ticket just out of curiosity to see if the Moogles were locked to the banner units and got 5% towards Gungnir. So...
Yes. You can pull Trust Moogles for the FFXIV units from the raid gacha.
Daily pulls on the PC banner don't give Trust Moogles, while we're sort of on the subject. Only full-price, ticket, and 10+1 pulls. I burned a ticket just out of curiosity to see if the Moogles were locked to the banner units and got 5% towards Gungnir. So...
Anyone else unable to connect?
So there are 3 different Moogles in Raid Gacha?
That's correct, at least from what I've seen so far. You can also pull dupes of the FFXIV units, obviously, so expect lots of their mediocre TMs to fill your ability list.
¨You can complete the missions easily, all you need is someone able to cast water, two more people to cast other spells, and a unit like Kefka or even Eldin to use escape.
Cast your spells, then escape, and you will be able to flee the battle. Further, the game will report "YOU WON!", and the missions will clear.
Enjoy your free 100 Lapis!
Did they fix Raid Gacha? Pulled another Thancred, no moogle.
Holy shit, I can't even beat Ifrit on PRO. And I can't earn more raid coins by doing the same stage, really? How long is the event up for? So I can only earn coins once a day...
Got him to 35% and he instakilled me some sort of AOE? It did like 8k damage to my whole team. Anyone know what move that is?
I've gotten 4 thancred.. you're supposed to get moggles with him?!Did they fix Raid Gacha? Pulled another Thancred, no moogle.
I've gotten 4 thancred.. you're supposed to get moggles with him?!
Yeah but I only have 5 green orbs a day?
In no way can I get all 3 heroes, or else it's gonna be one hell of a grind and I need some luck from the crystals.