Chapter 4
ok so good news and bad news. ive finally figured out the battle, thanks to
Kagey K
and a little bit of reading through an ff13 wiki. bad news is im just not a big fan of the paradigm management.
going into more detail about the good news part... i discovered that SAB actually does magic damage to enemies with each move. so although a SAB uses spells like deprotect and deshell (in the beginning of the game at least) it also does a little bit of magic damage with each move. so in the beginning of chapter 4 when you have no COM available, youre supposed to use your SAB basically as a COM in order to keep the chain/stagger gauge from depleting too fast. i dont remember the game telling me this, i could go back and look through the tutorials to check, but either way, utilizing that bit of info did the trick and i had a much easier time with battle form that point on. shortly after that you gain control of a COM and then i have the option of using either a COM or a SAB to stop chain gauge depletion. and i had fun messing with different paradigms, in that sense.
going into more detail about the bad news part... after playing for a few hours with my new, better understanding of the battle mechanics, i realized that i was switching paradigm constantly in battle. maybe itll change in the future, but as of now, the flow goes attack/switch paradigm/attack/switch paradigm/etc... if i get hit for a little too much damage then ill have to switch to a medic oriented paradigm real quick, then go back to attack/switch/attack/switch/ rinse repeat until they are dead. and i guess i just find it to be tedious and not that satisfying.
now heres the thing... if the game was easier then i feel it would be a lot more satisfying. as it is now, some of the enemies can be taken out in one volley of attacks, but others require several attacks and several switches of paradigms before they go down. so when you have a battle that has multiple different enemy types, you have to do a lot of paradigm management while getting your ass kicked by the more difficult enemy, and its pretty easy to find yourself in a pickle if one of your attacks gets interrupted, or you have to switch to a medic (which happens often enough to annoy me, but not too often as to be broken).
heres the
other thing about all of that... if the game dealt out more CP to me then I could level up my chars quicker and the fights would be easier, but the game tends to put cap on how much you can grind/overpower your characters. and for me, that is a big negative. one of the things i love of FF is that it gives you the freedom to grind your chars and make them powerful, the reward for that being that fights and boss battles become much easier. but this game really limits you on how much you can level. you just get to a point here you can no longer use CP points and you just have to use strategy to beat the enemies.
all of that just makes me feel like i dont have any freedom playing the game, like i have to play the game exactly the way the devs want me to play it or im toast. so int he end, im glad i figured out the battle but it remains to be seen if ill get used to it, or feel a little more liberated. they are introducing some new battle mechanics (like eidolons), and ive only just started to upgrade weapons and accessories, so im going to reserve judgment and just try to enjoy the battle as much as i can. but overall, it just feels very tedious and like i have to constantly manage and switch paradigms, and im not a fan so far.
the levels are getting a bit less linear, and there was actually some puzzle like elements and (kind of) hidden items to collect, so i appreciated that. the story bits are the most interesting part so far, im enjoying that. the music is decent, but nothing remarkable. i really like the idea of collecting items to upgrade weapons, so im going to enjoy grinding for components (i love grinding), and CP (well, as much as it will let me get at least

overall, its going pretty okay, but i have a lot of complaints that i hope will be resolved, or ill just get used to the gameplay (and the camera, which still feels like garbage to me).
thats all for now, thank for coming to my FF13 ted talk. next up: chapter 5 with pussy boy taking the lead (talking about Hope of course

Chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8
*sigh* well, ive got a very negative update, but TLDR, im still enjoying the game (mostly) and im gonna keep playing, but it doesnt feel like im playing a great FF at the moment, which is always a disappointing feeling. anyway, here are my brutally honest, unfiltered thoughts so far...
So I'm very familiar and comfortable with the battle in this game at this point. it works fine and there is a bit of strategy involved, but its honestly not that much fun and just feels like im switching paradigms at the right time, multiple times per battle. it does what it needs to do to be a serviceable combat mechanic but it doesnt do anything particularly good or enjoyable. but at least i understand it and im not struggling with it anymore, so thats good.
the camera is still bad but im getting used to just letting it do its thing, as opposed to trying to control it myself. why thy made that choice i will never understand. its just one more thing that decided to take control away from the player and make the game more limiting, which im seeing is quite a trend with this game so far.
the level design is pretty much a straight forward, never ending hallway in every chapter. im surprised once in a while by a little hidden thing off the beaten path, or maybe a little back tracking you have to do to unlock something you couldnt unlock previously in the level. but for the most part the level design is the same as the battle: nothing particularly good or enjoyable about it, its just kind of there. the graphics and scenery are pretty from time to time, and there are plenty of times where the "hallway" will loop around or criss cross or go under and over, but for the most part its just a skinny, linear pathway. its like they went out of their way to keep it as pencil thin as possible. the times where it does open up to a little bigger area is very welcomed and appreciated it, but unfortunately it happens far too rarely.
the general flow and gameplay loop of the game is getting really, really old after 25ish hours. its been the same thing over and over again. fight your way through a linear pathway of enemies, find a few chests here and their, and do some menu maintenance along the way (upgrading gear, leveling chars, reading chapter summary and checking enemy intel, etc.). there has been almost no mini games, no NPCs to talk to, no side quests, no interesting towns to explore, no find hidden things to find, etc... its just very limited in stuff to do. i dont feel like im exploring a world or going on an adventure, which is essential in an FF for me.
i usually love at least grinding and buying/selling stuff, but this game really limits you in those ways too. finding/saving gill is stupidly hard, there is a cap on how strong you can make your chars in each chapter, and the gear/items is so expensive that i have barely had enough money to buy anything (thankfully i am at least finding most of those items in the game world). but for the most part, there isnt much to actually do other than fight, upgrade stuff, and continue pushing forward. i reeally, reeaallly need this game to do something else, this game play loop is getting lame fast...
the story is great! it remains my favorite part of the game. im really enjoying it and cant wait to see how it plays out. they really did an amazing job explaining everything in an easy to digest manner. i actually really enjoy reading the summarys, as it gives you an already analyzed version of what it going on, in case your analytical skills are sup par or you just didnt quite catch something. good job on that square, i welcome more of this kind of stuff in future FF titles.
on the flip side, the character scripts are slowly stating to turn cringy and abysmal. its just cheeseball and corny to no end. the VAs are doing a decent job i believe, but the material they are giving them just have me literally laughing out loud at times. they need to let the scenes breathe and have a little nuance, bc sometimes they are just hitting it on the nose too hard and comes off as feeling like i watching an episode of sesame street where they are over explaining whats going on or what they are thinking. and in general, the "lets all hug and hold hands" moments are just overdone and make my face look like that clint eastwood gif where he appears to be disgusted lol
i gotta tell ya, i dont feel like im playing a final fantasy game. it feels more like a third person action game with FF elements mixed in. i hear the game opens up a little more later on, but at this point its too little too late for me. the damage has already been done, and i understand why people will make it 30 hours through this game and just give up. its just kind of boring and bland and feels like a plastic FF simulator. but i bought an extra month of xbox ultimate just for this game so im going to finish it damnit. but yeah, so far, the first half of this game is not really impressing me, as disappointed as i am to say that.
im remaining optimistic tho and i am really looking forward to (hopefully) getting to a point where acquiring gil and components is easier, and the levels/traveling/exploration opens up a bit more (itd be nice to be able to travel back to certain places). im not holding my breath for towns or NPCs or mini games, but thatd be a nice addition.... i mean, its an FF game those things should be standard but i havent seen one yet so...
oh well, onward to chapter 9 (and beyond)!
EDIT: i was going to splice this in with the body of the post but i have to add this at the bottom for everyone to clearly see:
the CG cut scenes in this game are fucking incredible! some of the best, if not THE best in any FF. im blown away nearly every single time. they need to get the team who did these to make FF movies because they are by far some of the best parts of the game. they really feel like a treat, just like they used to back in the day. so in that sense i get a bit of old school FF vibe. well done square