Caught me off guard and now I can't stop laughing
Caught me off guard and now I can't stop laughing
RAV/RAV/RAV can be useful during the process of staggering, not just once staggered (if you're trying to quickly power through the chain gauge and finish the enemy). Similarly, COM/RAV/RAV can be a good team during the stagger itself, depending on the enemy and the part of the combat cycle you're in, since the COM can lay out loads of damage (and provide stuff like the Launch ability).Opener: Saboteur, Synergist, and Synergist
Staggering: Commando, Ravager, Ravager
Staggered: Ravager, Ravager, Ravager
Emergency: Commando, Medic, Medic
But seriously, there are plenty of games that use electronic music to great effect. Even as early as Streets of Rage (Genesis) which was way ahead of its time.
Hamauzu/Mizuta/Suzuki have a very distinct style and I don't see that going away in future.
Yeah, I meant LR and FFXIII-2 in a general sense.
You could definitely see a progression from FFX (although that was still pretty traditional as Uematsu was the primary thing there) to FFXIII which stylistically retained and expanded on some of that flavor (Nakama calls it 'European' and I tend to agree) and then FFXIII-2 which was really experimental with all its vocal BGMs, and then LR which experimented in different ways while bringing other core material back to FFXIII.
Heck, even Lightning's Theme in LRFF shares a few similarities with To Zanarkand, despite being by different composers. (Hamauzu vs Uematsu)
While neither Uematsu nor Hamauzu are with Square Enix anymore, I do believe that that style of music isn't going away. It's almost like a coherent, identifiable sub-genre, if you will, in what defines Final Fantasy music.
With Shimomura handing the next entry
In some form yeah. Type 0's L'cie and Fal'cie have their differences to the ones found in the XIII trilogy and I'm sure "The World of the Versus Epic" will have their own take.
I'm down for redrawn backgrounds and updated models. That's all it really takes. I think the notion of a full blown project stems from that tech demo they showed at E3 2005. Nice avatar by the way. Our avatars totally match.
Aye, but there's the rub: Do we even know how much access they have to the source material? Halo CE Anniversary was done with full access to the original source code, the level geometry, developer notes, the original engine (they had to transfer info from the old engine into their new engine) etc. A LOT of companies had terrible archiving policies back in the day.
SE didn't even have the source code for something as "recent" as Kingdom Hearts 1/FM. I highly doubt they'll have it for something that predates it by 5 years.
The Morning music for Northern Luxerion is a revelation. I haven't heard anything like it and sadly, I don't think we're gonna hear similar stuff in the future considering Lightning Returns was pretty experimental.
Yusnaan (Morning) is great as well. They're both a huge departure from the music you hear in any game, but I couldn't believe how good they sounded the first time I heard the music. Again, it's depressing to think that we're not gonna hear similar stuff in the future from the way it looks right now.
For the most part the L'Cie in Type-0 seem to work the same way. They have all have a Focus in service to their Fal'Cie, the Four Crystals, and completion of these Foci results in Crystal Stasis, whereas failure to complete them results in turning into a Cie'th.
Type-0 is also interesting in that it includes a nonhuman L'Cie in the Soryu Dragon. Also, all of the L'Cie in the game, regardless of which Crystal they serve, are Pulse L'Cie.
or this stuff:
I saw some enemies of the game, but what do the Cie'th look like?
Cieth are mentioned, but never seen. Since Lcie have no time limits the only way to become one is open rebellion. And since they lose memories and emotions so quickly, they rarely have cause to rebel.
I have been playing FF XIII recently, and I was wondering about the best setup(s) for each situation. I am currently using:
Lightning, Sazh, and Hope whenever I get a chance (they have the tendency to split up a lot).
Opener: Saboteur, Synergist, and Synergist
Staggering: Commando, Ravager, Ravager
Staggered: Ravager, Ravager, Ravager
Emergency: Commando, Medic, Medic
If there's anything else that you would like to add that would help me progress through the game, please let me know.
That concept was explored in LR, and not just with Lightning.
Completely different situation:
She wasn't a L'cie, she was being groomed to be the next "Goddess of Death". Apparently beings like what Lightning was becoming and what Etro was can't feel emotions. Snow was a L'cie in LR yet was angsting like crazy and the entire party in XIII never suffered from lacking emotions and memory loss.
Personally, it was poorly handled and outright contradictory to what was stated in XIII. The XIII-2 Novella where this was revealed about Etro also couldn't make up its damn mind about whether she was emotionless, just didn't understand emotions, or just didn't have human emotions. It switched between the three constantly, sometimes in the same damn sentences. Same thing happened with Lightning: *Basically sobbing after meeting Serah* "I felt nothing" *Going into hysterics with Snow* "I felt nothing".
Shimomura writes the best final boss music though. (KH 358/2 spoilers)
The same way FFXII was a welcome orchestral break for the series, I'm highly anticipating FFXV, although I suspect it'll be a lot more than just that.
edit: Derp, actually meant to link this but the Memoria arrangement is next-level as well.
Completely different situation:
She wasn't a L'cie, she was being groomed to be the next "Goddess of Death". Apparently beings like what Lightning was becoming and what Etro was can't feel emotions. Snow was a L'cie in LR yet was angsting like crazy and the entire party in XIII never suffered from lacking emotions and memory loss.
Personally, it was poorly handled and outright contradictory to what was stated in XIII. The XIII-2 Novella where this was revealed about Etro also couldn't make up its damn mind about whether she was emotionless, just didn't understand emotions, or just didn't have human emotions. It switched between the three constantly, sometimes in the same damn sentences. Same thing happened with Lightning: *Basically sobbing after meeting Serah* "I felt nothing" *Going into hysterics with Snow* "I felt nothing".
Yeah, sure. When Shimomura is on, she's on this completely ethereal level that's completely different from Mitsuda, Uematsu, and Hamauzu. She's also by far the least consistent, though, as exemplified by the music here.
That I know, but I was referring to the factthat God wanted to destroy the souls of the dead so ones that remained to not remember them, being purified without the pain of the past.
Ah, gotcha.
Bhuni was a dick.
Not really. Haven't actually heard much by her.
Street Fighter 2? Guile's Theme Goes With Everything? D:
I dont think SE is antireligion. Type-0's plot is about becoming the Savior and the resident Deity is genuinely compassionate.
Lightning battle cry [LR SPOILER]haha"God is Dead!"
A compassionate Deity sounds nice. Hopefully not as bad as Etro or even Cosmos. haha
Well, it's like this,
type-0 spoilers
thanks for the write up, but I can't read that. sorry
despite spoiling quite a bit of type-0 already, I still want to be surprised.
So the non spoily version is the resident deity does a really nice thing.
Lightning battle cry [LR SPOILER]haha"God is Dead!"
A compassionate Deity sounds nice. Hopefully not as bad as Etro or even Cosmos. haha
Can you blame her, lol?
I have been playing FF XIII recently, and I was wondering about the best setup(s) for each situation. I am currently using:
Lightning, Sazh, and Hope whenever I get a chance (they have the tendency to split up a lot).
Opener: Saboteur, Synergist, and Synergist
Staggering: Commando, Ravager, Ravager
Staggered: Ravager, Ravager, Ravager
Emergency: Commando, Medic, Medic
If there's anything else that you would like to add that would help me progress through the game, please let me know.
I definitely don't have enough money for it right now, but is Lightning Returns really as bad as the media says? I really liked Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2, but a third installment to make it a trilogy seems really forced. :X
I hear it's less linear, though!
I should note that I haven't finished it (got sidetracked by other things) yet, but:I definitely don't have enough money for it right now, but is Lightning Returns really as bad as the media says?
Dat non-overshipping.I want to try it because I hear it's challenging (well, until you find out how to break it). But I'm waiting til it is 20 dollars or less.
Don't use Auto Battle.
I definitely don't have enough money for it right now, but is Lightning Returns really as bad as the media says? I really liked Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2, but a third installment to make it a trilogy seems really forced. :X
I hear it's less linear, though!
I want to try it because I hear it's challenging (well, until you find out how to break it). But I'm waiting til it is 20 dollars or less.
I definitely don't have enough money for it right now, but is Lightning Returns really as bad as the media says? I really liked Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2, but a third installment to make it a trilogy seems really forced. :X
I hear it's less linear, though!
Makes the game a massive drag early on when things aren't very hectic. Even at hectic times, using the classes with clean menus (commando, medic, sentinel) is just way more fun if you're not's fine to use auto-battle
There are a lot of (subjectively legitimate, depending on the type of game you were expecting) complaints about the story and the ending, but I went in with the same mindset I did with X-2, even with their massively different mood/setting.
Truth be told, maybe it was also the fact that I'd been pretty much spoiled prior about the story and conclusion, and that I played (and platinumed) the game in Japanese to help boost along my rudimentary kanji reading, but I really was focused on the gameplay. For what it's worth I played it again in English just because. It's got its fair share of hilarious 'coincidences' and deus ex machina, but like I said, I wasn't expecting Shakespeare going in in the first place.
In many ways it's got this very subtle nostalgic factor in terms of the old Final Fantasy tropes. You have the whole stage show/performance trope. You have fireworks. Nova Chrysalia reminded me a lot of FF6's World of Ruin if you will - where you explore the aftermath of a cataclysmic event and how people are reacting to it - where the civilization that everyone once knew (Cocoon and Pulse of the previous two games) are but a memory.
If you could pick it up for $20, I'd say go for it. More depending how curious you are. Especially if you like Square Enix's ARPG offerings like Kingdom Hearts. (Though the game offers way more ability customization and less actual battlefield movement outside of dodge abilities)
edit: This video is always good linkage when talking about the battle system. Some spoilers etc.