I used these paradigms all throughout and it worked for me:
Lightning / Fang / Hope
COM / COM / RAV - Standard attacks
RAV / COM / RAV - For quick staggering
RAV / COM / MED - Healing mode
COM / COM / MED - Healing + attacking during stagger
SYN / SAB / MED - Buff/Debuff
any / any / any
Gahhhhh there's so much farming required in this game. I'm going to try the secret dungeons for the crowns but they seem awful.
Thanks for the input, everyone! I'm really glad LR has a great soundtrack. XIII-2 was a little generic, IMO. I'll probably check it out once it gets lower in price.
Thanks for the input, everyone! I'm really glad LR has a great soundtrack. XIII-2 was a little generic, IMO. I'll probably check it out once it gets lower in price.
Not gonna lie, the only reason I haven't played Dimensions yet is I'm still holding out hoping someone is crazy enough to do a pixellated de-make.
cool people don't face explosions
We still need a 16 bit remake of FF3!
I'm a tad biased because I played the DS remake and could not enjoy it.
After 1000/1000 FF13-3 I moved to the next title, Final Fantasy: Dimensions on the iPad. The game is super fun and it seems to be super long as well - I'm only in Chapter 3 after 20 hours of playtime! And still didn't get a Ship/ Airship!
It is a very old-school FF title with quite generic story (evil Avalon empire oppresses the world, there are two worlds: Light and Dark one). There is a job system in place with jobs like Bard, Dragoon, Dark Knight; Chocobos, Cid, Crystals, Moogles, Cactuars, Eidolons like Ifrit, Shiva etc. and well everything is like in FF4-FF6.
If you liked those games (I did) I think you would like this one as well.
Some random pics:
This guy was a bitch to defeat:
Dungeon where your party is changed into Toads:
Shiva dies:
Beatiful background:
Ramuh dies:
Finally, I can ride Black Chocobos!
Put it on PSN I will buy it in a heartbeat. Just that I need a controller to fully enjoy...
I am currently playing FF6A on my computer using a XBOX ONE controller -> so good!
My admittedly rather selfish reasons for not liking it were 'Man these graphics are such an eyesore. Why this annoying chibi look? Why can't I have my bloody sprites, darnit'
I know I'm irrational but I really did want a 16bit version.
My biggest issue with the FFD demo was that the controls sucked like always having my finger in the way and the general loose feeling compared to other games in the series.
My admittedly rather selfish reasons for not liking it were 'Man these graphics are such an eyesore. Why this annoying chibi look? Why can't I have my bloody sprites, darnit'
I know I'm irrational but I really did want a 16bit version.
Jeez, that snowboarding section in VII was just awful. Was there anything you got for doing well and collecting lots of balloons? Just curious, no way I'm reloading for that ish.
What if I want to play through the game normally?It's the most breakable 3D Final Fantasy game.
If you love abusing game mechanics, have fun
What if I want to play through the game normally?
I've never not played FF8 without breaking it.
This sentence made my head hurt.
woops, that's what I get for changing what I was saying while typing.
Normally I can handle multiple negatives pretty well, but that was weird.woops, that's what I get for changing what I was saying while typing.
To play through the game normally is to break the game.
It is impossible not to break.
You will see when you start playing.
Well fuck :/I've never played FF8 without breaking it.
Jeez, that snowboarding section in VII was just awful. Was there anything you got for doing well and collecting lots of balloons? Just curious, no way I'm reloading for that ish.
Well fuck :/
Oh well, I already bought it so there's no turning back now.