Professor Beef
YOU BROKE ITcorkscrewblow said:fixed
I actually wouldn't object to her being in it, but not over Zidane or Kuja.
YOU BROKE ITcorkscrewblow said:fixed
SpaceBridge said:That Dissidia one is really cool. Im trying to ID the characters though.
Electivirus said:On the Chaos side, I recognizeGarland, Cid Raines, Ultima, Vayne, Seifer, Genesis, Stella, and Seymour. No ideas who the guys at the very top are. For Cosmos: Yuna, Snow, Zack, Squall, Ashe, Ramza, and Noctis. Same with the guys at the very top. Maybe they're all from XIV?
TruePrime said:Near the top is also The Black Wind and The White Cloud from FF Unlimited.
That sucks, because the first one is the character I wanted in Dissidia more then anyone other then Cloud. His play style could have been very awesome not to mention the character is really cool.Electivirus said:Oh yeah, I never would've gotten those two. >.<
but it's soooo preeeettyyyyyy.Aeana said:There are a lot of things I like about 4WoL, but it falls short in the most crucial areas.![]()
Wait which game is this from?Lebron said:![]()
I remember getting all giddy when they first released that, but it was all a troll. I want a true FF game like that. That feel of exploration, like the earlier games. XII was sort of like that, but I just couldn't get into that game at all.
FF XIV. At least I think it was, but it might be XI.artwalknoon said:Wait which game is this from?
More interested in Agito XIII, they have put so much into that game I don't really see anything beating it for my GOTY on handhelds be it this year or next.Electivirus said:Hopefully, Bravely Default fixes 4WoL's major flaws. If so, it could be a potential handheld GotY for me.![]()
I hate the name Type-0 and love the name Agito XIII so I will continue to call it that.Boney said:but type -0 (you should call it by it's name you know, especially if you're excited) has those ugly school uniforms
Boney said:the one that really doesn't get any love is 4wol
TruePrime said:More interested in Agito XIII, they have put so much into that game I don't really see anything beating it for my GOTY on handhelds be it this year or next.
Have a PS3 or going to get a Vita? If either have faith, HD Remaster or something.Electivirus said:I'm mainly focusing on games that'd I'd definitely be able to play. Type-0's U.S. status is in limbo at the moment, unfortunately.![]()
TruePrime said:Have a PS3 or going to get a Vita? If either have faith, HD Remaster or something.
No way they leave that huge of a game in Japan forever.
I've been thinking of cancelling my PSP preorder just for an inevitable Vita version too. This way, I save money plus we'll probably get a version with better control methods later on.Aeana said:I lost a ton of interest in Type-0 after playing the demo. I still want to play it, but now I'm content to wait for the Vita to come out so I can at least play it with the second analog stick for the camera.
Summing it up all.SpaceBridge said:That Dissidia one is really cool. Im trying to ID the characters though.
I would say no, if XIII is problem for being boring FF I isn't going to relieve that.Anth0ny said:Yo!
Never played a Final Fantasy before. So I picked up XIII earlier this year... and it's boring. But I know that isn't the best this series can offer.
Any suggestions of what I should play first? Now that I look at my shelf, I seem to have Final Fantasy I for PSP. Should I just start with that?
It's honestly kind of hard to recommend a specific one, because they are mostly fairly different. I would personally recommend FF6 above all others, though, because in general it seems to be the most well-liked in the series so it seems like it's probably a good place to dive in.Anth0ny said:Yo!
Never played a Final Fantasy before. So I picked up XIII earlier this year... and it's boring. But I know that isn't the best this series can offer.
Any suggestions of what I should play first? Now that I look at my shelf, I seem to have Final Fantasy I for PSP. Should I just start with that?
You could, but if you're looking for a good narrative, you are probably not going to get much out of FF1. I generally recommend that people don't play it until they've experienced some of the other FFs. If you want a good "introductory" FF, I'd recommend FFIV: CC PSP because much of the abilities and growth are set in stone.Anth0ny said:Yo!
Never played a Final Fantasy before. So I picked up XIII earlier this year... and it's boring. But I know that isn't the best this series can offer.
Any suggestions of what I should play first? Now that I look at my shelf, I seem to have Final Fantasy I for PSP. Should I just start with that?
Dammit... that looks pretty good TeknoTeknoman said:FINAL FANTASY XIV
Another post
Airships, battle system reform, Materia making, Chocobos, more enemy species, and true mobile/camp mix exp parties are back. Also quests+real boss battles/story ramping up.
This I disagree with.Boney said:I'd start with either IV, V or VI. Both the original trilogy and the ps trilogy can be a pretty rough to just jump into, even though IX is my favourite.
You could also get X or XII I guess but they aren't good starting points in my opinion.
didn't i say they weren't good starting points?TruePrime said:This I disagree with.
X's systems changed from ATB to the CTB so a new battlesystem and the Sphere grid wasn't the first open system but it's pretty unique not to mention the new Mini games being fairly unique and having fully voice acted.
As it stands, outside of maybe IV, VI and VII it would be the easiest to jump into.
Boney said:didn't i say they weren't good starting points?
*checks and scratches head*
shame on meSeda said:TruePrime is saying the FFX IS a good starting point.
That is what I'm saying. X is fresh or at least appears to be so in many ways, and very few if any thing are needed to jump in and feel comfortable with the game.Seda said:TruePrime is saying the FFX IS a good starting point.
That font looks great.Aeana said:It is incredibly clear and very easy to read. I just love the balance between the kana and kanji, and the slightly rounded edges on everything.
It's FFXII's Tidus Laughing Scene. But it's awesome.Luigiv said:
Luigiv said:
TruePrime said:That is what I'm saying. X is fresh or at least appears to be so in many ways, and very few if any thing are needed to jump in and feel comfortable with the game.
This is kinda shown just by how big and popular X got.
Even in the X HD reveal thread there where many a poster who pointed out that X was indeed their first time in FF and how much it stuck with them.
I know alot of people want to hate Vaan and everything. However the amount of hate leveled at this when the entire point is have him stand out and get people's attention by acting like that never made any damn sense to me.Luigiv said:
I think this version is better.Luigiv said:
TruePrime said:I know alot of people want to hate Vaan and everything. However the amount of hate leveled at this when the entire point is have him stand out and get people's attention by acting like that never made any damn sense to me.
Luigiv said:Final Fantasy XII
What the fuck is this shit?
Final Fantasy XIV
Why does the grass look like wet moss?Xenoblade has forever spoilt me.