He plays such a tiny part after the introduction, though.Lebron said:Vaan is one of the main reasons I couldn't get into that game.
Fuck him
But why?Lebron said:Vaan is one of the main reasons I couldn't get into that game.
Fuck him
Aeana said:He plays such a tiny part after the introduction, though.
You can forget about him after the introduction. But I like using him because he's pretty quick and he has some of the best stats in the game.Lebron said:Vaan is one of the main reasons I couldn't get into that game.
Fuck him
When I put Balthier as the party leader, it MEANS SOMETHING, game!Skilletor said:I have to walk around as Vaan in towns. Fuck that game.
strem said:Liked FF 13. I beat it twice.
And yes its taken quite a turn around after the new team took over and 1.19 hit a few days ago. Does it still need work? Yeah. Is it actually pretty enjoyable now? Kinda. Still free and underground improvements? Yep.
The new team also recently put forward two art documents showing how they plan to completely restructure two of the main areas (Thanalan/Savanna and The Black shroud/Forest) in the near future. The PS3 version is still in the works, and will most likely be released with/after the total area revamps, which they seem to want to tie into the story, as they have everything else. Even small things such as changing enemy size are tied into the story.
No XII's marks go from cake walk to suddenly jumping a great deal in diffculty if you aren't leveled high enough or know how to handel them.Chiave said:Final Fantasy XII
So I'm doing optional bosses for the first time. 1 minute into the Hell Wyrm fight and I'm already saying wtf. It hits hard as fuck! Totally unexpected; I figured it'd be a total faceroll like all the other bosses and marks. I really only have 3 party members available, my reserves are pretty much dead meat because they're low level.
Paco said:Good, good.
Where did you read this?
What would you say to someone who found XI a little too clunky and slow. Does XIV have these problems still? Is it all soloable?Teknoman said:FINAL FANTASY XIV
Two more for good measure.
And yes its taken quite a turn around after the new team took over and 1.19 hit a few days ago. Does it still need work? Yeah. Is it actually pretty enjoyable now? Kinda. Still free and underground improvements? Yep.
The new team also recently put forward two art documents showing how they plan to completely restructure two of the main areas (Thanalan/Savanna and The Black shroud/Forest) in the near future. The PS3 version is still in the works, and will most likely be released with/after the total area revamps, which they seem to want to tie into the story, as they have everything else. Even small things such as changing enemy size are tied into the story.
But I'm not actually trying to hate on Vaan. In fact, I'm been actively trying to find reasons to like him but he keeps giving me reasons to the contrary. I just played through this sequence for the first time the other day and the whole thing was just stupid, I'm sorry. Vaan's scheme is ridiculous; Nobodies is going to believe this 17 year old kid's obvious lies and all he's really doing is putting himself at danger with Basch's detractors; and the terrible voice acting doesn't help.TruePrime said:I know alot of people want to hate Vaan and everything. However the amount of hate leveled at this when the entire point is have him stand out and get people's attention by acting like that never made any damn sense to me.
Chiave said:Final Fantasy XII
So I'm doing optional bosses for the first time. 1 minute into the Hell Wyrm fight and I'm already saying wtf. It hits hard as fuck! Totally unexpected; I figured it'd be a total faceroll like all the other bosses and marks. I really only have 3 party members available, my reserves are pretty much dead meat because they're low level.
Luigiv said:But I'm not actually trying to hate on Vaan. In fact, I'm been actively trying to find reasons to like him but he keeps giving me reasons to the contrary. I just played through this sequence for the first time the other day and the whole thing was just stupid, I'm sorry. Vaan's scheme is ridiculous; Nobodies is going to believe this 17 year old kid's obvious lies and all he's really doing is putting himself at danger with Basch's detractors; and the terrible voice acting doesn't help.
It also annoys me that Vaan did a whole 180 on his opinion of Basch for no reason at all. Yu'd expect Vaan to feel uncomfortable speaking those words.
No, because he's a crappy character and dresses funny. It's like dealing with Edge Maverick. I can only take so much. I don't want to see growing. I want to see him wiped out by Kefka.TruePrime said:But why?
Becuase he isn't a character that is really strong like Cloud/Squall/Zidane?
Vaan is a naive kid and he plays the role well and he really grows over the course of the game.
There was a trade off here, would you have prefered Vaan be all sulky? As it stands he lets it go, and he grows to accept that Basch didn't do it.Luigiv said:But I'm not actually trying to hate on Vaan. In fact, I'm been actively trying to find reasons to like him but he keeps giving me reasons to the contrary. I just played through this sequence for the first time the other day and the whole thing was just stupid, I'm sorry. Vaan's scheme is ridiculous; Nobodies is going to believe this 17 year old kid's obvious lies and all he's really doing is putting himself at danger with Basch's detractors; and the terrible voice acting doesn't help.
It also annoys me that Vaan did a whole 180 on his opinion of Basch for no reason at all. Yu'd expect Vaan to feel uncomfortable speaking those words.
Not getting into a debate over whether Xenoblade is pretty or not, I was talking about the grass specifically.Skilletor said:Xenoblade might be a lot of things, but a pretty game is not one of them.
Aw, dammit, double post.![]()
Yes, was I not clear?Skilletor said:Please tell me that you mean that specific part of FF12. The part where Vaan is TRYING to be over the top to gain the attention of certain people and acting stupid. That you're not saying that FF12 has terrible voice acting.
Luigiv said:Not getting into a debate over whether Xenoblade is pretty or not, I was talking about the grass specifically.
After compared to this, FFXIV's grass looks rather poor no? Especially so if we consider technical restraints.
There is no debate. It's a great looking game.Luigiv said:Not getting into a debate over whether Xenoblade is pretty or not, I was talking about the grass specifically.
Paco said:Good, good.
Where did you read this?
Rahxephon91 said:What would you say to someone who found XI a little too clunky and slow. Does XIV have these problems still? Is it all soloable?
International is the best version. If you have the opportunity, buy it.kunonabi said:I'm about to break down and get FFXII but I'm trying to decide on the standard version or international. Do the jobs have brand new abilities or are they just the original license board split into pieces? Which version is better for playing manually without gambits?
Here is a big one.kunonabi said:I'm about to break down and get FFXII but I'm trying to decide on the standard version or international. Do the jobs have brand new abilities or are they just the original license board split into pieces? Which version is better for playing manually without gambits?
There are a handful of new things, but in general it's the same stuff split into pieces. Abilities and licenses have been modified in terms of effectiveness, though.kunonabi said:I'm about to break down and get FFXII but I'm trying to decide on the standard version or international. Do the jobs have brand new abilities or are they just the original license board split into pieces? Which version is better for playing manually without gambits?
XxSlasherMcGirkxX said:This thread needs some Dissidia love up in here. People crap on Nomura's designs all the time but Dissidia's character designs are top notch.
They managed to make boring generic characters like the warrior, firion, Bartz, the emperor, Garland and onion knight and turn them into awesome designs that not only look cool but also fit the original games and injecting some personality and character into them.
Now besides Squall as my favorite, I love WoL, Bartz, Firion and the Emperor as my favorite characters.
I'd kill for a FF5 remake with Dissidia Bartz.
Also I wish for more Final Fantasy movies a la Advent Children. It was good. I want more. Give me a FF8 movie SQAURE ENIX!
Does it make a difference? You can see the grass is "3D"* there, whilst FFXIV's is an inappropriately bump mapped texture.Skilletor said:Do you have a full resolution screen?
Luigiv said:Does it make a difference? You can see the grass is "3D"* there, whilst FFXIV's is an inappropriately bump mapped texture.
If you insist, though, here's a Dolphin shot showing that the grass effect holds, even at an HD resolution.
*Yes, I'm aware the game uses 2D sprites that always face the camera for grass and leaves. It's still better then flat grass texture, in my opinion.
Electivirus said:I've never been too big on Amano's stuff. It's too...abstract for my tastes.
Teknoman said:I like Nomura designs...but the original designs for them werent generic by any means.
Here here!XxSlasherMcGirkxX said:This thread needs some Dissidia love up in here. People crap on Nomura's designs all the time but Dissidia's character designs are top notch.
They managed to make boring generic characters like the warrior, firion, Bartz, the emperor, Garland and onion knight and turn them into awesome designs that not only look cool but also fit the original games and injecting some personality and character into them.
Now besides Squall as my favorite, I love WoL, Bartz, Firion and the Emperor as my favorite characters.
I'd kill for a FF5 remake with Dissidia Bartz.
Also I wish for more Final Fantasy movies a la Advent Children. It was good. I want more. Give me a FF8 movie SQAURE ENIX!
Electivirus said:I've never been too big on Amano's stuff. It's too...abstract for my tastes.
It would have to be. As it stands those art's you posted are the very things that Nomura based the Dissidia characters on in honor and celebration of Amano.Teknoman said:I can see that, but its anything but generic ya know? Unless he just meant the sprites in the original games?
Outside of some story elements it's better to never have the summons out because of how they work in the original XII.kunonabi said:Job system doesn't sound so hot then if there isn't anything new. I'm probably not going to max out the license board so I probably won't have to worry about all my characters playing the same anyway. How important are the summons? I remember hating them in the demo, although to be fair I hated the whole demo actually.
Aeana said:Fixed.Billychu said:I really need to play Final Fantasy IV some time. I have it just sitting around, I need to put it in mySNESDS and play it.
Electivirus said:Final Fantasy XIII: God, PSICOM Huntresses are beasts. Two or more of them, and they just walk all over me.![]()
Chiave said:Final Fantasy XIV
Here's a question,
When FFXIV was released I remember reading a couple of complaints about the terrain being similar/boring. Have they said anything about fixing that?
SpaceBridge said:Since were on the topic of FFXIV, any news or rumors about the PS3 version?
Blue Submarine No. 6 said:Bah... I tried playing the DS version and couldn't stand watching that low-poly Cecil stumbling about the maps; ended up quitting only a few hours in... I don't know why it bugged me so much, because I played through FFIII on the DS no problem, but it did... Anyway, I started playing the PSP version today and everything's back the way it's supposed to be - it'll be my first play through since I played the SNES version on release...
Ill show you a pic once I get my laptop. Strange, hope Im not the only one to be able to do this.
Dark Schala said:You could, but if you're looking for a good narrative, you are probably not going to get much out of FF1. I generally recommend that people don't play it until they've experienced some of the other FFs. If you want a good "introductory" FF, I'd recommend FFIV: CC PSP because much of the abilities and growth are set in stone.
However, I generally like to recommend FFV (explore ability system), FFVI (good narrative and overall package) and FFIX (what I think is an ideal vision of what "Final Fantasy" is... but if you haven't played previous FFs, you might not get all the references) because I personally like them. A lot of people would probably recommend FFVII based on its atmosphere, narrative and growth/ability system.
Instead of playing Sonic 2006 during your reading week, you should play Final Fantasy VI or IX.![]()