If you're liking it already, you're in for a great experience. The game only gets better.
I don't know, the only thing making this game different from a "normal" jrpg is the lack of towns and the amount of story. If you could have talked with NPCs and gone to an Inn and stuff, I feel like it would be just like any other game. But then again, the game's story is pretty clear on why they're not visiting towns.
The first map where you play Vanille is actually pretty decent.
Seriously, if the lack of towns and the awkward lines are what made this game so hated, I think I'll be enjoying my time with it. Cool.
And yeah, easily one of the prettiest games from last gen, Square really nails that crystal look.
which of the main characters do you like so far?
what part are you by?
Just started Chapter 3.
Sazh is, of course, the very best (I'd say if he gets any cooler he goes to demi-Balthier levels of goodness).
And there's one line from Vanille that really made me interested in her, so I'm looking forward to her being something more than just moral support.(when she says that Snow is all talk when she first meets him)
Otherwise, I don't "hate" anyone, I think it's because there's no stereotype that I hate, so for me to dislike a character they have to be poorly delivered, and even Snow and Hope are pretty decent on delivering so far (delivering motivations/personality wise, not dialogue/writing).
Just started Chapter 3.
Sazh is, of course, the very best
Yeah, someone said the game starts slowing down for quite a while now, I might actually enjoy that, I want me some practice on that ATB refresh (which I pulled off once on my first try \o\)It makes sense that the story seems overwhelming to you if you're still this early. Those first few hours are pretty rough from a storytelling standpoint, and this is coming from someone who loves the game. It certainly becomes much more focused and less obtrusive the further you get.
Sazh is great. But he's not the best. You haven't met Fang yet.
Vanille is a really interesting character. I'd say she's easily the most complex of the bunch, but a lot of people dismiss her out of hand because they find her voice annoying.
Yup =P, I haven't been using auto-battle at all either, since I want to learn how to use every ability. Even controlling just Lightning, it can get pretty confusing what is going on on screen, I love it, one of the main reasons of why I love Dissidia is those crazy battles.Cool. When you reach one of those bosses that punch your face so fast that you don't know what hit you: Don't panic and adjust your Paradigms. haha (you might have to make a new deck.)
The best. The goddamn best. Sazh and Balthier are the type of characters every game should have."Boopin' and Weavin'"
Yup =P, I haven't been using auto-battle at all either, since I want to learn how to use every ability. Even controlling just Lightning, it can get pretty confusing what is going on on screen, I love it, one of the main reasons of why I love Dissidia is those crazy battles.
Dissidia is awesome. It's one SE's best fanservice/spin-off FF games.
Vanille is a really interesting character. I'd say she's easily the most complex of the bunch, but a lot of people dismiss her out of hand because they find her voice annoying.
Another interesting part with the translation. The whole scene Vanille/Sazh at the station. Sazh's is more or less on point but Vanille's is strange. She's obviously a lot more shocked/hurt at what Sazh is saying in the Japanese audio than she is in the english translation. At this point, the subtitles don't really match up with how she's animated either, it was quite funny readingVanille being slightly down/trying to hide her secret to all of a sudden her running out, crying and using the rain to hide her tears.
Another interesting part with the translation. The whole scene Vanille/Sazh at the station. Sazh's is more or less on point but Vanille's is strange. She's obviously a lot more shocked/hurt at what Sazh is saying in the Japanese audio than she is in the english translation. At this point, the subtitles don't really match up with how she's animated either, it was quite funny readingVanille being slightly down/trying to hide her secret to all of a sudden her running out, crying and using the rain to hide her tears.
It makes sense that the story seems overwhelming to you if you're still this early. Those first few hours are pretty rough from a storytelling standpoint, and this is coming from someone who loves the game. It certainly becomes much more focused and less obtrusive the further you get.
Sazh is great. But he's not the best. You haven't met Fang yet.
Vanille is a really interesting character. I'd say she's easily the most complex of the bunch, but a lot of people dismiss her out of hand because they find her voice annoying.
that's because the english subtitles are for the english track
it's lazy
ah, fits him perfectly.
Just reached Chapter 10.
Curious though. What's the best determinate for end of battle rank?
I got zero stars from Bart. Guess I took too long or something. =/
Finally playing with my favorite character.
Some backgrounds look really good.
Finally playing with my favorite character.
Some backgrounds look really good.
Finally playing with my favorite character.
Some backgrounds look really good.
She looks great in super-HD.
I'm never gonna reach Fang. I keep restarting the game when I find some settings I'm happier with. I just did Chapter 1 for the fourth time since this game came out. >_>
While you're there, make sure to find the (original) dog.
Thing is even at 720p this game is still really gorgeous.god damn this area man
can't thank durante enough for his work, can't imagine playing this at 720p, fucking SE![]()
Okay can I have a game with Fang as the main character please? Fuck the pink bitch.
What's wrong with Light?
More like what's good about her. I still have no clue ;(
More like what's good about her. I still have no clue ;(
True, forgot about that. Lightning redeemed then.
I also liked when she slapped Fang for some reason. We need a buddy movie/game with those two.
She punches Snow in like her first scene with him.
I like how she got her shit together by herself (though partially by looking at Hope) and is willing to admit her mistakes. She's a decent enough characters it's just the writing is bad in FFXIII and the voice acting is pretty cringy as well (though this partially attributed due to bad writing).More like what's good about her. I still have no clue ;(
Spoilers.More like what's good about her. I still have no clue ;(
Raitningz said:Actually Lightning's character arc is a lot about being alone and shutting people out, while the theme of the story is defying fate together as a family of sorts.
Lightning's afraid to be lonely deep inside, afraid to be weak. She's not strong, really, she compensates for what she lacks with a strong front. That's why she's not Claire. She wants to be strong for the people around her, but she's actually very scared. That's bravery.
At Square Enix they have a poster of her with the Japanese words "Yuki" overlayed. Yu Ki means courage, bravery. Facing your fears is courage. That's what she represents. She doesn't trust anyone, she wants to take care of everyone. She's annoyed when people care for her, because she's afraid to accept help from others. Anybody who thinks she's just stoic, strong, independent, badass and doesn't need anybody didn't really get it personally.
She's pretty grey, too, doesn't have a very clear cut morality, though she's somewhat altruistic. Her personality reflects pretty well in Dissidia too.
Also, her design is fantastic. Can you just look at how so, so very beautiful she is? Her eyes are the perfect hue of blue, gaze into them and you'd see the beauty of the most gorgeous seas in the world. Her wispy, rose-colored hair, fringe draping between her eyes, complimenting her well-curved eyebrows and those perfect pair of eyes. Her lips look so luscious- wait... Where was I again?
Anyway, her design is awesome. One look at her and you'd see this woman is a soldier. It didn't have to resort to weapons, a Kevlar vest, weapons, green, armor, metal, you'd just know, she looks strong and she's a soldier.
In XIII-2 she looks divine, like a protector, a holy knight. They didn't have to resort to wings, extravagant golden armor or anything. You just knew that she looked like she descended from heaven(as if she didn't already look at that way)
With LR... Eh, what happened? Don't really dig the LR costume and don't understand it either, I'm not sure what I was supposed to feel but Toriyama gave Nomura the instructions "Strength" and "Black leather suit". Didn't really work out for me personally, I hated the costume at first but I admit it has grown on me somewhat, so okay.
Regarding the story, I really dislike the way the story went from FFXIII-2, but she's still very awesome. It would have been better imo if not for those god awful sequels. Especially LR - I didn't quite like the fact they marketed it "Create your own Lightning" like she's some kind of avatar. She's not Shepard or Dovakiin. An analogy I like to use is that if there was a Harry Potter game where you can "Customize your own Harry". That's... I wouldn't say wrong, I just don't agree with it. It's not like she doesn't have a character. For example, in a pre-XIII extraneous reading material, she openly disapproves of Lebreau's revealing outfit. In LR she's completely unfazed by wearing revealing outfits, and even has some lines to go with them. Dat fanservice. Nono. Do not like. Some people do, though, so okay.
The fact that she's not special is also very cool. She didn't have an interesting backstory, she was 'one of those soldiers' ordinary, and then she was thrown into a very awful situation that only showed her what 'cutting herself off' led to. She didn't have an interesting chain of events that led to XIII, she was just thrown in it, and it's just how life rolls. When she was younger, her father died, her mother died. She always had everything decided for her.In XIII that gets worse and she decides to carve out her own fate, only to be subdued by a higher divine power again.
Shecould have not served as Etro's champion, but she saw the future, saw her reflection as the Knight of the Goddess. She could still choose not to serve. She does what has to be done, letting someone else decide her fate again.
In the end, they work together to defeat God with a power he can't understand, and truly carve out a new world where there is no magic and the world(and her essentially) is free.
I like how she got her shit together by herself (though partially by looking at Hope) and is willing to admit her mistakes. She's a decent enough characters it's just the writing is bad in FFXIII and the voice acting is pretty cringy as well (though this partially attributed due to bad writing).
She punches Snow in like her first scene with him.
Controversial Opinion Time #2.Snow is my favorite character, even if not the best written.
Dude, there are people who think Hope is a genuinely good character. Your opinions are mild as HECK
Controversial Opinion Time #2.Snow is my favorite character, even if not the best written.
Dude, there are people who think Hope is a genuinely good character. Your opinions are mild as HECK
I would like Lightning and Hope to rage even more, truth to be told (><)
I'm pretty sure that FF13-2 had something to do with it, though
True, he was much better in XIII-2.
Dude, there are people who think Hope is a genuinely good character. Your opinions are mild as HECK
I don't really think Hope is that bad.Given he's a teenage boy who just saw his mother being gunned down
Certainly better than Shinji Ikari.
Haha, I heard that Nomura was againstHope growing up in XIII-2, and he was so against it he drew a sketch of Adult!Hope just to show them why it wouldn't work out, but it backfired because they liked it.
I don't really think Hope is that bad.Given he's a teenage boy who just saw his mother being gunned down
Certainly better than Shinji Ikari.
I disagree with a lot of Lightning fans for this, though I will not deny that she is extremely, extremely physically attractive and I have fixated all kinds of romantic and carnal desires in my life on her.
I don't really think Hope is that bad.Given he's a teenage boy who just saw his mother being gunned down
Certainly better than Shinji Ikari.
Well him being distraught isn't really surprising. However, his hate against Snow to the point of wanting to kill him was just misguided and never made any sense. No matter how distraught or young he is.
oh naw you didn't!
Shinji is perfect disturbed by reality, couldn't cope with requirements put on him, scared for his life kid. It's psychology by someone who read one Wikipedia article ten years ago on the subject
Corrected your typo.
Hope hasn't been so annoying so far (start of chapter 4). My opinion on him might still change.
I laughed so hard at this, no offense :lol:
The rest of your post I actually agree with so far, but I still don't see why it would grant her a so high popularity because I feel characters like this are pretty common and often better portayed.
Problem is, those are male most of the time and I really have trouble imagining people would analyze her and love her that much if she was male.
It's not just Lightning either, it happens all the time, but I wonder how different some people's opinions about a character would be if they weren't attracted to it.