there was no wikipedia when Shinji was created! (><)
Asahi Shimbun or Yomiuri Shimbun then, mou... ><
there was no wikipedia when Shinji was created! (><)
FFXIII-2, yes. LR, no.Just a quick question,
In XIII I loved the fact all your health came back and no status effects were on you so you could focus on each battle as they came.
Does XIII-2 and LR have this?
I am pretty sure from the demo LR didn't but your only looking after one person so I wouldn't be bothered too much I think.
I think Last remnant did something similar but I think I got stuck somewhere...
What are the best weapons to uprade? 8 just got to the part of the game where you can start spending components to do so but don't want to waste them on the wrong ones.
I checked around online and there are some long ass guides which tell you which weapons are recommended to be upgraded, when to upgrade them and how to upgrade them to get the best benefits out of the materials being used.
I'm in CH6 and haven't upgraded anything yet cause the whole system kinda hurts my head when I was reading about it. I'll have to get myself around it soon I guess.
That's really the flaw with his character up until the end of chapter 7, if you disregard his desire to kill Snow the rest of his character writing made a decent bit of sense considering what any kid who had lost their own mother would feel like.
Thanks. I just read post 5246. He's got some good info.
# Lines starting with "#" are ignored by GeDoSaTo and used to provide documentation
# This is a profile file for ffxiiiimg
## Rendering Resolution
# can't select res in-game so write it here
renderResolution renderResolution 1920x1080@60
#renderResolution renderResolution 1920x1080@60
## Anti Aliasing
# MSAA sample count, default 4, other options: 2, 8
# higher = higher performance impact
MSAASampleCount 4
# Enable coverage sampling (CSAA on NV, EQAA on AMD) if HW supports it
# (improvement for small performance hit)
enableCoverageSampling false
## Shadow Resolution
# 1 = default
# sensible values: 2, 4, 8 (extreme)
# higher numbers = larger performance impact
shadowScale 1
## Required settings, don't change
injectPSHash 1329c9bf
maxScreenshotParallelism -1
forceRenderRes true
#forcePresentRes true
In XIII I loved the fact all your health came back and no status effects were on you so you could focus on each battle as they came.
Help me with using durante's fix on FF13 please. Here's what is in the .ini file of FF13
My laptop runs at 1080p max, so uh how and what do I change so i can get it running at 1080p and with good visuals? As is I left every text structure the same but set shadows to 4, changed the values of the screen size to 1920x1080@60fps
# Lines starting with "#" are ignored by GeDoSaTo and used to provide documentation
# This is a profile file for ffxiiiimg
## Rendering Resolution
# can't select res in-game so write it here
clearRenderResolutions 1920x1080@60
renderResolution renderResolution 1920x1080@60
## Anti Aliasing
# MSAA sample count, default 4, other options: 2, 8
# higher = higher performance impact
MSAASampleCount 4
# Enable coverage sampling (CSAA on NV, EQAA on AMD) if HW supports it
# (improvement for small performance hit)
enableCoverageSampling true
## Shadow Resolution
# 1 = default
# sensible values: 2, 4, 8 (extreme)
# higher numbers = larger performance impact
shadowScale 2
## Required settings, don't change
#injectPSHash 1329c9bf
maxScreenshotParallelism -1
forceRenderRes true
Thanks I'll try those.
My first attempt with the fix yielded the following
1- Battles are 30 FPS and only cutscenes are 60 FPS :/
2- The text shows up 'unclean' like in the images below
3- Shadows are like the following but I think I set them 2?
Best to lock the game to 30 until an actual patch is released. The text is that way for everyone. (I believe) The shadows are a known issue, but again it's just the way they are until a real patch comes.
How do I lock it to 30 FPS please?
How do I lock it to 30 FPS please?
BTW Knurek, I used your settings but set Shadows to 1, and msaa to 2, sadly game runs battles at 20-30 FPS and there are a lot of dips >_>;
I should add I am running the game from my new 3.0 USB ex. harddisk, my laptop is SSD though.
Ah I see, well I'll just wait til Durante puts more work into it then try the game again.
^That causes screen tearing when I do it @_@.
Here's what the page for FF13 looks like.
BTW Knurek, I used your settings but set Shadows to 1, and msaa to 2, sadly game runs battles at 20-30 FPS and there are a lot of dips >_>;
I should add I am running the game from my new 3.0 USB ex. harddisk, my laptop is SSD though.
Let me add, do not forget to also activate the antialiasing fix with Inspector. Helps removing a weird issue with the hair.
It's a good team
Lightning for COM/RAV
Vanille for RAV/MED/SAB
Fang for COM/SYN
balanced out imo
I also liked when she slapped Fang for some reason. We need a buddy movie/game with those two.
This is a negative for me lol. I hate Snow as much as anyone else but Light punching him just shouts "I'm a whiny, immature bitch" to me. Or something.
Fuck you Toriyama.
The higher you go up in resolution, the cleaner 2d elements like text and images become. Also, is your gpu running on max performance? My nvidia card would randomly drop down to desktop level clocks and thus limit my framerate to 30 until I put it to max performance in the nvidia control panelThanks I'll try those.
My first attempt with the fix yielded the following
1- Battles are 30 FPS and only cutscenes are 60 FPS :/
2- The text shows up 'unclean' like in the images below
3- Shadows are like the following but I think I set them 2?
It's funny when people think Light hits people for no reason.
Here's a hint why:Serah
whats your laptop specs ?
Thank you I was totally missing the obvious! /s
(also I was talking about liking the slap, not why she did it)
saw you put "for some reason" so I assumed you didn't know. haha
It's funny when people think Light hits people for no reason.
Here's a hint why:Serah
I can keep 30 FPS, with no issues at 4K. However I find I get stuttering sometimes when there's a camera panning, or going up / down stairs. Anyone have any ideas?
Yeah the phrasing wasn't that clear
Also is anyone else annoyed by how overdesigned everything in this game is? It makes it look so fake or something to me.
I'm already not a fan of the bubblegum-jpop look, but man it looks like they were always searching for ways to blow time and money on everything to the point of making it look stupid.
The scene supposed to celebrate the Pulse/Cocoon war felt especially stupid to me in that regard.
I know why she does it
I still think it's fucking stupid
e: i'm gonna punch my problems away like an adult
The times she punched Snow is because he believed Serah was still alive and to her Serah was dead. She was basically denying Hope after seeing her sister seemingly die. That and this idiot telling her she was still alive pissed her off. "She's not sleeping!" "It's over." "Does she look protected to you?!"
It's not until later that shestarts to believe that Serah is still alive.
I know
So is this game meant to run like shit even at the normal 720p setting? Neither my gpu or cpu are being maxed but I can't keep 60
Welcome to the party.
Force 30 FPS vsync through drivers and run 1080p through GEDOSATO.
Well, that certainly isn't a stupid reason to punch someone in the face.
She was just trying to bring Snow back to reality. Talking him back was just not a possibility. Dude was out of his mind.
The times she punched Snow is because he believed Serah was still alive and to her Serah was dead. She was basically denying Hope after seeing her sister seemingly die. That and this idiot telling her she was still alive pissed her off. "She's not sleeping!" "It's over." "Does she look protected to you?!"
It's not until later that shestarts to believe that Serah is still alive.
I do think it's stupid so how about we just agree to disagree
So I'm on the Palamecia.
How many more hours before the game starts?
So I'm on the Palamecia.
How many more hours before the game starts?
Second time you do this in this thread :lolOk then.![]()
For tougher enemies I was thinking, Rav/Rav/Com first turn, then switch to Com/Sab/Syn for instant turn + charging turn to get appropriate buffs/debuffs, then unleash the pain.
I'm guessing by that you meanthen relatively soon. Once you get off there, there's one more chapter in a dungeon-type dealio, then you're there.Gran Pulse