Wanting to kill Snow isn't even that far fetched, what's really dumb is that Lightning doesn't even try to dissuade him. Like, at all. She's too busy remembering one of the many times she was a bitch to care.
What he admitted to and what actually happened are 2 different things. The game seems to believe Snow was at fault but when analyzing what actually happened, there is nothing to suggest that he is at fault.She tells him that it was. That's more effort that the one Snow deserves. Also regarding his guilt onthe Sanctum that kill her mother, he admit he was at fault too. Case resolved.Hope's mother
Just reached Gran Pulse.
Been grinding dem behemoths.
Are you using GeDoSaTo? If so, I'd love to see some screenshots.
I would upload some 4K screenshots of Gran Pulse if I could find a good site to upload uncompressed images.Are you using GeDoSaTo? If so, I'd love to see some screenshots.
I would upload some 4K screenshots of Gran Pulse if I could find a good site to upload uncompressed images.
I would upload some 4K screenshots of Gran Pulse if I could find a good site to upload uncompressed images.
What he admitted to and what actually happened are 2 different things. The game seems to believe Snow was at fault but when analyzing what actually happened, there is nothing to suggest that he is at fault.
She tells him that it was the Sanctum that kill her mother. That's more effort that the one Snow deserves. Also regarding his guilt on Hope's mother, he admit he was at fault too. Case resolved.
Well the alternative was death anyway. It's not like there was a military strategist providing alternative options. Blaming Snow for something that would have happened anyway makes no sense and some people did make it out. More importantly for the mother, her son Hope made it out alive. Snow gave people an option when there was none.He made poor decisions on the battlefield and people died, his motto is:"Heroes don't need plans", turns out that yes, you need plans or the people that fight on your command might die. That's what happened, he recklessly tried to backflip and grab a missile launcher, because heroes would always grab it right? but he failed, the result? all civilians died with Hope's mother being the direct victim of his failure.
The narrative is faulty, like in 90% of the game, but the game is telling you that talking big is not enough, and when you lead people to fight and die because of poorly made decisions is partially your fault.
Well the alternative was death anyway. It's not like there was a military strategist providing alternative options. Blaming Snow for something that would have happened anyway makes no sense and some people did make it out. More importantly for the mother, Hope made it out alive. Snow gave people an option when before there where none.
Case resolved what? All Snow did was trying to help a group of people who had already given up. And he didn't ask Hope's mom to join them.
Yes, if you click the link then it should be in the thread.
Snow never asked Nora to fight. She chose to because she thought it was the best way to protect Hope. In fact, it was some random guy in the crowd that suggested helping them.He made poor decisions on the battlefield and people died, his motto is:"Heroes don't need plans", turns out that yes, you need plans or the people that fight on your command might die. That's what happened, he recklessly tried to backflip and grab a missile launcher, because heroes would always grab it right? but he failed, the result? all civilians died with Hope's mother being the direct victim of his failure.
The narrative is faulty, like in 90% of the game, but the game is telling you that talking big is not enough, and when you lead people to fight and die because of poorly made decisions is partially your fault.
I still fail to see why we're arguing about whether it's Snow's fault of if the mother chose to go by herself or not or whatever.
It's not really relevant.
Your loved one dies following/protecting a dumb guy believing he's superman, don't tell me you'll shake his hand and take him out for lunch.
At least a part of you will hate his guts for a time, regardless of the facts.
I don't think anyone blames Hope for being upset. He should be upset. The problem is that he was going toThat's also true, he's a kid that saw her mother die and that he'll either will become a crystal or a monster. He's isn't exactly in his best state of mind.
Well put. People like to gloss over the spoilered part.I don't think anyone blames Hope for being upset. He should be upset. The problem is that he was going toThat wouldn't have been justified even if Snow was at fault.murder Snow in cold blood even after Lightning told him "Operation Nora" was over.
turns out that Snow is a reckless man, who thinks that everything will turn out fine because he's a hero, he always talks about saving all people, but in the end, lots of people died he thinks he's a hero and that's is enough.
Your loved one dies following/protecting a dumb guy believing he's superman, don't tell me you'll shake his hand and take him out for lunch.
At least a part of you will hate his guts for a time, regardless of the facts.
I don't think anyone blames Hope for being upset. He should be upset. The problem is that he was going toThat wouldn't have been justified even if Snow was at fault.murder Snow in cold blood even after Lightning told him "Operation Nora" was over.
Sazh wouldn't have been justified either.I still don't see why it's so surprising, especially since Lightning, as someone else put it earlier, enabled him.
Also I don't see anyone blamingfor almost doing the same thing for a moment. The game draws a parallel, it's just than one is more level-headed than the other.Sahz
Are you using GeDoSaTo? If so, I'd love to see some screenshots.
4k downsampled to 1080p
I think I'm just gonna use the steam logo to keep it simple
I think I might just roll with this revised design. I'll just add the name to the spine
I'll have to take some better ones of GP. Only got one and it's a bit crap.
4k downsampled to 1080p
I'm as big a critic of Lightning's actions regarding Snow and Hope as there is, but this just isn't true. She does try to dissuade Hope. She just doesn't try nearly enough and isn't nearly direct enough.Wanting to kill Snow isn't even that far fetched, what's really dumb is that Lightning doesn't even try to dissuade him. Like, at all. She's too busy remembering one of the many times she was a bitch to care.
I'm as big a critic of Lightning's actions regarding Snow and Hope as there is, but this just isn't true. She does try to dissuade Hope. She just doesn't try nearly enough and isn't nearly direct enough.
There is a very large gap in between "shaking his hand and going out to lunch" and "trying to kill him". Hope skipped everything in between and jump straight to "I'm going to murder him".I still fail to see why we're arguing about whether it's Snow's fault of if the mother chose to go by herself or not or whatever.
It's not really relevant.
Your loved one dies following/protecting a dumb guy believing he's superman, don't tell me you'll shake his hand and take him out for lunch.
At least a part of you will hate his guts for a time, regardless of the facts.
Sazh wouldn't have been justified either.On the other hand,One difference though is Sazh actually made the decision not to harm Vanille.Sometimes I wonder if the writers intended it to come off that way, but that's what we're presented with. And I agree that the Sazh/Vanille storyarc was written better than Snow/Hope storyarc.Hope was seconds away from murdering Snow and was only stopped by an explosion.
There is a very large gap in between "shaking his hand and going out to lunch" and "trying to kill him". Hope skipped everything in between and jump straight to "I'm going to murder him".
How could she be more direct, you ask? That's easy.Lightning : "Snow didn't kill your mother,the sanctum"
Hope : "Whose side are you on ?"
Lightning : " The side of truth"
How more direct could she be ?
Hope was far too angry and desperate to think at all...Lightning tried hard to convince about how wrong he is and how she too was driven by anger against snow,unjustly so...
I think you missed the point. I was addressing how people try to justify Hope wanting to murder Snow by using the false dichotomy of "well you expect Hope to get along with Snow after what happened?". It's a false dichotomy because they present only two options when in reality there are far more than that.ummm he wanted to kill him because his mother died..
An eye for an eye..Not saying hope's right in doing so but that's what was happening in his warped mind.
Sazh's moment was so much better than Hope's lol. Best scene in the game.
I don't think anyone blames Hope for being upset. He should be upset. The problem is that he was going toThat wouldn't have been justified even if Snow was at fault.murder Snow in cold blood even after Lightning told him "Operation Nora" was over.
I'm as big a critic of Lightning's actions regarding Snow and Hope as there is, but this just isn't true. She does try to dissuade Hope. She just doesn't try nearly enough and isn't nearly direct enough.
How could she be more direct, you ask? That's easy.
Lightning: "Hope... don't kill Snow. And next time we all see each other, we're all going to talk about what happened."
Lightning knew what Hope was going through and she knew what path he was on. Hell, she set him on that path and encouraged him. So she obviously knew the severity of the situation. Especially since she thought it important enough to try to warn Snow over the phone. And on that note, Lightning is stupid for not saying something earlier when she was standing right next to Snow. Hope's a 14 year old running on pure emotion. Sometimes you have to be completely direct for them to get the point.
Serah broke up with Snow. She loves "someone else" now.
I agree for the most part. I was just addressing the claim that she did absolutely nothing to dissuade him. Facts are important and the facts say that she did as least attempt to dissuade him. Even if it was an incredibly half-assed attempt.How about not giving him a knife she had no reason to part with? How about telling him "don't kill Snow, it's dumb and bad and you'll regret it"?
Let's be honest here, Lightning just stating the obvious about the sanctum and just leaving it at that is just an example of dumb lazy bad writing. He's even shown hesitating a number of times. Lightning just does more to encourage him than to dissuade him.
See, imo, Hope wanting to kill Snow =/= bad writing
The knife, the WAY too many times they had the chance to settle it and being interrupted by explosions and stuff, the game doing all it can to put the bad words in Snow's mouth, Lightning's dumbness about it, and way too many instances I'm too lazy to list = bad writing
The problem lies there imo, not in Hope wanting to kill Snow. I don't get why it's the focus of the complaints. If he pulled aand stopped before doing it would it be better?Sahz
Yeah. They had to pad out the Pulse scenes somehow though! Speaking of which, the should have done what you said and added more event scenes in Pulse. The conversation between Fang and Sazh with the chocobos was random but extremely appreciated and a nice touch.Hope's boss fight should have been an Eidolon boss fight..
It bogles my mind that they missed this obvious window to set up an Eidolon battle.
Instead they forced a cutscene on Pulse.
Someone else=meshit...you are referring to that awful FFX novel right ? X___X
But yeah SE screwed up big timeon never showing a wedding at the end of LR.
They should have went all the way and show Lightning tempted by the idea of Snow getting killed because she feels he's reponsible for what happened to Serah. Would have made more sense with the knife and all (was it planned at some point?)
I guess we could argue it's actually idea but something is missing.
Don't think the spine should cut at the wrist. Bad model photography mistake usually. If you want to go near the wrist, show the hand, or don't go near the wrist at all.
I think this is explicitly in the game.
Happened in lake bresha and the pulse vestige.
Lightning had a deep seated hatred towards snow.He broke up her family(in her opinion) and eventually was inept at protecting serah in time of danger.
now I can play with lightning from the comfort of my bed!
Yeah I know she blames him, I mean during the whole time she's with Hope and gives him the knife. It just feels to me they shied away from showing or alluding she wouldn't have minded if the kid pulled it successfully. Something is missing.
In the end her half assed attempt to discourage him and the knife gift is just that, but it's not shown that way for some reason. Maybe they didn't want to taint their perfect goddess in the making![]()