Passive Assassin
just got
brynhildr. damn. poor sazh.
I don't really get a shit port complaints. I always thought that shitport is when you can't play a game, it crashes, fps drops to unplayable, controls don't work, saves get corrupted, there are gameplay breaking bugs and such.
It surely isn't top notch port, in fact it's as cheap as ports get, perhaps, but in no way it's shitty, so far I had 0 problems with a game itself.
It's certainly not as shitty as Dark Souls 1 was.
No GFWL, proper KB+M support, doesn't crash all that often (5 hours, no crashes for me).
But the performance is terrible, lack of graphic/sound options, bad controller support and most of all, complete lack of any response on Square Enix part are not looking good for FF13's case.
Perhaps they will do so for the 30th anniversary pack for the PS Quatro
Imagine this but in 8GB GDDR glory
Finally beat the game after abandoning it 5 years ago in PS3. It was well worth the ride, and Durante made the experience even better.
Btw, low poly dog first appearance was on FFXIII and then Lightning Returns, i noticed it the other day.
Someone should mod it to make it a playable character.
It's certainly not as shitty as Dark Souls 1 was.
No GFWL, proper KB+M support, doesn't crash all that often (5 hours, no crashes for me).
But the performance is terrible, lack of graphic/sound options, bad controller support and most of all, complete lack of any response on Square Enix part are not looking good for FF13's case.
Btw, low poly dog first appearance was on FFXIII and then Lightning Returns, i noticed it the
other day.
I have no clue what you are talking about, controller works perfectly fine, and performance is not even bad, let alone terrible.
As for response from SE: "please be excited!"
here you got it (><)
I have no clue what you are talking about, controller works perfectly fine, and performance is not even bad, let alone terrible.
As for response from SE: "please be excited!"
here you got it (><)
Read the thread, this port is anything but fine. The performance is garbage even on top end video cards. I even had to go disable some HID devices just so the cutscenes wouldn't stutter every two seconds.
When I watched "the dog" in FF XIII I was shocked, because ti dosn't make sense it looks OK on XIII and that bad on LR, they just had to put it there exactly the same, instead they just....did...that...
I think it clearly has better textures in the XIII version.I don't think its 100% the same.They share the geometry maybe.
But yeah, there are some insanely bad camera close ups in LR on incredibly poor textures and character models.
Me thinks they were using a general "cutscene system" instead of manually creating every scene.Or they just didn't care.
Yeah, that's why is shocking, they had a model with decent texturing and instead they change it to that. My guess is performance reasons, since seems the XIII version uses partially the same hair/fur technique of the characters.
I dunno I think some of LR looks fine. It's just a lot of it isn't and it brings the whole thing down. Like yusnaan looks pretty decent until you see some of the awful textures. It's a shame too, I liked the designs.
Perhaps they will do so for the 30th anniversary pack for the PS Quatro
Imagine this but in 8GB GDDR glory
But knowing Square they will probably only remaster FFIV on the PS4 since they have a hard on in place that game to everything imaginable.
We are actually slowly getting there on PC, we blink and Square puts more FF games on Steam.
Of those remaining, I'd personally like to see Tactics, IX, XII, and XV the most.
XIII-2 and LR are already confirmed, Tactics and VI are essentially guaranteed as they already have mobile ports, and XV is quite likely.
wow you beat the full game in just a week ? That's pretty good there.
Yeah, that's exactly what i thought, i guess they had to rush that game.Btw I think the FFXIII dog is definitely graphically better though.LR has a gimped version I guess.
I have no clue what you are talking about, controller works perfectly fine
Provided you have an XInput compatible device.
If not, game does not use xinput.dll, only some custom Squeenix code - so you can't emulate them using x360 or similar solution.
So, DInput controllers (like my DualShock2 or most of older gamepads) are up the shit creek without a paddle.
I can play on my Logitech gamepad, true. I'd like much rather play on my DualShock 2. No dice here.
Does this game crash for anybody else?
Did you try motionjoy? I use it to play with my Dualshock 2. Works perfectly in every game because it emulates that you have an xbox controller.
Even if it weren't terrible spyware it is, it still wouldn't work with Dualshock 2.
Why? i never had issues with it.
Oh it works, i'm using it.. Also works with the DualShock 3. Never tried the DualShock 4 though.
Why? i never had issues with it.
Oh it works, i'm using it.. Also works with the DualShock 3. Never tried the DualShock 4 though.
Because it is bad. The fact that it works for you doesn't make it less bad. There are other, better solutions to use gamepads on PC that no person that likes their own PC should use motioninjoy.
FFXIII confirmed for ripoff of WolfensteinLooks like the dog is attacking a neo nazi.
I just emulated a keyboard on my DualShock 2, the only thing is that I change R1/L1 to L2/R2, since the support for K&M on the game is pretty decent, it works pretty well.Provided you have an XInput compatible device.
If not, game does not use xinput.dll, only some custom Squeenix code - so you can't emulate them using x360 or similar solution.
So, DInput controllers (like my DualShock2 or most of older gamepads) are up the shit creek without a paddle.
I can play on my Logitech gamepad, true. I'd like much rather play on my DualShock 2. No dice here.
Wait, you can use better ds3 to make a ds2 be recognized as a xbox controller?
LR shouldn't be LR, it should just be another IP in the XIII world.
idk, playing as a new character that is basically showing all the new mythos of their Fabulla Nova Crystallis
New characters are hard.
Well, they managed HD Towns, I'm sure they can find a way =P
I just don't think new characters could've been more interesting than lightning.
Noel,Caius and Yeul were already much weaker than the original cast to me.
Though that Kid was very interestingly executed imo
FFVI is my favorite FF game by far, but the mobile port looks terrible aesthetically, to the point where it it almost an insult to the original.
yes: the battle rank influence Loot?
Noel,Caius and Yeul were already much weaker than the original cast to me.
Really liked those 3 personally, especially Noel.
Really liked those 3 personally, especially Noel.
that sequence where you go through Noel's memories is the best thing in the trilogy.
that sequence where you go through Noel's memories is the best thing in the trilogy.