God, I wish I was Snow.
Yes, I do.you want to kiss yourself?
That Odin probably gave me my fastest Game Over screen yet (That's Dark Souls level of difficulty >.>)
Loved that battle. But why does the game expect me to last like, 25mins fighting Odin? Can the battle even last that long (wouldn't doom end it faster)?
Ohhh nooooo
I was messing around with the controller and I ended up deleting my save file.
Oh noooo X_X, my other save is like, Snow in Chapter 1 D=
Anyone has a save file from right after Odin? =P (Start of chapter 4)
I can't believe what I just did.
holy cow....
This sucks.
Well, I just reached Lake Bresha again.
at least a lot of the time was just skipable cutscenes.... D=
I hate myself.
Did you skip the hanging edge/vestige fights???
you probably have no shrouds LOLOLOLOLOLO
oh no, I just went in a straight line for lake bresha, I got all the items and fought all the enemies.
I have like, 3 shrouds, which is the same amount I had before.
I should be grinding there? I didn't even know enemies respawn in that area.
cool..don't worry about it
Man..the fuckingfight in ch11 was such a pain in the ass. Took me like 10 tries to do it but I finally figured it out.Vanille Eidolonworked..and just barely. No other combo came even remotely close for me.SAB/SEN and MED/MED
The last time I had my ass kicked so many times was probably in dark souls.
Square plz.
Its great the game is on the PC, I loved my time with it on the ps3, especially the battle system. Only problem is I have to play the game in windowed mode because the game is locked at 1280x720 and so when I go fullscreen my tv shows a black screen and an out of range message. Its really irritating. Anyone have a fix for this? The durante fix worked but The game started running really slowly then, making it near unplayable. Is there anyway to just change the resolution without any other graphics upscaling?
Its great the game is on the PC, I loved my time with it on the ps3, especially the battle system. Only problem is I have to play the game in windowed mode because the game is locked at 1280x720 and so when I go fullscreen my tv shows a black screen and an out of range message. Its really irritating. Anyone have a fix for this? The durante fix worked but The game started running really slowly then, making it near unplayable. Is there anyway to just change the resolution without any other graphics upscaling?
That's pretty awesome, I wish I can see how the sword fully looks on the back of the cover but the pose and her cape floating is perfect
I think the game wants you to do 1-16 as it will start pushing you in the direction of the story with 17.These Cie'th missions are getting harder, i'm averaging 3 stars, feels like i'm missing some good loot.
How many should i do before moving on with the story?
Also for anyone having trouble finding the missions, this map helped me a lot.
These Cie'th missions are getting harder, i'm averaging 3 stars, feels like i'm missing some good loot.
How many should i do before moving on with the story?
Also for anyone having trouble finding the missions, this map helped me a lot.
I think the game wants you to do 1-16 as it will start pushing you in the direction of the story with 17.
Just do the missions in numerical order, and the mission progression will take you along the same path as the story progression. That will also give you all the XP you need to take on the rest of Chapter 11. Going straight into the next area without doing enough "side" stuff will result in a pretty severe difficulty spike.
yeah if i was psicom id be afraid too of a person looking that drunk as fang
needs to lay off the materia cocktails
That's a interesting very assumption btw.
The first scene we ever see fang in the game she's drinking.
She probably has very high tolerance for alcohol.
Oh fang...She really needs her own game.
Fang Returns would single-handedly save the Japanese gaming industry.
She probably has very high tolerance for alcohol.
Yuna, Rikku and high school lulu?After these ports we need FFXIII-4, centered around everyone's favorite trio of alcoholic lesbians.
Fang is going into my party. She is the strongest character in the game.
You really need Fang for that battle for her sentinel role and her slow. Towards the end, try and keep Fang in SEN as much as possible. Also have Vanille and make sure she has dispel in her SAB role.
She's objectively the best party leader. She's a beast.
Fang is going into my party. She is the strongest character in the game.
In the main configuration file manually set your resolution, then in the Final Fantasy 13 config set the resolution to 1280x720 and it should work without issue. (edit) Of GeDoSaTo that is.
I wish the dog could join my party
Yes we know about this problem since release day and they haven't patched it yet (and I'm starting to wonder if they will ever patch it)... it's quite disappointing to be honest. I was excited to be able to play this beautiful game again on PC but I just can't even get steady 30+ fps.Square Enix, please:
You're not using even half of my system's resources, yet you fucking can't even sustain 30 fps with your game. Something's seriously wrong with your engine's resource manager - constant stutter with such low system usage just shouldn't happen.
I have the game on an SSD drive, using XInput compatible gamepad, and yet, judder all around, including fucking movie cutscenes and music playback!
god it is so annoying watching lightning losing her temper and punching snow like a little kid.